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1、Lesson 123 A trip to Australia 澳大利亚之行 【生词】 during prep.在期间 trip n. 旅行 travel v. 旅行 offer v. 提供 job n. 工作 guess v. 猜 grow (grew, grown) v. 长,让生长 beard n. (下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子 kitten n. 小猫 kitty和kitten的区别? kitten是kitty 的昵称,更口语化 词汇学习 Word study 1. during djuri prep. 在.期间 during+n. during the winter holiday在寒

2、假 Key wordsexpressions 1. during djuri prep. 在.期间 during+n. during the winter holiday在寒假 休假期间,我到海里游了两次泳。 I went swimming in the sea twice during the vacation. 下了一整夜的雨。 It rained during the night. 整个用餐时间她讲个不停。 She kept on talking during the meal. 2. trip n. trip 旅行 trip to+地点 到.旅行 A trip to Japan 日本之

3、旅 A round trip 来回票/往返旅行 trip n. tour travel v. journey 词汇学习 Word study 短距离旅行 观光游览 泛指各种旅行 短长途旅行 词汇学习 Word study 3travel v. I want to travel. travel around the world 周游世界 (1)旅行;游历: If I have a lot of money, I will travel around the world. 假如我有很多钱的话,我将会周游全世界 。 我想去旅行。 (2)行进;(被)传送: Light travels faster t

4、han sound at the speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. 光速比声速要快,为每秒钟30万公里。 The news didnt travel as fast as we expected. 这消息传播得不如我们所预料得那样快。 4offer v. (1)(主动)给予;提供: He offered some flowers to her. 他给了她很多花。 思考:provide的用法 offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 词汇学习 Word study 提供给某人某物 5grow v. (1)生长;成长: I

5、have grown up。 我已经长大了 (2)使生长;留(须发): He grew a beard during the trip. 他在旅行时留了胡子。 反义词 shave off the beard 6. beard n. 胡须(络腮胡子) mustache n.小胡子(八字胡) grow a beard,留胡子 shave off,把胡子刮掉 it 刮胡子 不可数 用代替 7. job n.工作 work n./v. job只能做名 词,而work既可以做动词,也可以做动 词 失业: lose ones job/ out of work 词汇学习 Word study MIKE:Lo

6、ok, Scott. This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia. SCOTT:Let me see it, Mike. SCOTT:This is a good photograph. Who are these people? MIKE:Theyre people I met during the trip. MIKE:Thats the ship We travelled on. SCOTT:What a beautiful ship! SCOTT:Whos this? MIKE:Thats the man I told

7、 you about. Remember? SCOTT:Ah yes. The one who offered you a job in Australia. MIKE:Thats right. SCOTT:Whos this? MIKE:Guess! SCOTT:Its not you, is it? MIKE:Thats right. MIKE:I grew a beard during the trip, but I shaved it off when I came home. SCOTT:Why did you shave it off? MIKE:My wife didnt lik

8、e it! Questions on the text Who is the man with the beard? video Text 定义:在复合句中修饰名词和代词的从句叫做定语从句 。 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词是先行词。定语从句必须 放在先行词之后。 定语从句要由关联词:关系代词who, whom, that,which或关系副词when, where等引导。 The student who answered the question was peter. 回答问题的那个学生叫Peter. Grammars 1.The eggs (who/which) I bought were n

9、ot fresh. 2.The friend( who/ which )came to supper last night was not hungry. 3.The noodles( which/ who)you cooked were delicious. 4.The friend (who/ whom) I saw yesterday was not Tom. 5.She is the girl (who / whom ) helped you yesterday. 1) She is the only girl _ I love. (填that,可以省略。因为先行词girl 由 the

10、 only 来修饰 ,所以引导词只能用that。又因为先行词girl在_ I love充当宾语,所以可以省略) 2) Who _ broke the window has run away. (填that, 不可以省略。因为先行词是who,引导词只能 用that。先行词在_ broke the window充当主语, 不能省略) 3) All_ should come have come already. ( 填that,不可以省略。因为先行词是all,引导词只能 用that。先行词在_ should come 充当主语,不能 省略) 4) Fancy is not the girl _ I

11、used to know. (填that, 可以省略。因为先行词在主句,Fancy is not the girl 中充当表语,引导词用that。先行词the girl 在定语从句_ I used to know中作宾语,可以省 略。) From now on, I will expect nothing, and just take what I get. 从现在起,我将不再期待, 只珍惜我所拥有的。 初中定语从句基础讲解初中定语从句基础讲解 A matching game! Match the two sentences 1.Im reading a book. The book is a

12、bout Bill Gates. _ 2.He is a teacher. The teacher teaches us Chinese. _ 3.I dont like the man. He is smoking. _ 4.Where is the picture? You bought it last week. _ Im reading a book that/which is about Bill Gates. He is a teacher who/ that teaches us Chinese. I dont like the man who is smoking. Where

13、 is the picture that you bought last week? 1.Im reading a book which is about Bill Gates. 2.He is a teacher who teaches us Chinese. 3.I dont like the man who is smoking. 4.Where is the picture that you bought last week? 挑战自我:一气呵成 5.I love singers who write their own music . 什么是定语从句呢? 修饰前面某一名词或代词的从句 叫定语从句。 结构: 先行词 + 关系词 + 句子 I love singers who write their own music.I love singers who write their own music. 先行词先行词 关系词关系词 定语从句定语从句 The man who lives next to us is a policeman. 先行词 _ _ 关系词 _ 定语从句 关系词 关系代词: that, which, who, whom, whose 关系副词: when,


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