三年级下册英语教案Unit 4Where’s the bird译林版三起

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1、英语(三年级下册)Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Story timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说beautiful, tree, bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair。2. 能听懂、会读、会说Wheres ? Its in/on/behind/under ,并进行简单问答。3. 能正确地理解并朗读课文。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficu

2、lty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读课文。教学难点:能准确认读单词beautiful, behind和chair,能初步运用Wheres ?和Its in/on/问答。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting & Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Lisa.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.2. Say a rhymeT: Do you like rhymes? First lets say a rhyme In

3、my classroom I can see. (播放儿歌一遍。)【设计意图:通过儿歌活跃课堂气氛,为引出课文部分的故事背景做铺垫。】3. Talk about things in the classroomT: What can you see in the classroom?S: I can see T: (板书desk/chair/blackboard/clock/window/door/)T: Desk/Chair.S: Desk/Chair. (集体朗读)T: Where is your desk/chair?S: This is my desk./This is my chair

4、./Here is my desk./Here is my chair.【设计意图:通过谈论教室内所见物品,学习新词汇。】Step 2 Story time1. Look and learnT: Look, what can you see in Mikes classroom? (PPT呈现图片)S: A bird.T: Yes, a bird. (PPT呈现单词) How is the bird?S: The bird is nice/pretty/beautiful/ (老师板书)T: So what do they say when they see a bird?S1: How ni

5、ce!S2: How beautiful!S3: Its nice!S4: T: Now lets listen. (PPT播放录音)S: (全班跟读)【设计意图:通过看图学习新词汇,了解故事主要角色及背景。】2. Look and sayT: The bird is flying in the classroom. Its flying here and there. Where is the bird? Read after me.S: Where is the bird? (集体跟读)T: Where is the bird? Please talk about the pictures

6、 and learn from each other.S: Its on/ (四人小组自学)T: Where is the bird?S1: Its on the chair.S2: Its in the tree.S3: Its in the desk.S4: Its under the desk.S5: Its behind the door.T: on/in/under/behind the (PPT呈现短语)S: on/in/under/behind the (跟读短语)T: Here is a chant. Lets read it together. (PPT呈现)S: Where

7、, where, wheres the bird?On, on, its on the chair.Where, where, wheres the bird?In, in, its in the tree.T: Can you make a similar chant?S: (同桌说一说。)S1: Where, where, wheres the bird? Under, under, its under the desk.S2: Where, where, wheres the bird? Behind, behind, its behind the door.S3: 【设计意图:利用学生

8、学习能力的差异性,小组讨论图片学习新词汇,并通过儿歌巩固。】3. Listen and numberT: Where is the bird? Now lets listen to the story and number the pictures.S: (看动画并排序)T: Where is the bird first?S1: Its under the desk.T: Then S2: Its behind the door.T: Next S3: Its on the chair.T: Then S4: Its in the desk.T: Finally S5: Its in the

9、 tree.T: Good job! Now lets review together. Where is the bird?First Then Next Then Finally S: Its under/behind/on/in/in 【设计意图:通过观看动画排序了解故事发展的过程,并通过老师的引导复述主要内容。】4. Watch and readT: Now lets read the whole story.S: (全班跟读)T: Now lets read in roles in a group.S: (小组内分角色朗读。)【设计意图:通过齐读和分角色朗读复习巩固课文内容。】Ste

10、p 3 Enjoy the songT: Here is a song about birds. Lets enjoy it.(播放歌曲Wheres the bird?)T: Birds are our good friends. We should protect them.【设计意图:通过欣赏歌曲,进行情感提升,也为下节课学习歌曲做铺垫。】Homework 家庭作业1. 听磁带,读故事3遍。2. 用in/on/under/behind说说身边物品的位置。3. 你还知道哪些表示方位的介词?Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学PPT板书设计: Unit 4 Wher

11、es the bird in the desk/door. Where is the bird? Its on the chair/window. under the blackboard. behindthe clock. 说课在本节课的导入部分,以歌曲In my classroom I can see导入问题What can you see in the Classroom?来学习教室内常见物品的单词,同时也揭示课文故事发生的背景。 接下来,由教室内常见的物品转而聚焦到课文部分出现在教室的主要角色a bird,然后通过呈现bird在教室里的图片,引导学生学会用方位介词介绍它的位置。因为学生

12、在上个单元Cartoon time和Rhyme time对wheres 句型和常用介词in/on/beside有了解,而且部分学生有课外英语学习的积累,所以以小组合作的方式先进行互助互学,然后在集体反馈的时候,教师再重点突破个别新词under和behind音和义的理解与运用。课文学习部分,在已经理解图片意义并能初步表达的基础上,让学生通过听录音排序的方式,关注故事发展的进程,也进一步检测学生是否能将方位介词的发音与其实际意义相匹配,掌握词汇的音形义。在听录音后的反馈阶段,也由个人反馈到集体复述,让学生不断地熟练表达。课文朗读部分,先齐读再分角色读,让学生通过不同形式进行练习。课文学习后,围绕本单元主题family,欣赏了Song time歌曲,提醒学生小鸟是人类的朋友,情感升华的同时,也为学生下一节课的学习做铺垫。作业的布置也考虑到了从课内知识的复习巩固到课外知识的拓展延伸,培养学生听读能力的同时发展学生的综合语用能力和自学能力。特别分享:培养学生看图表达的能力。培养学生小组合作学习的意识和能力。关注学生的情感体验。



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