人教版小学三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Look at me! 教案 第三课时

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《人教版小学三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Look at me! 教案 第三课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版小学三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Look at me! 教案 第三课时(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三课时l 课时内容A. Letters and soundsl 课时分析 本部分为字母及语音学习课时。本课时,学生通过听一听、唱一唱,听一听、圈一圈,写一写、说一说三个活动,学习Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii五个字母的书写及发音。同时学习语音例词:egg, elephant, face, foot, green, gift, hand, hi, ice cream, ice。学生需要通过朗读单词感受字母的发音。听一听、读一读、唱一唱活动中,学生先要听四个字母的读音并重复,然后会听到与字母和语音例词相关的韵句:A, B, C, clap your knee. C, D, E, point

2、 to me. E, F, G, show me three. G, H, I, close your eyes. A, B, C, D, E, Repeat this chant after me. E, F, G, H, I, its time to say goodbye. Goodbye! E, E, E, /e/, /e/, /e/, egg, elephant. F, F, F, /f/, /f/, /f/, face, foot; G, G, G, /g/, / g/, / g / , green, gift; H, H, H, /h/, /h/, /h/, hand, hi;

3、I, I, I, /a/, / a /, / a /, ice cream, ice. 前半部分韵句为指令性动作,涉及到eye, knee两个身体部位,可以通过动作示范让学生理解每个指令的意思。另一部分与字母发音相关,要在学习韵句的同时,引导学生观察口型,感受发音,具备初步的语音知识。听一听、圈一圈活动中,教材出示了五幅图片,代表了五个语音例词。每个图片下方各有两个字母。学生会听到两遍字母和语音例词,然后据此选择正确的字母圈起来。写一写、说一说活动中,学生要根据例字给出的书写方法,学习书写五个字母。首先要让学生仔细观察五组大小写字母的占格情况,再按照笔顺一一书写。在教学中,要引导学生认真观察字

4、母的笔顺和运笔方法,通过比较的方法让学生感受怎样才能把字母写得好看。l 课时目标1. 能够听、说、读、写字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii2. 掌握字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii在单词首字母的发音l 课时重难点1.重点:能够听、说、读、写字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii 2. 难点:掌握字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii在单词首字母的发音l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。2. 字母卡l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲ABC song。Teacher:Lets listen to the ABC song. Teacher: Lets

5、 sing it together and do the actions. (边唱边做字母操)设计意图:作为学习字母的课时,以字母歌来热身,是最方便和合适的。学生们复习了字母表的顺序之后,再来学习字母的书写和发音。 Step 2 Lead in1. 展示小丑,引导学生观察其夸张的五官及身体部位,复习五官类单词,并学习新的语音例词,hand, foot。Teacher: Look, this is a clown. Look at his face, please. (板书单词)Whats this? Yes, its his eye. Whats this? Its his nose. Oh,

6、 he has a bigmouth. Yes. And this is his foot. Say with me, foot. (板书单词, 同face写为一列)Read them together, please, foot, face. Is this his foot? No, this is his hand. Read after me, hand.(板书单词)Show me your hand, please. Say hello, please. Hello. Hi. (板书两个单词,与hand写在同一列)Whats in the clowns hand? Its an el

7、ephant. (板书单词) Do action with me and say it. (模仿大象,并重复单词)And the elephant has a longnose. Whats in its nose? Its an egg. (板书单词,与elephant写为一列)And its a gift in his another hand. Say with me, gift. (板书单词)What colour is the gift? Its green. (板书单词,与gift写为一列)What is the gift? (出示冰淇淋图片)Oh, its ice cream.

8、(先写出ice,领读并出示冰的图片)This is ice. Its cold. Read after me, ice. And this is ice cream. Read it together, please, ice cream. 设计意图:以复习学习过的单词的方式来引出新的语音例词,用小丑在例词之间建立联系,自然地引出每一个例词,让学生更加容易接受和理解每一个语音例词,为之后字母的学习服务。 Step 3 Presentation1. 按组观察语音例词,引出字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii。Teacher:Lets look at these words. Elephant

9、, egg, look at the first letter. Its e. Say with me, e, e, e. Look, this is the big E. This is the small e. (出示字母卡)face, foot, the first letter is F. Say it together, f, f, f. This is the capital F. This is the small f. (出示字母卡)Look at the first letter in green and gift. Its g. This is the capital G.

10、 this is the small g. (出示字母卡)Pay attention, please. Its g, not j. What is the first letter of hand and hi? Yes, its h. Repeat with me, h, h, h. This is the capital H. And this is the small h. (出示字母卡)And the first letter of ice and ice cream is i. Say it, please, i, i, i. This is the capital I. Its a

11、 word. Its me. And this is the small i. (出示字母卡)设计意图:以观察首字母来引出四个需要学习的字母,为感受、发现字母在单词里的发音做好准备。2. 出示字母卡,学生快速认读字母。Teacher: I will show you the letters. Please say them quickly. 设计意图:通过这个活动,让学生能够顺利认读字母。3. 播放Chant,学生认真倾听。Teacher:Boys and girls, lets listen to a chant about E, F, G, H. Listen carefully. 设计意

12、图:以语音韵句直接展示字母的发音,让学生在律动中感受语音,学习语音。 Step 4 Practice1. 再次播放韵句,学生跟唱。Teacher:Listen to the chant again. Chant with the tape, please. 2. 表演韵句。Teacher:Say the chant together, please. 设计意图:以跟读获取韵句的准确发音。以齐读来练习韵句。3. 以动作展示字母,做字母操。Teacher:Lets do some actions. Look at me. E, E, E, this is E. Can you do with me

13、? 先向左方弯曲左腿,然后向左方伸出双臂,做出字母E的形状。其他字母可参考这个字母来表示。I直接以自己的身体来展示,双臂自然下垂就可以了。设计意图:通过字母操,让学生感受字母的字形与写法。由于本课时只是初步感受,所以写法并不是最重要的。通过字母操的形式,既让他们初步感受了字母的书写,又形式活跃,易于吸引学生的注意力,并激发他们的学习兴趣。4. 匹配字母与发音。教师说出字母,学生说出其发音,并说出语音例词。Teacher:Lets match the sound and the letter. When I say h, you should say /h/, and say the words

14、 hand, hi. Lets play together. 设计意图:以这种匹配加强学生对于字母发音的理解和掌握。5. 完成教材第16页Listen and circle的活动。Teacher: Look at the picture. Whats this? What letter is under it? Now you will hear a letter and a word. Please circle the correct letter. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. 设计意图:先引导学生观察题目信息,再去做听一听,圈一圈的活动。使

15、学生在做听力练习之前有一个心理准备和线索。6. 完成教材第26页Write and say活动。Teacher:Lets write the letters. Look at the letters. Show me your finger and write it together with me. (板书五个字母,学生以手指书空)Please write them in the blanks. 设计意图:先引导学生观察书写顺序,再以教师的示范巩固,最后再让学生自由书写,循序渐进地掌握字母的书写方法及占格方式。 Step 5 Summary播放韵句,学生齐唱韵句来再现、总结本课时的字母及语音知识。Teacher:Lets say the chant together. 设计意图:以韵句来结束课程,可以使学生在轻松愉快的氛围里再一次重温本课时的重点内容,起到总结、整理的作用。 l 课堂作业一、为下列字母选出正确的大写形式。( ) 1. h A. E B. H C. G( ) 2. e A. F B. A C. E( ) 3. i A. E B. I C. G( ) 4. b A. B B. D C. H( ) 5. g A. C



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