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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 夸张及其解读 姓名:刘江华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:刘宇红 20070430 Descriptive Chinese Abstract I 摘 要 摘 要 夸张是一种独特而又普遍的语言现象, 其字面含义与说话者的真实含义存在很大区 别,真实含义的理解依赖于字面含义,但是夸大或缩小了字面含义。所以夸张的生成和 理解更为复杂,不同于普通的话语交际。本文在界定夸张定义及其分类的基础上,分析 了夸张的特点,探讨了夸张所产生的语用效果,并从认知的角度解释了夸张的生成和理 解。 本文包括五大部分。引言部分引出夸张话题,介绍了本文的主要观点、研究方法、 资料

2、来源和结构安排。 第一章,主要对夸张的定义,分类,特征,以及夸张的语用功能进行了研究。我们 把夸张分为直接夸张和隐喻性夸张两大类, 直接夸张就是直截了当地把事物的情状有意 识地突出、扩大,而不通过其他修辞方式。这种夸张所用的词语本身就带有夸张色彩, 所以能将原事物说得比实际更高、 更集中、 更强烈。 隐喻性夸张是一种特殊的夸张形式, 它借助隐喻来进行夸张,这种夸张的效果多样化,比直接夸张显得更生动、更形象。隐 喻性夸张具有如下特点:夸张本体和喻体的相似与差别是夸张的基础,想象和合理性是 隐喻性夸张成立的主要因素。 第二章,回顾并评述了国内外学者对夸张的研究,我们主要从国内外学者们对夸张 的修辞

3、研究,语义分析,语用分析和心理分析四个方面对其进行了较为全面的回顾。通 过考察夸张在话语中的出现频率和重要性,以及学者们对其研究的成就和缺憾,我们认 为有必要对夸张的生成和理解进行全面的研究。 第三章,是本文的重点章节。主要探讨夸张的生成和理解。本文作者认为,夸张是 在恰当的场景下, 具备生成夸张能力的说写者为了表达其内心的感受而采用的一种夸大 或缩小了语言事实的言语表达方式。 夸张的生成和理解离不开语境因素。 基于以上研究, 这一章中我们利用心理空间理论对夸张进行了认知解读, 并且探讨了隐喻映射在隐喻性 夸张中的运作。最后,我们对全文做出了概要总结。 本文的核心观点是夸张的生成和理解有其现实

4、基础, 是建立在一定的现实基础上的 一种非字面含义话语表达。联想能力在其生成和理解中起着至关重要的作用,而夸张又 不能脱离现实,不能是无限制的夸大或缩小,因此夸张的度受理性制约。心理空间和隐 喻映射理论为夸张解读提供了很好的理论依据。 关键词关键词:夸张;生成;理解;心理空间理论;隐喻映射 English Abstract II Abstract Hyperbole is a special and ubiquitous language phenomenon, its literal meaning is much different from the intended meaning of

5、 the utterer. The intended meaning of hyperbole is dependent on the literal meaning, which is usually regarded as a form of extremity, an exaggeration that either magnifies or minimizes some real state of affairs. Therefore, the production and comprehension of hyperbole is much more complex than tha

6、t of common discourse. Based on previous achievements, this thesis introduces the definition and classification of hyperbole, analyses its features and we also explore the pragmatic functions of hyperbole. The last part of the dissertation attempts to interpret hyperbole from cognitive approaches. .

7、 This thesis is composed of five parts. In the introduction part, the author discusses the ubiquity of hyperbole; clarifies the argument, data collection and organization of this dissertation. Chapter one puts forth the exploration of hyperbole, which includes the definition, classification and feat

8、ures of it. Hyperbole is classified into two types: direct hyperbole and metaphorical hyperbole. The former is the hyperbole which exaggerates something for emphasis. It makes an object more prominent directly with the lexico-grammatical forms. There is no overlapping with other tropes in direct hyp

9、erbole. The latter is a special form of hyperbole which exaggerates things by virtue of metaphor. Its more vivid and visual than direct hyperbole and possesses the following features: co-existence of similarity and difference is the ground for metaphorical hyperbole; while imagination and rationalit

10、y play central roles in metaphorical hyperbole. Besides, the pragmatic functions of hyperbole are discussed. The second chapter is a literature review. Past studies at home and abroad are surveyed in this chapter, which mainly consists of the rhetorical approach to hyperbole, the semantic study of h

11、yperbole, the pragmatic study of hyperbole and the psychological study of hyperbole. The third chapter is one of the central parts, which is concerned with a cognitive approach on the production and comprehension of hyperbole. Starting from the psychological and cognitive principles, we think hyperb

12、ole is generated and governed by two factors, namely, competence and appropriateness; contextual factors involved in hyperbole English Abstract III comprehension are also discussed in this chapter. In the section of cognitive approaches to hyperbole, we make an intensive interpretation of hyperbole

13、within the theoretical frameworks of mental space theory and metaphorical mapping theory. The last part is the conclusion which sums up this dissertation, provides some suggestions and points out the limitations of this study. The key viewpoint of this dissertation is that hyperbole needs ultimately

14、 to be contingent upon the real if the hyperbolist wishes to avoid a ridiculous speech. Associative ability plays an essential role in the production and comprehension of hyperbole, and rationality may be regarded as a check to unrestrained imagination. Mental space theory and metaphorical mapping p

15、rovide appropriate approaches for hyperbole interpretation. Key words: hyperbole; production; comprehension; mental space theory; metaphorical mapping 湘潭大学湘潭大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的 研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均 已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完

16、全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借 阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行 检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 Introduction 1 Introduction 0.1 Ubiquity of Hyperbole It is a regular feature of informal talk that speakers exaggerate narrative,



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