湘鲁版2020五年级英语上册unit9 merry christmas!

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1、 【章节训练】Unit 9 Merry Christmas!一选择题(共20小题,满分48分,每小题2.4分)1选出不同类的一项()AfoodBpeanutsCsweets2Lets sing _()AsongBa songsCsongs3选出下列单词中不同类的一项()AsweetsBpresentCmerry4Today is December 24 Christmas _()Ais comingBcomesCcome5I got_ presents at Christmas()Alots ofBlot ofCa lots of6你想和朋友说圣诞快乐!,应说:_()AHappy Christ

2、mas!BMerry Christmas!7Its fun _ with my toys()AplayBplayedCto play8Does Daming eat peanuts at Christmas?_()AYes, he doesntBNo, he doesntCNo, he does9_the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner()AOnBIn10Here is your present _()AThank you!BGive you!COf course!11I asked my sister _send it()AtoBfo

3、rCfrom12chopstick()A筷子B勺子C叉13Ch stmas (圣诞节)()AriBraCru14Tom问你什么是春节时,应说:_()AWhat is Christmas?BWhat is the Spring Festival?15white()A什么B白色C黑色16fold()A打开B折叠C夹住17 do you do on Christmas Day?()AWhoBWhereCWhat18paste()A粘贴B剪C合住19Tomorrow we are going to _the Christmas tree()Aput aboutBput offCput up20当你想送

4、别人一件礼物时,应说:_()AGive me a presentBHeres a present for you二填空题(共10小题,满分24分,每小题2.4分)21S 22g 23A: Sam (1) B: Thank youA:(2) A We are going to have a big family dinnerB: Merry Christmas! B Merry Christmas!A:(3) C What are you going to do at Christmas?B: (4) D Here is a presentA: It must be very interesti

5、ngB: Yes24 (do) Daming eat sweets at the Spring Festival?25bought open give invite ate1Here is a boxLets it2Please me a penI want to write a card3My mother me some gifts yesterday4I want to my grandma to my home5Danny rice for lunch yesterday26Santa is a kind man 27选词填空(1) Does Linging like Christma

6、s?A Ten(2) What do you do at Christmas?B I buy a Christmas tree(3) How many presents do you have?C Yes, she does(4) Is Christmas coming?D Yes, they do(5) Do your parents give you any presents?E Yes Tomorrow is Christmas28A:What are you doing?B:(1) A:Can you tell me something about Christmas?B:(2) on

7、 Christmas morning,We open our giftsSanta Claus puts gifts under the Christmas treeA:(3) B:Santa Claus is a kind man and he loves ChildrenA:HaHa(4) AThats funnyBIm making a Christmas cardCChristmas is a big holidayDWho is Santa Claus?29What do we do in Christmas?We 30ADear Jenny,BWe wish you a merry

8、 Christmas!CMy family is getting ready for theChristmas holidayYesterday we helped my mother put up the Christmas treeTomorrow we are going to buy Christmas gifts and some foodDDecember 23EWrite soon,Lily1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 三阅读理解(共1小题,满分2.4分,每小题2.4分)31Do you play sports?Well,I play sports every dayI play

9、 computer gamesIts interestingI play basketball every dayI think it is funI dont play volleyballIts difficult (困难的)I dont watch TVI think its boring (令人厌倦的)I do morning exercises every dayIts good for my health(健康)阅读短文,将栏中的词和I栏中的事物对应起来I1computer gameAboring2do morning exercisesBfun3volleyballCintere

10、sting4basketballDdifficult5watch TVEgood for health四书面表达(共1小题,满分2.4分,每小题2.4分)32以Christmas为题,写一篇作文,介绍一下圣诞节(不少于40个词) 五句型转换(共3小题,满分7.2分,每小题2.4分)33We eat sweets at Christmas (对划线部分提问) 34We like Christmas (变一般疑问句) 35She has many presents at the Spring Festival(改为否定句) 六排序(共1小题,满分2.4分,每小题2.4分)36 We are goi

11、ng to have a big family dinner at Christmas What are you going to do at Christmas? Where are you going to have dinner? We are going to Hainan Good! It must be very interesting!七判断(共5小题,满分13.6分)37We give presents 38We have a Christmas tree 39We eat peanuts and sweets 40We sing songs 41We eat lots of

12、food 【章节训练】Unit 9 Merry Christmas!-1参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共20小题,满分48分,每小题2.4分)1选出不同类的一项()AfoodBpeanutsCsweets【分析】A食物;B花生;C糖果【解答】考查类别分类根据A食物;B花生;C糖果,B、C是具体吃的食物,A是总称所以A不是一类的故选:A【点评】掌握词义和词类,是解题关键2Lets sing _()AsongBa songsCsongs【分析】让我们唱歌吧【解答】本题考查可数名词及其单复数song歌,单数名词,要用不定冠词a修饰;a songs 语法有误,应为a song;songs 歌曲,名词复数

13、;sing songs唱歌(多首),sing a song唱一首歌;题意为让我们唱歌吧故选:C【点评】平时多积累单词和重要语法3选出下列单词中不同类的一项()AsweetsBpresentCmerry【分析】sweets糖果;present礼物;merry愉快的【解答】本题考查词性分类sweets糖果;present礼物;merry愉快的;AB是名词;C是形容词故选:C【点评】掌握常用英语词汇,特别是单词的含义及词性4Today is December 24 Christmas _()Ais comingBcomesCcome【分析】今天是十二月二十四号圣诞节即将来临【解答】本题考查现在进行时i



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