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1、Part A Lets talk swimming singing listening to music watching TV playing chess playing football playing the pipa climbing mountains Team work: ask and answer one by one. 活动1:小组合作,句子接龙。 What are your hobbies? I like _and _. They are in New Zealand now. They live on a farm. What are their(他们的 ) hobbie

2、s? They like playing football and going boating. What are their hobbies? What are his hobbies? He likes singing and dancing. She likes swimming. What are Duoduos hobbies? He likes singing. What are Joes hobbies? Cao Ge is going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”. 茉莉花 教 What is his hobby?

3、 He likes reading stories to Feynman. reading stories to the cows.Thats interesting.(有 趣的) What are _s hobbies? He/She likes _and _. Feynman Feynman 多多 多多 杨阳洋 杨阳洋 likelikes (第三人称单数形式) I _ singing and dancing. You_ swimming and reading books. We _ playing football. He/She/ It _ doing kung fu. They _

4、running and shopping. like like like like likes 一般现在时,主语是三单,动词用三单形式。 主语是非三单,动词用原形。 They have a good time in New Zealand. I like writing emails, I have a pen pal, his name is Peter. He is from New Zealand, too. He lives on a farm. 新西兰 居住 笔友 Lisen and then write T or F. 活动2:听录音,判断对错。 ( )Peter likes ba

5、sketball. ( )Peter isnt tall. T F What are Peters hobbies? Peter likes Watch the video, then finish the mind map. 活动3:看录像,完成思维导图。 Whats Peters hobbies? reading stories swimming singing Peter likes reads to the cows. teach him theChinese song “Jasmine Flower” doing kung fu What are Zhang Pengs hobbie

6、s? What is Zhang Peng going to do? He likes singing. He is going to teach Peter the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”. Oliver: What are Peters hobbies? Zhang Peng: He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows! Oliver: Thats interesting. Zhang Peng: He likes doing kung

7、fu and swimming. Oliver: Really? Me too! Zhang Peng: He also likes singing. Oliver: Oh, you like singing, too. Zhang Peng: Yes. Im going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”! Oliver: Good idea! Team work: read in groups 活动4:小组合作,用自己喜欢的方式朗读课文。 表示“也”的意思, 用在句子中间 表示“也”的意思, 用在句末 What are hobbie

8、s? He likes He lives.so. He likesand He also likes. Im going to . Retell( 复述) Singing, singing , Peter likes singing. Dancing, dancing, Peter likes dancing. Swimming, swimming, Peter likes swimming. Doing, doing, Peter likes doing kung fu. Reading, reading, Peter likes reading stories Lets chant: Ta

9、lk about your best friends hobbies. 活动5:两人一组,创编对话,谈论自己的朋友 。 .Friendship is important .友 谊很重要。 .A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交 。 .We should help each other and share with each other. 我们应该互相帮助和分享彼 此。 My Familys Hobbies I have a happy family, There are 4 people in my Family. Look! This is my

10、 father, he likes_ and _. Thats interesting! My mother likes_ and _. My sister likes_ and_. I like_, _ and _. I love my family! Tell something about the hobbies in your family: 活动6:小组合作,互相介绍家庭成员的爱好。 一、选择填空。 ( )1. Amy _ playing the piano. A. likes B. like C. is like ( )2. They _ like playing chess. A

11、. too B. also C. either ( )3. I live _ a farm. A. with B. in C. on ( )4. Im going to teach _the Chinese song. A. she B. her C. his ( )5. _ you _ football this afternoon? A. Do, play B. Are, playing C. Are, going to play A B C B C Exercises: 二、结合句子,写出单词。 1.I like _(看) comic books. 2. _(跳舞) is my moth

12、ers hobby. 3Can the boy _(打)kung fu now? 三、连词成句 Johns, what, hobbies, are(?) _ the cows, sometimes, also, reads, to ,he(.) _ reading Dancing do What are Johns hobbies? Sometimes he also reads to the cows. Homework: 1. Listen and read the dialogue fluently. 听录音读通对话 . Write something about your best friend. . Look for more phrases about hobbies. (选做) GOODBYE!



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