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1、2016八年级英语 人教版上册 全册复习 课件 Unit 1: Where did you go on vacation? New Words. anyone wonderful something seem someone try different umbrella hungry dislike anywhere most everyone bored dicide wonder wait enough Important Phrases. 1)go on vacation 2)go out 3)of course 4)because of 5)take photos 去度假 出去 当然

2、因为 照相 6) quite a few 7) have a good time 8) feel like 9)find out 10) up and down 11) so that 相当多 玩的愉快 感受到 找出;查明 上上下下 如此以至于 复合不定代词 不指名代替任何特定名词或形容词的 代词叫做不定代词。 复合不定代词是由some, any, no, every加上one, body, thing等所组成的 不定代词。 nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone, anyone, anybody, anything,

3、someone, somebody, something 1、指定对象; 1)含body和one的复合不定代词只用 来指人,在功能和意义上完全相同,可以 互换。 For example:Someone/ Somebody is crying in the next room. 2)含thing的复合不定代词只用来指 物。 For exampl: Are you going to buy anything? 2、复合不定代词的数 1)复合不定代词都具有单数的含义,当它 们充当句子的主语时,其后面的位于动词用单 数形式; For example: Is everyone here today? 2

4、)当要对一群人讲话时,可使用以复合不 定代词做主语的祈使句,句中的动词用原形。 For example: Everyone lie down! 统统趴下! 3、复合不定代词的定语必须后置,即 放在复合不定代词的后面。 For example: Can you tell something interesting? 课本句型: 1) buy anything special 2) Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? 名词所有格 1)单数名词词尾加s, 复数名词词尾没有s, 也要加 s the girls pen Childrens Day 2)复数名词以s结

5、尾的只加 the students reading room 3)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有 s, 则表示“分别有” ; 只有一个名词有一个s, 则表示“共有”; Johns and Kates rooms Lily and Lucys father 4)表示无生命的名词一般与of构成短语,表示所有关系 。 a map of China enough的用法 enough既可以做形容词,也可以做副词。 1)enough 作形容词时,用于修饰可数名词复数或不 可数名词,放于名词前后均可; 课本句型:My father didnt bring enough money, so we only ha

6、d one bowl of rice and some fish. 2) enough作副词时,放于形容词或副词之后; For example: She is good enough. 3) Enough 的相关短语: sure enough 果真;确实 well enough 还不错,还可以,相当好 be good/ kind enough to do sth 劳驾;务必 请做某事 词汇词组区别: 1、 anywhere表示“在任何地 方”,常常用于 否定句和疑问问 句中; I cant find it anywhere. somewhere 表示“在某处处; 到某处处”,常用 于肯定句中。

7、 I lost my key somewhere near here. 2、 quite a few相当多; 不 少 修饰饰可数名 词词复数 He will stay here for quite a few days. quite a little 许许多;相当 多 修饰饰不可数 名词词 There is a quite a little water in the bottle. 课本句型:We took quite a few photos there. 3、课本句型:Still no one seemed to be bored. bored厌厌倦的,烦闷烦闷 的, 感到无聊的 一般在句

8、中修饰饰人, 做表语语 boring 无趣的,令人厌烦厌烦 的,单调单调 的 一般在句中修饰饰事或 物,可作表语语和定语语 exciting令人兴奋兴奋 的,使人激 动动的 可作定语语和表语语 ,做表语语是主语语 通常是物。 The story is interesting. excited感到兴奋兴奋 的,激动动 的 常作表语语,主语语 通常为为人 Sarah was excited to see the singer. 课本句型:I feel like I was a bird. It was so exciting. 4、课本句型:My sister and I tried paragl

9、iding. P5 try doing sth尝试尝试 着做 某事 表示一种尝试尝试 ,做做看 的想法,不一定付出很多 努力 try to do sth尽力、设设 法去做某 事 表示想尽一切办办法把事情 办办成,强调调付出一定的 努力设设法去完成 5、课本句型:We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. P5 too many 后接可数名词词复数,意 为为“太多” She bought too many eggs. too much 修饰饰不可数名词词,意为为 “太多”,还还可修饰动饰动 词词

10、做状语语 We have too much work to do. much too 修饰饰形容词词或副词词,意 为为“太” You are walking much too fast. too much, much too,用法区别看后头,much后接 不可数,too后修饰形或副。Too many 要记住,后面 名词必复数。 6、课本句型:And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below. because of后跟名词词、代词词 、动动名词词、或相 当于名词词的短语语 ,不能接句子。 He lost his job b

11、ecause of his age. because连词连词 ,引导导状语语 从句,表示直接 明确的原因或理 由 I didnt buy the shirt because it was too expensive. 7、课本句型:My father didnt bring enough money, bring 带带来,拿来,指从别处带别处带 到说话说话 者所在地 Dont forget to bring your homework here. take带带走,拿走,指从说话说话 者 所在地带带到别处别处 去 We will tak the students to the museum. 8

12、、课本句型:because we forgot to bring an umbrella. forget to do sth 忘记记要做某事Dont forget to close the window. forget doin sth忘记记做过过某事I forget closing the window. Unit 2: How often do you exercise? New Words homework ever twice program (programme) swing junk无用的东西 health online在线的;联网的 through body together d

13、entist however almost point least hardly New Words once internet互联网;因特网 full maybe coffee percent百分之 although mind such die magazine than less Important Phrases. 1)how often 2) go to the dentist 3) watch TV 4) once a week 5) use the Internet 6) swing dance 7) be good for 8) go online 9) help with ho

14、usework 多久一次 去看牙医 看电视 每周一次 使用网络 摇摆舞 对有好处 上网 帮忙做家务 10) on weekends 11) less than 12) go shopping 13) twice a week 14) read English books 15) stay up late 16) ask sb. about sth. 17) such as 在周末 少于 去购物 每周两次 读英语书 熬夜 询问某人关于某事 例如;像这样 18) go to the movies 19) hardly ever 20) every day 21) three times a wee

15、k 22) be free 23) junk food 24) at least 25) not at all 26) more than 去看电影 几乎从不 每天 每周三次 空闲的 垃圾食品 至少 一点也不 多于 课 文 要 点 1、What do you usually do on weekends? on weekens 表示“在周末”,泛指每个 周末; on the weekend表示“在周末,在这个 周末”,特指某个周末。 2、help with housework help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth 3、I sometimes play computer games. sometimes: 频度副词,有时。表示动作不经常发生 ,多于一般现在时连用,可位于句首、句中、句末。 sometime: 副词,某个时候。表示某个不确切或不具 体的时间,常常用于过去时或将来时,对它提问用 when; some times: 名词短语,几次,几倍。其中time是可 数名词,对它提问用how many times


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