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1、 姓名 班级_ 座位号 装订线内不要答题 2016-2017学年第二学期期末测试卷 六年级下册 英语 译林版(三起) Listening Part(听力部分)一、听辨单词 (共5分) 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。每个句子读两遍。( ) 1. A. litter B. little C. letter( ) 2. A. waste B. wait C. wake ( ) 3. A. project B. pest C. poster ( ) 4. A. well B. wearC. where ( ) 5. A. rubbish B. rabbits C.

2、 rubbers二、听句排序 (共5分)听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片排顺序。每个句子读两遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听选应答 (共5分)听录音,选出最佳应答语。每个句子读两遍。( ) 1. A. Its Thursday.B. Its 10th September. C. Its Childrens Day.( ) 2. A. I got a present. B. I lost my lunch box. C. I saw a nice film.( ) 3. A. Well done! B. Be careful. C. Wow, thats interesting

3、. ( ) 4. A. Thats OK. B Im sorry. C. What a pity!( ) 5. A. We had a party. B. Were having a party. C. Were going to have a party. Writing Part (笔试部分)四、判断下面划线部分读音是否相同,相同的用S,不同的用D。(5分)( )1 mean head ( )2 bird skirt ( )3 would touch( )4 litter brother ( )5 sign sing 五、选择填空。(共10分)( ) 1. There _ a ruler

4、and some pens in the pencil-box. A. is B. are C. has( ) 2. Look, Su Hai is _ in the playground. A. runing B. running C.run( ) 3. I like _ table tennis on Sundays. A. play B. plays C. playing( ) 4. Look, there are _ many people in this zoo! A. very B. more C. so( ) 5. Jims family _ not at home yester

5、day. They went to the park. A.were B. are C. was( ) 6. Nancy is _ a dancing lesson now. She _ Chinese dances every Friday afternoon.A. having, learns B. having, learn C. has, learning( ) 7. There _ an English lesson tomorrow morning. A. has B. will have C. will be( ) 8. Are you from _? A. different

6、country B. different countries C. the same countries( ) 9. Do you speak _? A. Japanese B. Japan C. China( ) 10.Theres a football game _ half past four.A. in B. on C. at六、选择括号中适当的词填入横线上(13分)。1. Mary is a _ girl, and she often dances _. (beautiful)2. Can you help _ take it off? (I )3. They like _ to m

7、usic. (listen)4. We should eat more vegetables to keep _.(health)5. Im _a film this weekend. (watch)6. Its time _ (have ) lunch.7. There _(be) three_(box) on the table just now.8. Listen! The girl _ (play) the piano. She_ (play) it every afternoon.9. We will not _(make) cakes tomorrow.10. Miss Li_(b

8、uy) some flowers last Sunday.七、根据句意填入适当的单词,每空填一个单词。(共 15分)1.你要去哪里度假? Where _ you go _ the _?2.我要在伦敦待两周。I _ going to_ in London _ two _.3.我想成为一名旅行家并且环游世界。I want to _ a _ and travel _ the world.4.你想要点喝的吗?Would you like _to _?5.他早饭经常吃一些面包喝些牛奶。He often_ some bread and milk _ _.八、完形填空。(10分)Last Sunday af

9、ternoon. I 1 in a bookshop. I wanted to buy a book 2 animals. Suddenly I saw a short man behind me. He 3 away my purse and ran 4 the shop. A policeman came to help 5 .He ran 6 the street and turned left at the 7_ crossing .He ran 8 than the thief. Soon he caught the thief and 9 my purse 10 .( ) 1、A.

10、 is B. am C. was D. were( ) 2、A. about B. of C. f or D.( ) 3、A. took B. is take C. was take D. take( ) 4、A. into B. in C. out of D. near ( ) 5、A.I B. me C. mine D. he( ) 6、A. along B. a long C. D. away( ) 7、A.three B.two C.third D. thirsty ( ) 8、A. slow B. slower C. faster D. fast( ) 9、A. take B. ha

11、ve C. get D. got( ) 10、A. back B. away C. on D. off九、阅读理解。(20分)A.读短文,并判断对错,对的打 ,错的打错Its Sunday morning. Its very sunny. Mr Brown, Mrs Brown and their son, a little boy are at a camping site. Its near a lake. They have a tent and some blankets. Mrs Brown has a box. There are some tins in it. Mr Brown

12、 has a bag. There are some fruit in it. They are sitting on the blankets and having their lunch. But the little boy is fishing near the lake. They are very happy.( )1. They camping site is near the hill. ( )2. There are some blankets near the lake. ( )3. There are some fruit in Mr Browns box. ( )4. The little boy is fishing near the lake.


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