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1、河北大学 硕士学位论文 新世纪文学中狼性精神解读 姓名:罗燕 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国现当代文学 指导教师:田建民 2011-06 摘 要 I 摘 要 本世纪初,貌似横空出世的“狼文学”,受到人们的极力追捧、喜爱。一些作家、 研究者将大量精力投入其中。其实,关于狼的文学作品在中国古代文学中也是有迹可循 的,诗经、易经等古典文学中就有关于狼的描述。在我们漫长的封建社会,充 满狼性的人物比比皆是,古典文学作品中充满狼性的人物也层出不穷。 但是,人和兽毕竟不同,狼性在人类精神中的显现与兽性有巨大的差异。本文试图 把狼性中值得人类去汲取的积极意义概括狼性精神:自尊、独立、顽强,具有原始的野 性和

2、生命力,最重要的是,它们智慧机警,善于团队合作、富于责任感等。 上个世纪末,关于狼性精神的文学作品,就已经有了一个潜伏期,如沈石溪的狼 王梦、牝狼、残狼灰满等动物系列小说。新世纪以后,就形成了大为可观的 景象,如怀念狼、狼图腾、小狼小狼、狼祸等等。这不仅与狼文学本 身有关,更重要的是,“狼文学”中狼性精神唤醒了人们思想中长期被掩盖或者说被理 性压制的原始野性。这让人们重新认识狼,重新定位狼的形象与价值。以殷国明为代表 的学者指出“是以一种外来的、异己的,但又是充满活力的面目出现,兼有恶魔与天神两 种特质,参与了中国文化内在的剧烈变化、转化、矛盾与挣扎,是一种非常复杂的精神现 象与文学意象。 ”

3、首先,人是从大自然进化而来,从本质上说,人也是自然的一部分。 狼性精神的本质也是人类自身潜在的,当它再次呈现在人们眼前的时候,让人们的精神 有了一种归属感,特别是在这个人们普遍没有理想,信仰缺失的时代!其次,人类文明 的发展是人们认识到人与狼的区别, 制定了人类生存的规则, 要求人与人之间和谐相处, 平静的生活。在人类眼中,狼性精神是生物野性的代表,这种原始的野性近于野蛮,自 己的文明不能接纳。从而,在人类的潜意识里开始摒除狼性精神,并且与狼划清界限。 随着经济的发展,人们突然发现生活中少了某种精神动力,这时人们开始寻找本位的东 西,渴望狼性精神的回归。 狼文学在其发展的路上并不像狼这个物种那

4、样势不可挡,当然,狼图腾首当其 冲,成为攻击的对象。诸多研究者从批判狼图腾开始,以自己固有的观念认为冠以 狼名的几乎都应该与贪婪、凶残相关。龙行健、梁玲为代表的学者认为狼文学的作者是 把狼性中的嗜血变为现代人必备的血气方刚, 把狼性中的好斗变成现代人必备的好勇斗 摘 要 II 狠,狼性中的搏杀变为现代人必备的手下无情。狼做这一切都是为了生存,所以本文认 为任何一种生物的存在都有他的必然性,并不是宣扬狼的斗和嗜血,也不是本文所说的 “狼性精神” ,而是主张学习他们团结、坚毅、刚强保卫群体利益的精神。张权生认为, 狼图腾“要求人们驯服于大自然,是高扬羊性又崇拜狼性,提倡人们凶暴 强悍。因此,作品出

5、现了思想悖论”。本文认为在狼图腾中,提倡的“狼性”是有 前提条件的,在蒙古草原,环境恶劣,为了生存必须具勇猛、坚毅的野性。尊敬狼、崇 拜狼,因为狼性也是自然的一部分, 狼给蒙古人民带来希望,是生物链的重要环节。 另外,顺应自然并不是臣服,更不是“羊性”,是对“道法自然”的尊重! 人的生存是需要一点信仰和希望的,也就是说,人是应该有一种精神动力的,要有一 种足以支撑自我在任何时候都斗志昂扬的信念。我们所有人都应该思考:现在,我们到 底缺少什么。推崇狼文化或批判狼文化的背后,研究者们共同关注的都是人,而我们所 做地这一切都是为了能让人类能有更加适合的生存空间! 不管是 “狼性” 文化, 还是 “羊

