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1、中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 北宋台谏官对宰相的制约 姓名:梁盼 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:专门史 指导教师:王延武 20070601 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 北宋时期,御史台和谏官始有和一的趋势,仁宗初年大体完全形成。北宋的 台谏官人数相当少,品级也相对不高,却是政治生活中的一股非常重要的力量。 北宋皇权在制度设计上是充分彰显的,但“不杀士大夫”的普遍意识,使皇权强 弱问题必须从文官集团的内部斗争中来考察。文官集团的两个代表性的集团,即 执宰集团与台谏集团的角逐便顺理成章地成为皇权强弱问题的必要途径。宋代实 行群相制,宰相的军权被枢密院分割,财政权被“三司”分割,还有人事权等也

2、遭到分割。宰相、副宰相、枢密院的正负长官和“三司”的长官等共同构成了一 个庞大的宰辅辅政集团,这从制度上说是打压相权的表现。不过,宋初的相权还 是比较强势的,仁宗年间有身为名臣的谏官较为提出意见:不要过度地剥削宰相 的权利。认为宰相也应该完整地参与军事决策,否则,宰相就是一个责任不完全 的宰相,这样宰相就可以或容易怠政。台谏官是士大夫集团内部可以最大限度与 宰辅集团抗衡的一个特殊的团体,中国历代的谏诤传统以及他们自身人格的理想 化追求,使他们成为宰辅集团的最大监督者。所以,北宋宰相制度和权力的复杂 性,使对它的制约只能更多地依赖于谏官集团。仁宗明道年间,仁宗废后事件爆 发,皇帝躲在幕后,时任宰

3、相站在皇帝一边支持废后,而台谏官倾力反对。废后 终成功,但结局是皇帝懊悔,宰相大失天下人心,而台谏集团紧密团结,获得了 舆论的同情和道义上的成功。从整体上总结北宋台谏官对宰相的制约,首先是有 一个良好的谏诤环境,还有就是台谏官敢于进谏,全方位限制宰相;御史台长官 是宰相候选人;台谏官的身份特殊,群体势力强大等等。 关键词:北宋; 台谏官; 制度; 制约 北宋台谏官对宰相的制约 II Abstract In the Northern Song Dynasty time, censors and remonstrants begun to have with a tendency, in the

4、early years of Renzong it roughly completely formed. Northern Song Dynastys remonstrants were quite few, the grade relative was not also high, but they actually played an important force in the political life. In Northern Song Dynasty, imperial power was obvious in the system designing, but the gene

5、ral sense not kill the official, making the problem of imperial authority must be inspected from the civil official groups internal struggle. The Song Dynasty implemented group system, prime ministers military authority was divided by pivot shaft dense courtyard the financial authority was divided t

6、hree departments, but also human affairs authority also encountered the division. The prime minister, deputy prime minister, plus or minus executive of the Privy Council and the Three Si executive formed of a huge emperors colonial group, the performance was showed to struggle with prime minister in

7、 the system. However, the prime ministers right in Song was still relatively strong, in Renzong time as a famous remonstrant proposed comment: Do not over-exploite of the prime ministers rights. That the prime minister should be took part in military decision-making affairs. Otherwise, they were not

8、 a entirely responsible prime ministers. This would cause the prime minister easily relent. Remonstrants were a special internal official group, which can contend with the prime ministers supporting group in a maximize extent. Chinese ancient traditional recommendation culture and their own personal

9、ity and the idealistic pursuit, enabled them to become the greatest supervisors of the prime ministers supporting group. Therefore, in the Northern Song Dynasty time, prime minister system and the complexity of power, maked it can only be constraints to rely more on the remonstrant group. In Renzong

10、 time, the Renzongs queen was repealed, the emperor hided behind, The prime minister then support the abolition of the emperors queen, which was opposed to remonstrant group. After success of the abolition, the emperor regreted, the prime minister had lost all the people, and the remonstrants groups

11、 united closely, accessed to the publics sympathy and moral success. In a conclusion, in the Northern Song Dynasty, remonstrants 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III constrainted the prime minister. At first there was a good recommending environment, and remonstrants were dare to recommend. They made all restrictions o

12、n the prime minister, Yushitai Executive was the prime ministers candidate, remonstrants had special status, powerful groups, and so on. Key word: Northern Song Dynasty; Remonstrant; System; Restriction 中南民族大学中南民族大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所 取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任 何

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14、“” ) 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 1 绪 论 一、学术前史 有关北宋御史台和谏院的研究,四川大学的刁忠明先生在上世纪九十年代的 一系列研究最为剀切。其陆续发表的文章有北宋前三朝台谏制度述论 , 论北 宋天禧至元丰间之台谏制度和论宋哲宗至高宗时期之台谏制度等,并有专 著两宋御史中丞考和宋代台谏制度研究两部出版。刁忠明先生认为宋代 的台谏制度到仁宗朝才真正形成,具有“建员少、事权重、选择精”1三大特点; 并认为仁宗朝时,台谏的权利达到了北宋年间的一个高峰,苏轼所谓的“言及乘 舆则天子改容,事关廊庙则宰相代罪” ,2正是台谏官事权大的

15、写照,但却酝酿着 危机,到熙宁、元丰年间,变更官制,谏官分隶中书、门下两省,台谏官“员少 权重”并无大的变化, “从而在制度上为宰辅控制台谏开了方便之门;一旦误用小 人,又逢权相在位,两者结合起来,便可以进退百官,改易政局,甚至以莫须 有的罪名加害忠臣良将” 。3 除此之外,华东师范大学邱永明先生的论著中国监察制度史 ,也对宋代的 监察制度进行了较为详细的分析。河南的贾玉英教授亦是国内宋代监察制度研究 的著名学者,其专著宋代监察制度在本专题研究史上占有重要地位。贾玉英 主要从台谏合一的角度高度评价了宋代台谏制度对后世的深远影响,并强调北宋 的御史六察制度“强化了对尚书六部等行政管理部门的监督机

16、制,开清朝御史 稽查各部院衙门制度之先河。 ”4宋代的台谏官员是皇帝直接任命的,但其对宰 相的监督与制约并没有直接以皇帝的名义来进行,而是相当隐蔽的,具有某种模 糊性和不确定性。这种特性并不是没有制度上的建设。恰恰相反,这种潜规则效 率颇佳。其效果就是既让宰相有形式上充分的行政权,又使其在实际行政过程中 受到台谏官及其系统的掣肘。这样既使宰相有心理上的安全感和优越感,使其能 够最大限度地拥有行政自由的权力,但又无法独权和专权。这是以往学者较少关 注的地方。 1 刁忠明: 北宋前三朝台谏制度述论 , 四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 1998 年第 4 期 2 苏轼文集卷 25, 上神宗皇帝书 3 刁忠明: 论北宋天禧至


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