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1、安安 徽徽 大大 学学 硕士学位论文硕士学位论文 题题 目目 论行业协会的垄断行为及其法律规制 专专 业业 经济法学 研究方向研究方向 市场规制法 姓姓 名名 蔡金淋 届届 别别 二九 导师姓名导师姓名 王先林 职职 称称 教授 二九年四月十六日二九年四月十六日 目目 录录 摘摘 要要 . I Abstract . III 引引 言言 . 1 一、行业协会的一般分析一、行业协会的一般分析 . 3 (一)行业协会的基本界定 . 3 (二)行业协会对竞争的影响与法律规制的必要性 . 8 二、对行业协会垄断行为的经济与法律分析二、对行业协会垄断行为的经济与法律分析 . 13 (一)行业协会垄断行为的

2、形成原因 . 13 (二)行业协会垄断行为的构成要件 . 16 (三)行业协会垄断行为的表现形式 . 19 三、行业协会垄断行为法律规制的理论基础与经验借鉴三、行业协会垄断行为法律规制的理论基础与经验借鉴 . 24 (一)行业协会垄断行为法律规制的理论基础 . 24 (二)行业协会垄断行为法律规制的经验借鉴 . 29 四、我国行业协会垄断行为的法律规制现状与完善建议四、我国行业协会垄断行为的法律规制现状与完善建议 . 42 (一)我国行业协会垄断行为法律规制的现状分析 . 42 (二)我国行业协会垄断行为法律规制的完善建议 . 46 结结 语语 . 55 参考文献参考文献 . 56 致致 谢谢

3、 . 61 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录 . 63 I 摘摘 要要 随着经济民主化步伐的加快和政府职能转变的深入,行业协会在市场、政 府和社会组织三元主体构成的现代市场经济框架中扮演着越来越重要的角色。 从反垄断法的视角来看,行业协会的市场行为是一柄“双刃剑” :一方面,行业 协会为了增进会员的共同利益,利用自身的优势,开展行业自律活动,以此来 约束会员的行为并促使其遵守市场竞争规则,从而作为竞争法律体系的补充与 细化,维护公平自由的竞争环境;另一方面,由于形成机制的缺陷、代表利益 的局限和现行法律法规的缺失等一系列因素的影响,行业协会实施垄断行为的 经

4、济动因在权利动因的催化下从可能转变为现实,造成市场竞争秩序的混乱, 严重损害竞争机制,从而成为反垄断法的规制对象。 行业协会会员利益的局限性影响行业协会决策的公正性。有效竞争理论、 公平效益理论和消费者权益保护理论构成了对行业协会垄断行为进行法律规制 的理论基础。为了厘清合法的自律行为与违法的垄断行为的界限,本文从客体、 客观方面、主体和主观方面对行业协会垄断行为予以分析,并且挂一漏万地列 举了经济领域的行业协会和职业协会垄断行为的表现形式,旨在打击违法垄断 行为。美国、德国和日本对行业协会垄断行为的规制有各自的存在土壤,我国 在法律移植时,既要借鉴先进的外国立法经验,更要立足于我国的基本国情

5、, 力求实现“法治现代化”和“本土资源”的完美融合。 我国在中央和地方两级立法中对行业协会垄断行为进行法律规制。 反垄断 法的颁布标志着我国在规制行业协会垄断行为方面迈出了一大步。但是在规 制损害竞争秩序的行业协会垄断行为时, 反垄断法在行为方式、主体认定和 责任追究等方面的规定过于原则,缺乏可操作性。本文建议增设一章专门规制 行业协会垄断行为,在行为方式的认定上,违法适用原则和适用除外制度从正 反两方面规定了该章的调整对象;竞争规则的登记和公开制度规范了行业协会 开展的自律活动;在主体认定上,借鉴“揭开公司面纱”理论分清行业协会和 会员的责任,使得真正的违法者受到惩罚;宽恕制度吸引违法者主动

6、交代和揭 发非法垄断行为,节省了司法资源;通过完善法律责任形式使得责任体系的设 II 置更加合理,达到惩戒和预防相结合的目的。 关键词关键词:行业协会 垄断行为 市场竞争 法律规制 III Abstract With the quickening of the steps of economic democratization and the deepening of transformation of government functions, the trade association is playing more and more important role in modern ma

7、rket economy system consisting of market, government and social organization. From the perspective of the anti-trust law, conducts of the trade association are a double edged sword. On the hand, in order to improve common benefits of the member, the trade association takes advantages to enforce memb

8、er abiding by the rule of market competition so as to supplement the legal system of competition and to safeguard the competition environment of fair. On the other hand, because of a series of influences such as the defect of mechanism, the limitation of benefit and blank of law etc, the economic im

9、pulse of the trade association to monopolize turn into the reality with the helps of the administration power, which became regulation object of anti-trust law owing to confusion of competition order they brought out. The decisions the trade association made are apt to unrighteous because of limitat

10、ion of profits of member. There are three theories, which consisting of effective competition theory, just efficiency theory and protecting consumer right theory to regulate monopolistic conducts of the trade association. In order to differentiate between legal self-discipline conducts and illegal m

11、onopolistic conducts, the dissertation analyzes monopolistic conducts of the trade association from the four prospects that is the object, the objective, the subject and the subjective. It enumerates a variety of monopolistic conducts of the trade association and the professional association. Americ

12、an, German and Japan have own foundation to regulate monopolistic conducts of the trade association. When we transplant foreign legislation, we not only emulate foreign legislative experience but also are based on Chinas reality so as to fulfill the mixture between modernization of rule by law and n

13、ative resources. In China, monopolistic conducts of the trade association is regulated by national IV and local legislations. The promulgation of Anti-monopoly Law of the Peoples Republic of China marks big progress in regulating monopolistic conducts of the trade association. But the clauses are so principle as to operate in many respects such as conduct standard, legal responsibility, subject differentiation and legal proceeding. The dissertation should add a chapter to regulate monopolistic conducts of t


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