人教版小学六年级英语上册 Unit 5 What does he do 教案 第二课时

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1、第二课时课时内容A Lets try; Lets talk课时分析本课时是人教版六年级上册第五单元的第二课时,与第一课时紧密相连,继续围绕“父母的职业”这个话题展开。本节课主要是通过谈话的情景巩固询问他人职业的句型What does he/she do? Hes/Shes. 鼓励学生大胆发言,激发学生用英语表达的热情。第一课时询问职业句型的学习为本课时的学习奠定了基础。本课时的重点是核心句型的灵活运用。本课时包括Lets try 和 Lets talk 两个版块。Lets try是听力训练,用来引出Lets talk版块的相关信息。Lets talk通过呈现Oliver和Sarah在家长日谈论

2、自己父母的情景,引出核心句型What does he/she do? Hes/Shes.话题的设置贴近学生的生活,激发了学生求知的欲望,鼓励了学生想要用英语表达的热情。本课时出现的词汇country, head teacher,借助于一定的语境,图片等方法帮助学生学习和理解。对话教学可以先通过游戏、问答帮助学生回忆和巩固旧知,然后利用多媒体、教材设置的情境学习对话。再鼓励学生表演对话、创编对话,引导学生更好的运用和巩固语言。课时目标1. 能够听、说、认读单词:country, head teacher 2. 能够听、说、读、写句型What does he do? He is a busines

3、sman. 3. 能够掌握询问他人职业的句型:What does he/she do? Hes/Shes.4. 能够理解对话大意。5. 能够用正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话。6. 鼓励学生大胆发言,激发学生用英语表达的热情。课时重难点1.重点(1)能够掌握询问他人职业的句型:What does he/she do? Hes/Shes.(2)能够听、说、读、写句型What does he do? He is a businessman.(3)能够理解对话大意。2.难点能够在情景中运用第三人称单数的特殊疑问句。教学准备 多媒体课件、词卡、录音机和磁带、表格教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.

4、GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you, too.2. Play a game(1)我来比划你来猜教师依次做出factory worker, post officer, postman, businessman的动作,学生猜单词。(2)教师呈现词卡factory worker, post officer, postman, businessman,学生认读单词及词组。3. Ask and answer(课件呈现几组

5、图片,师生、生生做对话练习)T: What does he/she do? S1: Hes/Shes. S2: What does he/she do? S3:. .设计意图:通过小游戏、词卡复习学过的单词,然后又通过问答操练复习学过的句型。既巩固了旧知,又为学习新知做好铺垫。Step 2 Lead in 1. T: What does your father/mother do? S1: Hes/Shes a. . 2. Lets try(1)T: What does Sarahs father do? Who will come on Parents Day? Listen to the

6、tape. (2)播放录音,指名回答问题。 (3)师生核对。教学资源:录音机、磁带设计意图:引出正文的相关信息,为进入正式的对话做好准备。Step 3 Presentation1. T: On Parents Day, both Sarahs and Olivers fathers cant come. What does Olivers father/mother do? 引导学生猜测问题的答案。 设计意图:提出问题,让学生猜测,激发学生的求知欲。2.带着问题观看文本,整体感知对话。 What does Olivers father/mother do?3.细读文本,学习对话。(1)Read

7、 the text again and discuss in a group. Questions: Where is Olivers father today? What does his father do? What does his mother do? (2) Report the answers. T: Where is Olivers father today? S1: Hes in Australia. T: What does his father do?(课件展示句子) Ss: Hes a businessman. T: Yes. He often goes to othe

8、r countries. (课件呈现句子,板书country,结合教材插图,学生猜测词义,理解句子,带读句子,齐读句子) T: What does his mother do? Ss: Shes a head teacher.(板书head teacher,学生猜测词义,齐读句子。) (3)T: Does Oliver want to be a head teacher? Ss: No.T: What does he want to be? Ss: He wants to be a businessman.(课件呈现句子,理解句子) T: What do you want to be one

9、day?(板书句型I want to be. one day,引导学生用此句型练习说话) S1: I want to be . one day .设计意图:小组讨论问题,然后教师根据学生的回答,顺势引出要解决的难以理解的句子和单词,过渡很自然。4. 听录音跟读文本。教学资源:录音机、磁带 设计意图:培养学生的语感、语调。5. 分角色练习对话,表演对话。设计意图:让学生在角色扮演的活动中,体会学习的快乐。Step 4 Practice1. Make a dialogue in pairs. 两人一组仿编对话。设计意图:创设情境,帮助学生巩固和运用语言。2. Do a survey. 在班里走动调

10、查同学的父母或兄弟姐妹的职业,填在表格内。(教师可提供更多职业单词和词组帮助学生开展活动)Name mother father brothersister参考句型:What does your. do? Hes/Shes.教学资源:表格设计意图:真实的调查活动,既调动了全体学生的参与,又使学生们之间轻松愉快的交流所学语言。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this class?学生们自由说,教师总结。T:1. 学习了单词:country, head teacher 2. 巩固了询问他人职业的句型及回答: 3. 学习了表达自己愿望的句型:I wa

11、nt to be. one day.设计意图:帮助学生归纳知识点,有助于学生对知识的理解。课堂作业一、 根据单词的首字母补全单词。1. This man is a f_ w_.2. My mother is a s_.二、单项选择。( )1. He often _ to other countries.A. going B. go C. goes( )2. I want to _ a doctor one day.A. am B. is C. be( )3. _ your mother a police officer? No, she isnt.A. Is B. Are C. Does三、判

12、断下列句子与图片是“T”否“F”相符。( )1. My sister is a dancer.( )2. The woman is a head teacher.四、选择合适的句子补全对话。Lily: Hi, Bob.1._Bob: No. Shes in Beijing.Lily: 2._Bob: Shes a businesswoman. 3._Lily: What does your father do?Bob: 4._Lily: Thats nice.Bob: Yeah. 5._A. She often flies to other cities.B. Hes a doctor.C. Is your mother here today?D. Hell be here today.E. What does she do?Answers:一、1. factory worker 2.singer二、1.C2.C3.A三、1.T2.F四、1.C2.E.3.A4.B5.D板书设计 A Lets talk father a businessman Olivers Parents Mother a head teacher I want to be.one day. (想成为)


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