四年级上英语教案Unit 3 I can run fast湘鲁版

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1、Unit 3 I can run fast.能力目标:1、能顺利朗读课文对话,并以此初步培养学生的语音语调,建立语感,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。2、让学生能用can来表示自己和他人的能力。情感目标1、激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情,消除学生的畏难情绪,有积极主动的学习态度和活泼的个性,乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,促使其快乐地、成功的学习。2、通过活动参与,使学生能熟悉到自己和别人的能力,培养自强自立的信心。教学重点与难点1、动词短语的认读和应用:play football,play basketball,play ping-pong ,run ,swim 2、what can you do?

2、/句型的扩展应用。 教学过程:1Warming-up 1、Greetings2、Sing the song:Follow me. T: Lets sing and do.(点击课件) Ss: (Sing and do) T: Youre very good.IIPresentation and drill1、(CAI ) Present the phrases: run fast, swim fast, throw far, jump high, fly high.T: (点击课件)OK! Boys and girls,look and listen!Ss: (Look and listen.

3、)2、Teach the new phrases.1. Learn to say “run fast”. (CAI )(1) Have a matchT: I can run fast.(边说边做跑的动作).Can you run fast ? Who want try?T: Now lets have a match.(师生一起跑) Good! You can run fast. You are winner.由此引出课题教学新知识。 T: run fast Ss: run fast (反复多次,再个别操练) T: Run, run, run fast(节奏加快,动作快)T and Ss:

4、Run, run, run fast(重复若干次,板书 Run, run,run fast)(2) 点击刘翔参加奥运会赛的图片T:Whos he?Ss: Hes Liu Xiang.来源:Zxxk.ComT: Can he run fast?Ss: Yes,he can.T: Liu Xiang can run fast. He can run fast.(课件展示句型)Ss:(跟读几遍,在个别操练)2 . Teach“jump high, throw far, swim fast, fly high”in the same way.3、 Practice(1).Listen and act.

5、T: OK!Lets play a game. Everybody, stand up.Run fast/jump high/(反复时,调换词组顺序)Ss: (边听边做动作)T:You are good job.(2). Lets chant Run, run, run fast(拍手)(拍手) (拍手) Jump, jump, jump highT:(点击课件)OK!Lets chant!Ss: (Listen and chant together,then chant in groups.)(3).Lets play :Find friend(游戏规则:师将写有动词或副词的单词卡随意发给学

6、生,其余学生随老师示意齐读任意一个动词或副词,如:run.拿到该单词卡的学生到前面来并高举词卡说: Who is my friend? Run, run, run. 手持fast的学生也马上到前面来并高举词卡说:fast, fast, fast,I am your frend.最后全班齐说:run fast.)T: (点击课件)Now, lets play a game“Find your friend”.T and Ss: Run, run, run.S1: (到前面来并高举词卡) Who is my friend? Run, run, run.S2: (也到前面来并高举词卡) fast,

7、fast, fast,I am your frend.Ss: run fast, run fast, run fast.T: Good! You are wonderful!1、Part A (CAI) (1) Look at the picture,listen and repeat it. T:(点击课件)Look at the picture,Listen and read. Ss: (Listen and read)(2) T: Answer the questions. T: Who can jump high? S1: Peter can jump high. T: (to S1)

8、Good! (to Ss) Who can run fast? S2: Lingling can run fast. T: (to S2)Great! (toSs)Who can throw far? S3: Anne can throw far. T: (to S3)OK!(to Ss)Who can swim fast? S4: Dongdong can swim fast. T: You are very good.(3) Listen and read again. T: (show the CAI)Please listen and read again!来源:Zxxk.Com Ss

9、:(Listen and read)2、Make sentence with“I/He/She can ”T: Miss Yang将请两个学生到前面,A说明自己的能力并作出相应的动作。B如果会就回答并模仿相同的动作。即:A: I can run fast. Can you,B?B: Yes, I can run fast.A: I can run fast. Can you,C?C: Yes, I can run fast.来源:学科网A: Lets run fast,OK?A/B/C/.: OK!A: Ready go!A/B/C/: (run fast)3、Survey(调查表)(分组练习

10、) What can you do on sports day? (The students go and sign up for sports day. The group leaders write down according to the following table.) A: Whitch sport for you? B: Jump high/ A: Why? B: Ican来源:Z#xx#k.Com Name来源:学科网ZXXKSportrun fastjump highthrow farJump far IV: 小结(Summary) 12 I can run fastrun fast.jump high.I/He/She can throw far.swim fast.fly high.V: HomeworkDo more exercise every day to keep a good health.



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