四年级下册英语教案Unit 5 Shopping 4个课时鲁科版五四制

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1、 Lesson1 Can I help you? 教学设计一、教学目标:(1)学生能听、说、认读、规范书写单词:toy, help, bus, car, fast(2)学生能听、说、认读单词:cheap 及短语all right。(3)能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型Can I help you?并会用Id like及 I want作出应答,语音语调正确。(4)学生能正确理解课文、并运用所学句型进行购物,培养学生文明购物的习惯。二、教学重点、难点重点:学生能听、说、认读、规范书写单词:toy help bus car fast。能听懂Can I help you?并会用Id like作出应答。难点

2、:学生能在特定的语言环境、生活场景中熟练运用所学的语言。三、教学准备:教学光盘 ,单词卡片四、教学过程: 一. Warm-up1. greetings: 2. free-talk: What do you do at the weekend? S: I .Look, this is our friend Li Ming. What does he do at the weekend? (出示图片)引导学生回答:He often goes shopping. 来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K二Text-study1. T: Li Ming and his mum go shopping today

3、. Lets have a look.What does Li Ming want?-A toy.(学习toy, toys)What does the shop assistant say?(出示课文图片,学生听录音,说句子)-Can I help you?-Id like a toy, please.T: (出示图片)Look, so many things in the shop! If youre the shop assistant, what do you say?引导学生回答Can I help you? T: If you are the girl, what do you wa

4、nt?引导学生用Id like.回答.同桌进行Pair-work练习对话。(利用图片)T: Look, whats this?引入并学习新单词bus。2. listen and answerT: Li Ming says: Id like a toy, please. (1)How did the shop assistant give the suggestion?(2)Does Li Ming want a toy bus? Why?学生听学习句子How about this toy bus? Does Li Ming want a toy bus? Why?-No, he doesnt.

5、 its too big.So Li Ming wants a_. (学习新单词car)Why?-It goes _and its _.(课件学习单词 fast, cheap)T: At last, Li Mings mother says: All right! Well take it.(学习all right)3.Listen、read and imitate3. 4. read in roles.三Exercises1. Fill in the blanks.T:After reading the text, can you fill in the blanks now?2. Pair

6、-work.T: OK. I want a toy too. Who can be the shop assistant?来源:学&科&网(师生完成示范对话,然后学生进行2人练习。)4. group- workT: Next well make a role-play. Four people in a group. Take out the things you prepared. One will be the shop assistant and the others will be customs. You can use these sentences to finish your

7、conversation.A: Can I help you?B: I want a.A: What about this one? Its.and.B: Ok! Ill take it.5. T: I think when we go shopping. We should try to be a civilized custom.6. Summary 四Homework 1、Listen to the tape and read after it.2、 Do activity 3 in groups. Lesson 2 Do you have schoolbags? 一、教学目标: (1)

8、学生能听、说、认读单词:buy forty 及短语excuse me,this way. (2)能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:Do you have schoolbags?并会用Yes, we do. Sorry, we dont.作出应答。 (3)学生能运用所学句型进行购物。二、教学重点、难点 重点:能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型Do you have schoolbags?并会用Yes, we do. Sorry, we dont.作出应答。 难点:excuse的读音。Do you have schoolbags?回答时,I 和we的转换。 三、教学准备: PPT,单词卡片,学习用品 四、教

9、学过程: Step1 warm-up1、Song: colour2、free-talk: The mouth is red. The face is white. Can you say other sentences?The . is. (blue, yellow, orange. )(教师可用身边的东西做示范,如The pen is green. The ruler is yellow.)Step2 PresentationLook at Li Mings schoolbag. Is it new? Is it good?Li Mings bag is broken. So Li Ming

10、 and his mum go and buy(买) a new one. Lets have a look. And find out “What colour is the new bag? Step 3 Text-study 1. listen and answer: What colour is the new bag? 2. How do they buy the bag? Lets listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,回答句子)Excuse me. _-_. This way, please.Do you like this one?-No._?_

11、.T: Li Ming asks two questions. What are they? How does the shop assistant answer?(学生再次回答重点句子)T: Now can you talk about these pictures?(出示图片,学生再次操练重点句子)T: At last, the shop assistant brings a green schoolbag. They buy it. How much is it?(学习forty, 并延伸到sixty, seventy)简单介绍excuse me, this way的用法4. liste

12、n, point and repeat.5. show time.Step 4 Exercise1. After they buy the schoolbag. Li Ming says: Mum, Im hungry. His mum says;Lets go and buy some food. They are in a restaurant now. Can you finish this conversation?Mum: Excuse me. Do you have?Waiter: Yes, we do.Li Ming: Do you have?Waiter: Sorry, we

13、dont. What about some?Li Ming: OK.Waiter: Wait a minute, please. 2. group-workT:Now lets make a role play. Four people in a group. Take out the things you prepared. One will be the shop assistant and the others will be customs. You can use these sentences to finish your conversation.(课前要让学生将物品准备好,小组

14、内准备的物品要分好类,并注意准备不同颜色的物品。)A: Excuse me. Do you have a black pen?B: Yes, we do. / Sorry, we dont. How about this ? A: Oh, its nice. Ill take it.Step 5 SummaryStep 6 Homework: 1. read the text 3 time.2. 在小组内继续模拟购物活动.。Lesson 3 How much is this shirt?一、教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1. 能听说并认读:how much hundred fit trouse

15、rs fifty 2. 能听说、认读并书写:How much is this shirt? Its one hundred yuan. How much are they? Theyre fifty-eight yuan. (二)能力目标: 能运用 How much is this shirt? Its one hundred yuan. How much are they? Theyre fifty-eight yuan.之类的语句询问物品的价格。 (三)情感目标: 1. 培养学生的英语思维习惯。 2. 激发学生对现实生活的关注与热爱。二、教学重点: 运用 How much is this shirt? Its one hundred


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