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1、英汉翻译入门I. Introduction 引言1. Definition of Translation 翻译之定义 七定义Translating is the art of composing a work in another language without losing its original flavor.-Columbia EncyclopediaTranslating is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual in another language.-J.C.Cart

2、ford 2. Criteria of Translation 翻译之标准The most popular and acclaimed criterion was the three characters as faithfulness ,expressiveness, and elegance or refinement raised by Yan Fu.译书自以能存真为第一要义最好一面极力求不失愿意,一面要译文流畅。-郑振铎duo译者不但要求达意,并且要以传神为目的,译文必须忠于原文之字神句气与言外之意。-林语堂3. Is Translation Easy? He is easily th

3、e best student in the class. 他绝对/无疑是班上最好的学生。I cant agree more. 我完全同意。劳累-hard labor 苦工-hard workDo you have a family? 你有孩子了吗?4. Literal Translation vs. Liberal TranslationWasted and withering years 蹉跎岁月Just to reap easy-to-reach profit 坐收近水楼台之利He bent solely upon profit 他这个人唯利是图。It indeed makes a goo

4、d story.真是无巧不成书。She is in love with him.她暗恋他。Commit no nuisance.禁止在此小便。I cant help it.我没辙,没法。I found myself at the foot of a hill.我发现自己来到了一座小山脚。People want to buy more birds than I have.人们想买光我所有的鸟。岂有此理。This is outrageous.不要嫁祸于人。Dont shift the misfortune onto another.趣味横生。Full of wit and interest.他这个

5、人从来不管什么三七二十一。He is a person always casting all caution to the winds.5. Translatability比赛中我们赢了对手。We beat/defeat our rival in the contest.教师答应她请假三天。The teacher agreed she could have three days leave.他想要一台冰箱,但他目前没有钱买。He wants a refrigerator, but he cant afford one at present.身体不好,年轻人就不能担当起这一任务。If in po

6、or health, youth can hardly shoulder this task.人民犯了法,也要受处罚,也要坐班房,也有死刑。Anyone who breaks the law, they too should be punished, imprisoned, or even sentenced to death.她满意地走了。She went away satisfy/satisfied.听了这个故事,他心里很不舒服。After hearing the story, he felt uncomfortable.This is the official kind of strik

7、e.这是装模作样的罢工。He carries his age astonishingly well.他举止老道,言谈成熟。We cannot possibly forget it. 我们无论如何也不会忘记。She found her tongue with difficulty.她能很费劲地说话了。I am a little under the weather.我有点儿不舒服。What shall I go in? 我该参加什么?The photo flatters her. 她很适合照相。It will get you nowhere.你这样是行不通的。This is a silly arg

8、ument in the wake of history.这是历史长河中的一次愚蠢争论。He is all there as a teacher.他是个头脑清醒的教师。Next to wife, good wife is best.再论老婆,贤妻最好。The “privacy of indifference” rang a bell somewhere.“无关紧要之隐私”这句话,似曾在哪里听到过。The English house does not shout its presence. 英国的名门望族不喜好大肆张扬。6. Basic Differences between English a

9、nd Chinese他在会上尽谈些性解放一类的话。He prated about sex liberation at the meeting.怕什么?敌人是骂不倒我们的。What are you afraid of? No amount of abuse can defeat us.他每天风里来雨里去,一年到头忙忙碌碌。Rain or shine, he is busy all the year round.面对敌人的刺刀,他脸不改色心不跳。He doesnt show the slightest panic/fear and his heart does not even beat any

10、faster.Chapter Two Disparity between “Corresponding Words” in English and ChineseSection One Semantic Range and Classification(义域和分类)词是任何语言的基本意义单元。任何种类的翻译说到底也就是词的翻译。每个词译好了,就可以说,每句话都译好了,甚至,整个语篇都译好了。但许多词的翻译绝非“照搬字典”那么简单。源语词汇之意能否在目的语中找到准确、贴切的相应的词汇表达是实现“忠实、通顺”的第一步,也是翻译成功与否之关键。马克吐温曾说过:正确的词和几乎正确的词之间的差别实在不是

11、一件小事-这是萤火虫和闪电之间的差别。乔纳森斯威夫特也说过:合适的词用在合适的地方就是风格的真正定义。词汇中既有实词也有功能词。词汇的产生和形成是随意的。沙翁写到:Whats in a name? 名字里有什么?That which we call a rose我们称之为玫瑰的花,By any other name would smell as sweet即使不叫玫瑰,依然散发芳香。荀子也说过:P-35 名乃约定俗成。所以两种语言的名,即,词汇,不可能是一一完全对应的,所谓对应词大致有如下一些关系。1英、汉语中有许多基本对应的词P-35. 但经常会有下述情况A:英语义域宽:uncle,aunt

12、,brother,sister,rice cousin,river,piece,diet,forgiving,glisten,boating B:汉语义域宽:山,粮食,故事,国家,打,美,好,牧师(教士)2.也有一些互相没有对应的词:牛、羊、笔、缘、风水、radar,VCD等3.一词多义(译)和多词同义现象:1 rose(p36),trunk(37),cut(P43),send(P44),secretaryHave an open hand 大方 throw up ones hand 认输 play a lone hand 单枪匹马地干 set ones hand to 着手 lay hand

13、s on 找到,伤害 live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口There was no joke on his face.他脸上一点也看不出开玩笑的意思。He owed his popularity to his simplicity. 他之所以人缘好,完全归功于他为人坦率诚恳。He finally fled into the cold sharp clarity of the night.最后他躲进了清冷的夜色,头脑立刻清醒下来。She curled into the downy softness of the bed and drifted into sweet obliv

14、ion. 她蜷缩着钻进床上柔软的鸭绒被里去美滋滋地享受,忘掉这一切。Ill send you a book.我会给你寄本书。The goods will be sent through the rail.货物将通过铁路运送。Who sent you here?谁派你到这儿来的?The company sent a car to the airport to pick me up.公司派了一辆车到机场接我。Youd better send him to bed and send for the doctor.你最好让他躺在床上,再叫人去请医生。Your sister sends you her

15、love.你姐姐(妹妹)向你问候。You are welcome to send for our free catalogue.欢迎索要免费的产品目录。He gave me a new dictionary.他送了我一本新字典。Who takes the younger brother to kindergarten in the morning?早上谁送弟弟上幼儿园?Did the postman deliver mail today? 邮递员今天送过信了吗?Please see this lady home.请你送这位小姐回家。“See the visitor out!”The manager said to me.


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