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1、1. Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms, and fine white sand.座座岛屿玲珑小巧,紧密相连,像一串串珍珠缀成的项链,环绕着半岛边缘。岛上珊瑚礁红,椰树成片,沙滩如银,景色如诗如画。2. The harbor looked most beautiful in its semi-circle of hills and half-lights. Thi color of a pearl g

2、ray and a fairy texture. This Arctic scenery has a beauty which is the exact antithesis of the Christmas card of tradition. Soft, melting halftones. Nothing brittle of garish.只见海港环抱于半圆形小山丛中,煞是好看,朦朦胧胧,一片银灰,宛若仙境。.。这北极地区景色之美,同传统的圣诞贺卡适成对照,它浓淡交融,光影柔和,清雅绝俗。3. For me this landscape was always a magical pro

3、spect, the austere countryside stretching away with the sharp definition of an 18th-century aquatint across hill and woodland to Mt.Battie outlined against the horizon -The Last Hill by Francis Rusell我总觉得这儿的山野风光格外迷人,那乡间淳古浑朴的原野绵延伸展,跨过小山,越过森林,一路延伸到遥远地平线上赫然矗立的巴蒂山 - 好一副轮廓鲜明的十八世纪铜板风景画!4. 这里三千座奇峰拔地而起,形态各异

4、,有的似玉柱神鞭,立地顶天;有的像铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立;有的如晃板垒卵,摇摇欲坠;有的若盆景古董,玲珑剔透.神奇而又真实,迷离而又实在,不是艺术创造胜似艺术创造,令人叹为观止。 - 武陵源风景画册Revised:3000 crags rise in various shapes - pillars, columns, walls, shaky egg stacks and potted landscapes . - conjuring up unforgettably fantastic images.5. 满树金花,芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪,香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄,花朵味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银

5、,季季有花的四季桂,竞相开放,争妍媲美。进入桂花公园,阵阵桂花花香扑鼻而来。The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus. Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom, which pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.6. The hub of public life is the Piazza San Marco (St. Marks

6、Square) where tourists and citizens sit on the terraces of the famous Florian and Quadri cafes to listen to the music, dream and see the mosaics of St. Marks glow under the rays of the setting sun. The Quadri is more popular but the Florian is the best-known cafe: founded in 1720, it has received By

7、ron, Goeth, Musset and Wagner within its mirrored and allegory-painted walls.试译圣马可广场时公众的生活中心,游客和市民常坐在广场著名的佛洛里安和夸德里咖啡店里,聆听着店内的音乐,目睹着夕阳余晖下圣马可教堂熠熠生辉的马赛克墙面,恍然入梦。夸德里咖啡店虽名扬全城,却不及佛洛里安咖啡店声名显赫:在这家四壁明镜相嵌、(寓言)壁画环绕的百年历史老店里,自1720年以来,先后接待过拜伦、歌德、谬塞和瓦格纳等一大批文化名人。7. Its subterranean world holds some of Europes most m

8、agnificent underground galleries. Time losses all meanings in the formation of these underground wonders. Dripstones, stalactites, in different shapes - columns, pillars and translucent curtains, conjure up unforgettable images试译这里的溶洞景观美如画廊,恢宏壮阔堪称欧洲之冠。洞中的奇观异景,其形成过程之漫长,使时光在这里也失去了意义。各种钟乳石形态各异 - 有的如玉柱浑

9、圆;有的如栋梁擎天;有的如瀑布飞帘,晶莹剔透 - 大自然鬼斧神工,妙景天成,令人难忘。8. 峨眉山位于中国西南部的四川省,距成都156公里,走高速公路需1.5小时。主峰金顶绝壁凌空高插云霄,巍然屹立。登临其间,可西眺皑皑雪峰,东瞰莽莽平川。/ 气势雄而景观奇,有云海、日出、佛光、圣灯四大奇观。中部群山峰峦叠嶂,含烟凝翠,飞瀑流泉,鸟语花香,草木茂而风光秀。/ 是我国著名的游览胜地,1996年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然与文化遗产。156 kilometers (1.5-hour drive)away from Chengdu City in the Sichuan basin, south

10、west of China, stands the Mt. Emei with its summit Jinding (the Golden Top) towering above range upon range of rolling mountains stretching westward, all covered with snow, and in an eastward distance lying a wide expanse of flat land. / It boasts of its mountainous spectacles of clouds sea, sunrise

11、, and the marvelous natural phenomena of Buddhas Halo and Holy Lamp, as well as its natural landscapes filled with large green-woods, exuberant vegetation, flowers, streams, waterfalls, etc. / As one of the best-known tourist attractions, Mt. Emei has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heri

12、tage Site by the UNESCO.9. A fascinating city between sea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Venus welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures

13、 to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.试译威尼斯水城海天相连,景色迷人宛如碧波中涌现的维纳斯,吸引着五大洲的游客。她水色旖旎,波光澄澈,清风拂面而来,当去你心中的不快与烦恼。而城中那些集东西方艺术之大成的艺术杰作,更给你以精神上的享受。天涯海角(海南岛著名的旅游景点)译为:Tianya-Haijiao (the end of the earth and the edge of the sea)卦台山周围有龙马洞、分心石、洗脚石等景点。译文:Around the Guatai Mo

14、untain are the Longma (Dragon-and-Horse) Cave,Fenxin (Distracting Attention) Rock,Xijiao (Washing Feet) Stone and other scenes在译朝代名时,需要补充该朝代的公元年份,以避免不谙中国朝代的外国旅游者望字兴叹。例如:路左有一巨石,石上原有苏东坡手书“云外流春”四个大字。译为:To its left is a rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clo

15、uds flows spring) hand-written by SU Dongpo (10371101),the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960 1127)。烟水苍茫月色迷,渔舟晚泊栈桥西。乘凉每至黄昏后,人依栏杆水拍堤。这是古人赞美青岛海滨的诗句。青岛是一座风光秀丽的海滨城市,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。西起胶州湾入海处的团岛,东至崂山风景区的下清宫,绵延80多华里的海滨组成了一幅绚烂多彩的长轴画卷。译文:Qingdao is a beautiful coastal cityIt is not hot in summer

16、 and not cold in winterThe 40-km-long scenic line begins from TuanIsland at the west end to Xiaqing Gong of MountLao at the east end. 江岸上彩楼林立,彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇,呈现出一派喜气洋洋的节日场面。千姿百态的各式彩龙在江面游弋,舒展着优美的身姿,有的摇头摆尾,风彩奕奕;有的喷火吐水,威风八面。译文:High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stand out along the river banks. On the river itself, gai



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