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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 论语英译中的译者主体性 姓名:马福华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:我国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:田德蓓 2010-04 iv 摘摘 要要 作为翻译活动中最活跃的因素,译者应是翻译的主体。然而在传统翻译理 论中,译者处于边缘化的地位,其主体性作用在翻译过程中长期被忽视。随着 20 世纪 70 年代翻译研究的“文化转向” ,许多新的翻译理论相继产生,如解构 主义理论,目的论和“操纵学派”理论等。他们意识到译者在翻译中的创造性 地位并强调译者主体性的发挥,同时为译者主体性研究提供了理论支持。 学者们普遍认为,译者主体性是指作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的 前提下,为实现翻

2、译目的而在翻译活动中表现出的主观能动性,其基本特征是 翻译主体自觉的文化意识、人文品格和文化、审美创造性。译者主体性贯穿于 翻译活动的全过程,不仅体现在译者对作品的理解、阐释和语言层面上的艺术 再创造,也体现在对翻译文本的选择、翻译目的、翻译策略等方面。作为翻译 主体,译者在翻译中必须充分发挥他的主观能动性,并在其译本中留下这种痕 迹。 论语是记载孔子言行的重要儒家经典,是中国古典文化的宝贵遗产。 该书自 16 世纪末开始西译以来,已出现了数十个英译本。然而,据笔者所知, 对论语的研究可谓硕果累累,但对论语英译的研究却相对较少,而从 译者主体性的角度对论语英译本的研究更是屈指可数。由于原作思想

3、博大 精深,具有丰富的文学价值与文化信息,而且其语言精练简约,翻译过程中不 同译者往往有着自己独特的理解并采用不同的翻译策略,表现出极大的译者主 体性。因此,从译者主体性的角度研究论语的英译具有重要意义。在论 语众多的英译本中,理雅各和辜鸿铭的译本最具代表性。理雅各译本忠实、 准确,力求从形式和内容上再现原作的风格,长期被奉为“标准”版本;辜鸿 铭译本自由、流畅、地道、独具特色,深受广大英语读者喜爱。对同一个文本, 不同的译者往往有不同的翻译,造成这种现象的因素很多,其中最主要的是译 者的主体性。 在两种译本中,译者主体性体现在两个方面:一是微观方面,包括语言层 v 面和文化层面。语言层面体现

4、在两译者对关键词、句子结构和修辞格的处理上; 文化层面体现在两译者对专有名词、物质文化、宗教文化和风俗习惯的处理上。 二是宏观方面,在特定的社会文化、历史背景下,两译者在个人经历和背景、 个人能力、翻译目的、文化态度、个人意识形态和读者意识等方面都存在着差 异。这些译者主体性因素客观存在,并对他们的译作产生了很大的影响。 本文将译者主体性的相关理论应用于论语的两个英译本比较上。通过 对比研究,本文认为:由于译者的主体性诸如译者的个人经历和背景、个人能 力、翻译目的、文化态度、个人意识形态和读者意识等会影响译者对于文本的 选择,理解及表达,译者主体性在翻译过程中不可避免,因而译本的差异和多 样性

5、是必然的。 本文的研究意义体现在以下两个方面:1)从译者主体性的角度探讨论语 英译为中国典籍的研究提供了一个新的研究视角;2)本文对论语两英译本 中的译者主体性研究在一定程度上证明了从译者主体性的角度可以很好地解释 论语译本的多样性。 从研究方法上来看,作者采用了描述的研究方法来客观地描述译者在翻译 过程中的重要作用。在深入分析译者主体性是如何具体体现在两译本中时,作 者还采用了对比的研究方法。需要指出的是,本文对论语两个英译本进行 对比的目的不在于评价孰优孰劣,而是为了突出两译本的差异并探讨译者在译 本多样性形成过程中的决定性作用,希望该研究能够引起人们对典籍翻译的重 视,同时进一步加深对译

6、者主体性的认识和理解。 关键词关键词: 论语译本;译者主体性;对比研究 i Abstract As the most active factor in translating activity, the translator should be the subject of translation. However, in traditional translation theory, the translator enjoyed a marginalized status, and its subjective role has long been neglected in translat

7、ion. With the occurrence of “cultural turn” in translation study in the 1970s, many new translation theories have sprung up one after another, such as Deconstruction Theory, Skopos Theory, “Manipulation School” Theory and so on. They have realized the translators creative status in translation and p

8、ut great emphasis on the display of the translators subjectivity. Meanwhile, these theories also provide much theoretical support for the study of the translators subjectivity. Scholars hold the view that the translators subjectivity refers to the subjective initiative to attain the translation purp

9、ose which the translator, who is the subject of translation, displays in the translation activities on the premise of respecting the source text. Its basic characteristics are the translators conscious cultural awareness, the humanistic character, as well as cultural and aesthetic creativity of the

10、translation subject. The translators subjectivity goes through the whole process of translating activity. It is not only displayed in the understanding and illumination of the source text, and artistic recreation on linguistic level, but also in the choice of the source text, translation purpose, tr

11、anslation strategies and so on. As the translation subject, the translator must give full play to his subjectivity and finally leave its trace in the translated text. The Analects is an important Confucian classic recording the teachings of Confucius as well as a precious heritage in ancient Chinese

12、 culture. Dozens of English versions have appeared since its translation to the west in the late 16th century. However, as the present author has observed, although studies on The Analects are abundant in literature as well as in the history of translation, few studies on its English translations ca

13、n be found. Moreover, studies on its English translations from ii the perspective of the translators subjectivity seem unfortunately quite rare. Due to the profound thoughts, rich literary value and cultural information as well as the concise language of the original, different translators have diff

14、erent interpretations of the source text and adopt different translation strategies, thus demonstrate great subjectivities. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the English translations of The Analects from the perspective of the translators subjectivity. Among so many English versions of

15、 The Analects, the two translated by James Legge and Ku Hungming are the representatives. Legges version is faithful and accurate. It attempts to reproduce the style of the original both in form and content and it has long been regarded as the “authorized” version; while Kus version is smooth, idiom

16、atic and quite popular with many ordinary English readers with its unique feature. Many factors contribute to the phenomenon that different translators have different translations to the same source text, but the most important one is the translators subjectivity. Of the two versions, the translators subjectivity is manifested in two aspects: First, on micro level, which includes linguistic le



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