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1、四年级上册英语第五单元测试卷班级( )姓名( )分数( )Listening Part (30)一、 选出听到的单词(7.5)( )1.A.help B.pass C.please( )2.A.soup B.noodles C.vegetable( )3.A.juice B.hungry C.fridge( )4.A.chicken B.hot dog C.hamburger( )5.A.spoon B.plate C.school二、 选出听到的句子。(7.5)( )1.A.Pass me the fork. B.Pass me the knife.( )2.A.let me show yo

2、u. B.Let me try.( )3.A.What would you like for breakfast? B.What would you like for dinner?( )4.A.Id like some soup. B.Id like some noodles.( )5.A.Can I have some rice? B.Can I help?三、 听音选择(9)NamenoodlesricesoupchickenvegetableswaterJohnMikeAmy四、听音选答语(6)( )1.A.Sure, Here you are. B.Thank you.( )2.A.

3、Id like some rice and soup. B.Wait and see .( )3.A.I have a computer. B.I can see some desks( )4.A.She is in the classroom. B.Yes, she is.( )5.A.Thank you. B.See you tomorrow.( )6.A.let me try . B.Yes ,pass me a plate,please.Writing Part (70)一、 写出下列单词的英语形式或汉语。(10)1.面包( ) 2.鸡蛋( ) 3.牛奶( )4.水 ( ) 5. 牛肉

4、( ) 6.鸡肉( ) 7.米饭 ( ) 8.鱼( ) 9.wash the plates ( ) 10.see you tomorrow( )二、选出不同类的词(9)( )1.A.window B.light C.beef( )2.A.music B.science C.rice( )3.A.fork B.knife C.Photo( )4.A.spoon B.water C.plate( )5.A.noodles B.chopsticks C.hamburger三、连线(9)Let me try. 干杯a glass of milk 玩的开心Chinese food. 一杯牛奶Cut wi

5、th the knife. 让我试试have a good time 中国食物Cheers 用刀切四、情景交际(12)( )1.当有客人来你家吃晚饭,你请他们“随便吃”应说:AHelp yourself. B.Can I help?( )2.当你为别人做示范时应说:A.Let me show you. B.Let me help you.( )3.当你到别人家做客时,你口渴了,想喝杯果汁应说:A.Can I have some juice, please. B.Id like some juice.( )4.晚上想去睡觉了,你应对妈妈说: A.Good evening. B.Good nigh

6、t.( )5.当你妈妈问你午饭吃什么时,她应说:A.What would you like for breakfast? B.What would you like for lunch?( )6.当别人给你提供你所需要的食物时,你应说A.Great! B.Thank you.( )7.你想说这是“多么丰盛的早餐呀!”应该说A.What a big breakfast! B.What a good breakfast!( )8.你想说“哦,不,你不能吃这么多!”应说A. Oh, no you cant eat so much! B. Oh,no you cant eat too much!五、根

7、据问语选择答语(10)( )1.What would you like for dinnner? A.Five yuan.( )2.How much? B.Id like some soup.( )3.Can I have some rice, please? C.wait and see.( )4.Whats for lunch? D.Yes, pass me a fork.( )5.Can I help? E.Sure, here you are.六、这周未你准备请Mike到你家做客,假想下你们吃饭前,吃饭时和吃饭后的对话(10)吃饭前:You: . Mike: .吃饭时:You: . M

8、ike:I like Chinese food. You: .吃饭后:Mike: I had a good time. Thank you. You: .1.Id like some rice and beef . 2.Help yourself.3.See you tomorrow . 4.What would you like?5.Me too, Chinese food is good.七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10) My name is Chen Jie. Ihungry. I would like some rice,some beef,some vegetables a

9、nd some fish. I woulld like a glass of milk,too. What a big dinner.I like Chinese food very much.But I cant eat so much.( )1.Chen Jie is hungry( )2.She would like some chicken.( )3.She would like some fish.( )4.She would like a glass of juice.( )5.Chen Jie likes Chinese food very much.听力答案:一、 选出听到的单

10、词。1、 pass 2、soup 3、fridge 4、chicken 5、spoon二、选出听到的句子。1 Pass me the fork. 2 Let me show you. 3 What would you like for breakfast?4 Id like some noodles. 5 Can I help?三、听音选择1 What would you like for dinner,John? Id like some noodles and vegetables.2 What would you like for dinner,Mike? Id like some ri

11、ce and chicken and water.3 What would you like for dinner,Amy? Id like some soup.四、听音选答语1 Can I have some chicken,please? Sure,here you are.2 What would you like for dinner? Id like some rice and soup.3 What can you see? I can see some desks.4 Where is she? She is in the classroom.5 See you tomorrow. See you tomorrow.6 Can I help? Yes ,pass me a plate,please笔试答案:一、 写出下列单词的英语形式或汉语。1 bread 2 egg 3 milk 4 water 5 beef 6 chicken 7 rice 8 fish 9 洗盘子 10 明天见二、选出不同类的词。 C C C B B A三、连线Let me try. 让我试试a glass of milk 一杯牛奶Chinese food. 中国食物Cut with the knife. 用刀切have a good time 玩的开心Cheers



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