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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 汉语网络词语的潜规划研究 姓名:肖永贺 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:李素琼 20080604 Descriptive Chinese Abstract i 摘 要 语言作为人类最重要的信息和交际载体对人类社会的发展具有不可忽视的作用。 为了解决信息交流和人际沟通的问题,需要确立语言的规范,进行语文规划工作。 一般来说, 语文规划指国家及其专门机构为了对语言进行管理而进行的各种工作, 它包括语言的选择和规范化、文字的创制和改革、语言文字的复兴等具体问题。国家 和社会通过制定一定的语言政策来决定或影响语言的存在和发展。但近来也有学者指 出社会

2、中存在着语言潜规划,即语文规划政策的制定者也可以为社会中的自然个人。 他们通过自身的力量创造、传播某种特定的语言,使该语言现象得到社会的认可并最 终被国家语文规划权威机构承认。 由于中国的特殊国情,特别是在信息不断发展的今天,各种新的语言现象,尤其 是网络词语的出现与发展,给汉语言的语文规划工作带来了很多新问题。为了应对网 络词语对汉语言的挑战,本文选取网络词语为研究对象,以社会语言学语文规划理论 作为指导, 综合运用定性和定量研究方法对网络词语潜规划情况进行初步分析和探讨。 本文定性研究部分采用问卷调查的方式分析网民对待网络词语的态度及对其被收 录进现代汉语词典的态度。定性研究表明,广大网民

3、在使用与对待网络词语的态 度以及在对其被收录进入现代汉语词典的态度存在着很大的差异。基于对定性研 究结果的认识,作者提出如下假说:在现代汉语词典的词条收录中应多收录一些 有关硬件、软件和字母类网络词语,而对于符号类和数字类网络词语则应慎重考虑, 或不予收录。定量研究部分从现代汉语词典 (第五版)入手,将新版词典中收录的 网络词语进行选择、分类和分析。分析发现:在所有的新增网络词语词条中,硬件类 词语和字母词类的网络词语占了非常大的比例;软件类的语言只占到了较少一部分; 而符号类和数字类的词语却在现代汉语词典中没有任何收录。网络词语在现代汉 语新词语收录中正在发挥着巨大的影响。 本研究有助于正确

4、看待网络词语在现代汉语语言中的地位,提高语言潜规划在语 文规划中的地位,促进语文规划中潜显规划的共同发展,更好地为语文规划工作服务。 因条件有限,本研究的结论还不够成熟,有待于更为深入的研究来进一步论证。 关键词: 汉语;语文规划;潜规划;显规划;网络词语 English Abstract ii Abstract As the most important carrier of information in daily communication, language plays an indispensable part in the development of human society.

5、 In order to solve the problems arising in the process of information exchange and interpersonal communication, language needs to be regulated. Accordingly, language planning is demanded. Generally speaking, language planning refers to the work that the country and its related agency do to regulate

6、the language use. It usually covers the choices and standardization of a language, the coinage and reform of the character, the revival of the language and so on. By making language policy, the country and society can determine or exert influence on the existence and development of a language. Howev

7、er, recently, some scholars point out that there is implicit language planning. That is to say, the language policy makers can also be any individual of the society. These individuals can create, affect and spread certain new language phenomenon, and finally make it recognized by most people of our

8、society or by the government and its related agency Due to Chinas special condition and the increasing development of information, the emergence and development of various kinds of new words and phrases, especially the cyberlanguage, bring many new problems to Chinese language planning. In order to

9、meet the challenge posed by the cyberlanguage, this thesis employs both the quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze the role of implicit language planning in Chinese cyberlanguage. The section of qualitative research mainly applies the questionnaire to analyze the netizens attitudes towards

10、the cyberlanguage and its entry in the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese (the 5th edition). The qualitative research reveals that most netizens take different attitudes towards different kinds of cyberlanguage and its entry into the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese. Based on the results of qualit

11、ative research, the author attempts to make a hypothesis that the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese should accept more hardware, software and lettered words in the cyberlanguage. However, as for the sign and digital language, they should be treated with more caution or not be embodied English Abstr

12、act iii at all. Taking the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese (the 5th edition) as the object, the quantitative research part chooses, classifies and then analyzes the cyberlanguage embodied in it. Through the analysis, we discover that the hardware words and lettered words account for a great propo

13、rtion of all the cyberlanguages added into it, and the software words only take a small part of them. However, not a digital words and sign words are added into it at all. Cyberlanguage is exerting great influence on accepting new words and phrases into modern Chinese. The result of this research he

14、lps treat the position of cyberlanguage in modern Chinese. It is hoped to help the acceptance of new words into the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese as well as promote the position of the implicit language planning and influence in the work of language planning. This thesis is also expected to pro

15、mote the harmonious development of implicit and explicit language planning and to serve the language planning to a greater extent. Due to the limitations of the present study, it is worth noting that the findings and conclusion of this thesis are rather preliminary, which requires further research a

16、t a more general level. Key words: Chinese; language planning; implicit language planning; explicit language planning; cyberlanguage 湘潭大学湘潭大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得 的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个 人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集 体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承 担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校 保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查


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