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1、外研版五年级英语上模块6测试卷1选出不同类型的单词,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。(每小题2分,共20分)(1)A. healthy B. past C. fine(2)A. good B. fantastic C. first(3)A. well B. team C. group(4)A. think B. fast C. slow(5)A. really B. catch C. pass(6)A. jump B. run C. far(7)A. computer B. sing C. dance(8)A. piano B. basketball C. football(9)A. fan B.

2、 speak C. goalkeeper(10)A.ran B. took C. play2Can Leo jump high?_.A. Yes, I can B. Yes, he can C. No, I cant3Can you catch the ball well?_.A. Yes, I think I can do that wellB. Yes, it isC. Yes, I am4Mary is good at singing in our class._.A. Yes, I am B. Yes, she is C. No, she cant5Can you speak Engl

3、ish well?_.A. No, I cant B. Yes, I was C. Yes, I do6Can you pass the football?_.A. No, I dont B. Not very well C. Thank you7You can play the piano well, Betty._.A. Thank you B. Yes, she can C. Sorry 8_?Yes, I do. But I dont play well.A. Can you jump highB. Is this crayon AmysC. Do you want to be in

4、our basketball team9Can your father run fast?He ran fast in the past, but now he is _ .A. high B. well C. slow10You are good _ swimming. Do you want to be _ our school swimming team?Yes, I do.A. at, in B. for, on C. at, of 11_ you play computer games?Yes. Now many children play computer games at the

5、 weekend.A. Are B. Can C. /12请根据句意提示,从方框中选出合适的单词,并填写在四线格上。每空仅限一词。(每小题2分,共20分)(1)Its raining now, so we go out to play football.(2)In the my aunt jumped really high.(3)Dick can pass the ball .(4)Yao Ming is very good basketball in China.(5)My brother can run .(6)Jim likes singing a lot. He sings well

6、.You are right.(7)Mike likes playing basketball very much. He wants to be our school basketball . (8)I catch the ball well. I I can be a fantastic goalkeeper. (9)I like fruit and vegetables a lot. Theyre for us. (10)Theres no homework for you this weekend. I hope you are keeping well and have a week

7、end!13根据标点符号连词成句,注意大小写的变化。(每小题3分,共15分)(1)you, basketball, can, play ( ? )(2)fast, he, run, can ( ? )(3)well, the, pass, you, ball, can ( ? )(4)jump, can, high, you, really( . )(5)well, the, catch, really, you, ball, can( . )14补全对话。从方框中选出合适的句子,将其抄写在下面相应的四线格内,使对话意思连贯、完整。其中有一项是多余的。(每小题3分,共15分)A:(1)B: G

8、ood morning.A: Can you play basketball?B:(2)A: OK! Do you like basketball?B: Yes, I do. I often play basketball after school.A:(3)B: Yes, of course.A: Are you good at passing the ball?B:(4)A: I think you can do it very well.B:(5)15阅读理解。根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)Im Kate. Our class will ha

9、ve a Class Party this weekend. I sing very badly, but I can dance very well. I will dance at the party. Mary cant dance at all. But she can sing really well. Amy can sing well, too. They will sing at the party. Sam cant act out a play at all. But he can say a chant well. He will say a chant at the p

10、arty. Amy, Jack, Helen and Lily can act out a play. They will act out a play at the party.(1)Amy can _ at the Class Party.A. sing B. dance C. act out a play(2)Sam can _ at the Class Party.A. act out a play B. say a chant C. sing(3)Can Mary dance?A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant. C. No, she isnt.(4)Kate can _ this weekend.A. sing B. dance C. say a chant (5)Amy _ sing well with Mary.A. cant B. can C. doesnt本卷由系统自动生成,请仔细校对后使用,答案仅供参考。参考答案1【解析】2【解析】3【解析】4【解析】5【解析】6【解析】7【解析】8【解析】9【解析】10【解析】11【解析】12【解析】13【解析】14【解析】15【解析】答案第1页,总1页


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