6、 性”文化在人性中都有它的生存土壤,都是人性本就存在的基因。本文认为问题的关键 是,在一定社会制度和一定历史条件下如何发挥我们的本性。 狼性精神的作用在于对人格、文化品格的建构。我们的传统文化因为种种原因偏重 于“和”、“弱”,并不是说不好,只是缺乏狼性精神偏重于个性、阳刚、叛逆的特点。 站在时代发展的角度上,现在的文学作品中提倡狼性精神也是必然的,我们需要在“精 气神”方面多一些刚性的东西。从某种程度上讲,我们传统文化的重量,人类文明的重 量已经变成了人类心灵的枷锁。正如漫话“狼文学”中说的“人类在杀死(告 别)自然的同时,其实也杀死了自己的某一部分”。即便在理性的基础上我们同样 需要狼性精

7、神的复归,也是我们灵魂深处的诉求! 关键词:新世纪;狼性;狼性精神 Abstract III Abstract Beginning of this century, after the wolf literature born highly, people all love it. Some writers and researchers put a lot of energy into it. In fact, the literature on the wolf is not from heaven. In the Book of Songs, I Ching and other clas

8、sical literature ,there are descriptions about the wolf. In our long feudal society, there are too many person full of wolf characters, and there is too much classical literature full of wolf characters. After all, people are different from animals.The wolf appeared in the human spirit and the anima

9、l is different in nature. This paper, the human body summed up as the wolf of the wolf spirit. After all, human and beast are different. There are huge differences between wolf nature and bestial nature. We try to summarize the spirits of wolf nature from its positive significance that human beings

10、shoud learn in this paper . The spirit of wolf nature are pride, independence, tenacity, with the original wild and vitality,and most importantly, wolves are of Wisdom alert,wisdom alert and are good at teamwork. At the end of last century, the literature of wolf spirit had already had a latency, su

11、ch as the W olf Dream , Wolf, residual Wolf named Huimanwriten by ShenShiXi ,and these series of anima l novel . In the new century , they formed a incredible spectacle. This is not merely about the wolf lit erature itself, it is more important that in the Wolf literature ,the wolf spirit aroused pe

12、oples origin al nature which was buried in their thoughts during a long time or rational suppressed.It can give p eople a chance to reknow wolf as well as reposition the image and value of wolf. First of all, people evolved from nature. People are also a part of nature. The essence of wolf spirit be

13、longs to human b eings , when it appears again , peoples spirit had the feel of belonging, especially in this age which t he people lacked of ideal and faith.Secondly, the development of human civilization make people re cognize the difference between man and Wolf.People had made the rules of surviv

14、al and request for harmony and quiet life. From human ,s perspective, Wolf spirit is representative of the biological fer al, the original wildness approachs to savage, their own civilization cannot accept that. human began to remove the Wolf spirit subconsciously and draw a demarcation line with th

15、e wolves. With the de velopment of economy, people suddenly found that life is experiencing some sort of spiritual deficie ncy.People started looking for standard things, because they longed for the regression of Wolf spirit . The way of Wolf literaturedevelopment is not as overwhelming as this spec

16、ies Wolf,Of course,Wolf Totem to bear the brunt of object of attack.Many researchers start their Abstract IV criticism from Wolf Totem,Their own mindset that almost all labeled the name of wolf should be greedy, brutal related.the scholars represented by Long Xingjian, Liang Ling believe that the author of wolf culture make the bloodthirsty of wolf into the young blood of modern people,make the ag



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