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1、Lessen 4 what is the game一、教学目标: 1、学生能听说读写:Whats the game?.2、学生能根据对话调换相关词语自己编对话。二、教学重、难点分析1本课时的教学重点是句型. Close the box play a game open your booksClap my hands2本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用句型open your books三、课前准备1教师准备录音机及录音带。2教师准备A Lets learn部分的单词卡片和五年级下册第四、五、六单元Lets 1earn部分的单词卡片。3教师准备Pronunciation部分的挂图。4教师准备各

2、种展览活动的海报,可参照A Lets talk部分的替换图,也可以自己带作一些图文并茂的海报。5教师准备一些名人照片。四、教学步骤和建议1热身(Warm-up)1.free talk: what day is it today ? whats the date ? whats the weather like today? Whats your favouritecolour /food/animal/ sport?2. .look carefully : 瞬间出现一些单词,让学生说:riding a bike ,diving, playing the violin, collecting s

3、tamps, making kites, watching tv, reading books, cooking, singing 3. t : I like singing, what about you? S: I like ,来源:学科网ZXXKpresentation:1.hobbyt: I like reading book, so reading books is my hobby.Practise : hobby,and spell (blackboard)T: whats your hobby? S: I like Write : whats your hobby?Practi

4、se the sentence : hobby, hobby, whats your hobby? I like , I like ,I like reading books(课件:播放Zip唱的 “I Love Going Hiking.”) 师生一起欣赏。T: Next, Zip is going to sing with us (教具:出示词卡with us).汉语解释。 Lets sing together. (再播放一遍歌曲,师生同唱。)来源:学科网ZXXKStep2 Presentation新知呈现1.自由对话引出hobby:课件展示:(Zip图和Zip活动的四个句子,going

5、hiking, collecting leaves, fishing, taking pictures, -变色突出ing)T: Zip loves going hiking,collecting leaves,fishing,来源:学,科,网taking pictures,T: And she loves watching insects and animals, too. In these activities, she likes going hiking best. (课件:点击出现一颗心:I like going hiking.) So her hobby is going hiki

6、ng. (课件:在心上面出现:hobby闪动.)T: 教读 hobby, hobby. Can you write “hobby” with me? Lets spell together. (师板书hobby ,生伸出手指空书)2.介绍自己的hobby引出I like collecting stamps.来源:学,科,网(1) T: My hobby is collecting stamps.(出示教具:集邮册,让学生看一看)T: I like collecting stamps. What about you?引出特殊问句:Whats your hobby? You can say: I

7、like doing sth. Dont forget to Add ing. (课件:显示学过的图片如drawing pictures, taking pictures, making kites, listening to music, etc. 和句子: Whats your hobby? I like -. )Whats Bills hobby? (课件出示A、B图)He likes . A or B?T: What about Daniel?Whats his hobby? (课件出示A、B图)He likes.Listen to the tape and circle the ri

8、ght answer.来源:学|科|网(播放Lets try录音,然后核对答案)4. Now write down your hobby and your partners hobby on your card, please! (写的环节:学生在心卡上写下自己和搭档的爱好)5. 猜图(1)(课件:Amy 头像)T: I have a friend. Shes Amy. Guess: Whats her hobby?S: Maybe she likes .(点击课件,出现整体画面:做风筝)T: She likes making kites.(2)(课件:Mike 头像)T: Whats his

9、 game?S: Maybe he likes .(点击课件,出现整体画面,骑自行车)T: He likes riding a bike.课件出示三张海报,一张一张的出,由大变小,学生做替换练习。(学生拿着心卡分小组去找自己想去的show, 站成一组,学生按照自己的爱好分成若干爱好组,为后面的对话展示做好铺垫。)生与生的对话展示:A:Hello! Whats your hobby?B: I like.What about you?A: Me too. There is a show . Im going to the show. Lets go together.B:Sure. I have a friend. He/she likes, too. Can he/she go with us?A: Sure.然后把心形卡贴在选择的海报上。2.笔头练习拿出听力材料,听录音完成练习。Step5 HomeworkRead the shows after class. Write down your classmates hobbies.教学反思:(一)教学前反思在上课前,对于这堂课,我翻阅了整个单元的内容,力求使这堂课不脱离整个单元的重点内容。按照小学英语对话课的模式制定这堂课的教案步骤,力求做到环节紧凑,过渡自然。


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