四年级上英语教案Module 3 Unit 5 Let me show you our new school教科版深圳专用

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1、 Unit 5 Let me show you our new school 教学设计Team备课小组 四年級Author执笔 李结明 Date 2013-10Module/Topic 模块及话题My school Unit 单元 Unit 5Title 题目Let me show you our new schoolPeriod 课时1Type of lesson 课型New来源:Z。xx。k.ComObjectives:教学目标Language knowledge语言知识来源:学科网Vocabulary词汇:our, library; playground, classroom, teac

2、hers room ,music ,art , PE, lesson, have lessons , work, oppositeSentences句型: Where is the.? Its. Is there ? Yes,there is . / No, there isnt . I like to .Learning Strategies学习策略:1.通过图片、动作、语音教学方法让学生记忆单词。2.通过小组合作等多种形式对所学知识进行整合,提高综合运用语言的能力。Difficulties andAnalysis教学难点分析:1. 重点:四会掌握12个新单词,句型I like to .。2

3、. 难点:(1)library; playground, opposite 这三个单词发音、单词记忆。 (2) 句型I like to .容易读成I like . TeachingAids/Media主要教学媒体 教学课件使用于热身、情景、巩固操练环节。Teaching Resource教学资源配套的教学图片、图库、电脑等。Teaching Procedures 教学过程Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤Learning strategies 学生学习策略Purpose设计意图Leading-in1.TPR(abou

4、t prepositions)2.Look and say .1.TPR(师生自编的有关介词的双手操。)2.Look and say .There is .in/on来源:Zxxk.ComI like to 通过TPR,调动学生学习积极主动性,同时通过看图说话复习介词在句子的使用.Presentation and Practice1. Sing a song ( Our school )2.PPT: Present new words.用情景呈现和语音操练2个新单词。(library , playground ) 3. Look at the map of our school and say

5、 .( Welcome to our school )Where is ? Its I / We like to (板书)4. Practice in groups.5.情境引出Is there? Yes, there is/No, there isnt ./ Are there? Yes, there are /No, there arent.(板书)1.Sing a song ( Our school )2. library library a large library3.Look and say .来源:学,科,网Where is ? Its I / We like to 4.Prac

6、tice in groups then show.(3-4组)。5.Practice in two then show.(2-3对)。教师利用校园情景让学生有想说英语兴趣,在说的过程中解决难点,读准新单词发音。创设情景,让学生易于理解句型。利用孩子自己的画来操练句型,提高孩子们使用英语的兴趣。Development1.Talk about your schools.My name is In our school there are The classroom is .I like to .1.Talk about your schools.My name is In our school t

7、here are The classroom is .I like to .2.Practice in groups.在真实的环境下运用所学的语言,发展语言运用能力,提高孩子综合运用语言的能力。Consolidaiton1.Read the passages ,choose the right answers . 1.Read the passages then choose the right answers .拓展语言知识,积累更多英语材料。 summary总结今天复习的内容,小组评价。总结今天学习的内容,小组评价。对知识进行总结、回顾。小组评价。Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Write something about your school


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