2020人教版九年级英语书面表达 Unit 14 如何写以“校园生活”为话题的文章

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1、如何写以“校园生活”为话题的文章【例文1】初中生活即将过去 ,在过去的三年里总有那么一个人或一件事情让你难忘记,请你根据下面的提示写一篇英语文章。1.难以忘怀的是我的英语老师李老师2.刚进初中第一节英语课,老师叫我自我介绍,但我性格害羞,胆子小,英语成绩差,沉默不语。3.李老师与我聊天,告诉我要学好英语一定要多练习,要自信,并且一直鼓励我前进。4.性格有了变化,并且英语成绩提高了,还拿到英语演讲比赛的奖次。一审题体裁记叙文话题以“难以忘怀的人”为话题时态一般过去时人称第一、三人称1. Make notes about a person you never forget.Whoisthepers

2、on?Englishteacher,Mrs.LiWhenandwheredidyoumeether?WhenIstartedmyfirstEnglishclass,Imetherinmyclassroom.Howdidyoufeel?Iwasshyandnervousanddidntsayanything.Howdidthispersonhelpyou?spoketome,gavemesomeadvicetolearnEnglishandencouragedme.Howhasthepersonchangedyour life?Ibecamemoreconfidentandhappier.Ima

3、demuchprogressinEnglish.2 文章布局开头:文章段落结构引出人物 The one person from my junior high school days that I will never forget is.正文:详细介绍 When I started my first English class in Junior school .shy,spoke to me, gave me some advice about how to learn English and encouraged me结尾:影响 I became more confident and ha

4、ppier. I made much progress in English.3 遣词造句词汇库忘记forget;紧张nervous;害羞shy;克服overcome;介绍introduce;交谈conversation;练习practice;自信confident/confidence;建议advice/suggestion;持续continue;鼓励encourage;支持support;比赛contest;感激thankful短语箱如此.以至于so.that;回忆look back at;初中生活Junior high school life;介绍某人自己introduce onesel

5、f;和.交谈have a conversation with;决定做某事decide to do;努力make an effort to do;鼓励做某事encourage to do;成功make it;给与.建议give advice about;取得进步make progress in;对.感激be thankful to;链接句型1. The one person from my junior school days that I will never forget is.2. I will always be thankful to . for her advice and supp

6、ort.3. He /She has a great influence on me.4. I met him/her for the first time when.5. Looking back at these past three years, I remember many things.6. Because of her, I put in more effort and my scores doubled.7. I know that Ms. Lee was always patient with you in math class.8. She helped you to wo

7、rk out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.9. He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything.四作文模板 The one person from my junior school days that I will never forget is _. When I _ in /at_,_.I felt_ when I first met_. She/He had a co

8、nversation with me and encouraged me to_. I decided to_. As a result, I _.I will always be thankful to _ for her/his advice and support. 五参考范文 The one person from my junior school days that I will never forget is Mrs. Li, my English teacher. When I started my first English class in Grade 7, Mrs. Li

9、asked us to introduce ourselves. My English was not good, so I felt nervous. When it was my turn, I was so shy and nervous that I kept silent for a long time. She just asked me sit down and patted me on my back softly. After class, she had a conversation with me and told me that she believed I could

10、 make it if I practice more. I was touched by what she said and decided to make an effort. She continued to encourage me and gave me some advice about learning English in life. As a result, I made much progress in English and I even won an English speech contest the next year! I became more confiden

11、t and happier.I will always be thankful to Mrs. Li for her advice and support. 课后练习1三年快乐而充实的初中生活结束了,你将进入高中学习。展望未来,你对高中生活充满期待。请你以“The School Life I Expect”为题目,写一篇英语短文。提示: 1.生活、学习环境(餐厅、图书馆、操场.); 2.师生、同学关系; 3.生活多彩、学业进步; 4.补充自己的想法.【参考范文】The School Life I ExpectI will study in senior high school which is

12、 far from home. Everything is new to me. I hope my school is big and clean with a large dining hall.And the library is full of different kinds of books, so I can read them in my spare time.I believe I will get along well with my teachers and classmates. At the same time, I expect my school life is c

13、olorful. After class, I can listen to music, play chess and play basketball.To keep fit, I will develop good eating habits and do sports every day. Besides, I will listen to teachers carefully during classes,review notes after class and finish homework on time. In a word, I will try my best to make great progress in every subject. As long as I stick to these, I believe I will have a bright and happy senior high school life.



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