商务英语阅读Unit 9-叶兴国.

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1、UNIT 9 2014.11 Business English: A Reading Course BACKGROUND INFORMATION I. Fireside Chat: 炉边谈话 II. Story-telling types for leaders 1. Who am I? 2. Who are we? 3. Where are we going? III. 作为企业领导人: 1. 提高管理能力; 2. 学会讲故事。 WARM-UP QUESTIONS 1. During difficult times, a leader is supposed to encourage his

2、 or her people to pull through. This requires one to have some charisma. What can be the effective methods which can call forth peoples spontaneous enthusiasm and co-operation 2. Why can storytelling be used as an effective method to strengthen organizational bonds in a corporation? Business English

3、: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING Question: How can we guess word meaning according to the context? Definition; Synonym; Antonym; Example; Causal relationship; Experience or common sense. Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILL

4、S: INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 1. Definition 定义clues:“* is/are *.” e.g. A carrel is a small table with “walls” around three sides. The word “diminish” means decrease. 2. Synonym clues :同义词 3. Antonym clues :反义词 Business English: A Reading Course READING SKILLS: INT

5、RODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING 4. Example举例clues: 5. Causal relationship因果关系clues: 6. Experience or common sense经验或常识clues: 7. Explanation after punctuation markscomma (,), dash (), within parentheses ():标点符号 8. Semantic relationships: 语义关系 7-8见 泛读教程1-2之阅读技巧.doc Business

6、 English: A Reading Course Questions: 1. What made the first Fireside Chat a hit? 2. Which point was emphasized both in Roosevelts inaugural address and his first Fireside Chat? 3. For what did Jim Farley, a top political advisor, think that the first Fireside Chat may have been the greatest speech

7、by an American president? Business English: A Reading Course TEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGE TEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGE Notes on the Text: 1. Fireside Chat: 炉边谈话 是美国总统罗斯福利用大众传播手段进行政治性公关活动的事 例之一。20世纪30年代,美国经济处于大萧条时期。罗斯福的 前任总统胡佛,4年任期内正碰上全球性经济危机,美国经济 在短短几个月内几乎崩溃,至1932年冬天,全国至少有1300万 人失业,3400万人没有任何收入。人们依靠私人施舍、市和州 政

8、府少得可怜的公共救济,以及自己微不足道的积蓄度日。为 了求得美国人民对政府的支持,缓解萧条,美国总统富兰克林 罗斯福利用炉边谈话节目通过收音机向美国人民进行宣传。他 的谈话不仅鼓舞了美国人民,坚定了人民的信心,而且也宣传 了他的货币及社会改革的基本主张,从而赢得了人们的理解和 尊敬。对美国政府度过艰难,缓和危机起到了较大作用。 Business English: A Reading Course TEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGE Notes on the Text: 1. Fireside Chat: 炉边谈话 著名的“炉边谈话”至少进行了二十一次。 1933年3月12日,拯救金

9、融:第一次“炉边谈话”(罗斯 福新政的开始)。 1933年5月7日,复兴工业:第二次“炉边谈话”。 1933年7月24日,为了彻底解决童工和劳动时间问题,罗 斯福发布了第三次“炉边谈话”。 1933年10月22日晚,罗斯福向全国做了第四次“炉边谈话 ”,他回顾了3月份以来“足以自豪的事实和行动”,并 高度概括了“第一次新政”所致力于实现的目标。 Business English: A Reading Course TEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGE Notes on the Text: 2. basso profundo: (意大利语)深沉男低音歌手 3. FDR walked p

10、eople through the basics of banking without being patronizing. 罗斯福耐心细致地给人们讲解了银行业的基本 原理,丝毫没有居高临下的口吻。 walk: 原意是“陪同走路或步行护送”,这里用来 比喻耐心细致。 Business English: A Reading Course TEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGE Notes on the Text: 4. In the middle of the speech, Roosevelt said simply, “I can assure you that it is safe

11、r to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress.” 在演讲的中段,罗斯福简单地说:“我向你 们保证,把钱存在重开的银行里比你们把钱 藏在床垫底下更安全。” Business English: A Reading Course TEXT A:VOICE OF COURAGE Notes on the Text: 5. Preparations for a bill to spend the end of Prohibition began that night. 当天晚上,罗斯福又开始准备议案以加速结 束禁酒令。 P

12、rohibition:用作大写时,意思是:“禁酒”,指 美国1920年至1933年期间的禁酒。 Business English: A Reading Course TEXT B: TELL STORIES TO STRENGTHEN ORGANIZATIONAL BONDS Notes on the Text: 1. Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds用讲故事的方法来增加组织的凝聚力。 这里story是指对于一场事件或一系列事件的 描述和复述,可能为真实的,也可能是虚构 的。 Business English: A Reading

13、Course TEXT B: TELL STORIES TO STRENGTHEN ORGANIZATIONAL BONDS Notes on the Text: 2. In the world of corporations and nonprofit organizations, however, this highly effective tool has taken a backseat to the more efficient electronic means if communication such as email and teleconferencing. 但是在公司和非营

14、利组织领域,这种高效率的工具 却让位给更高效的电子通讯方式,如电子邮件和电 信会议。 Business English: A Reading Course TEXT B: TELL STORIES TO STRENGTHEN ORGANIZATIONAL BONDS Notes on the Text: 3. I often use the analogy of the space shuttle commanders role vis-vis a variety of payload experts as opposed to the command and control leadersh

15、ip model of a ships captain. 我常常把面对各类酬载专家的航天飞机机 长的职责与一艘船的船长发号施令的领导 模式进行类比。 Business English: A Reading Course KEYS TO EXERCISES I. C B D B B II. C C B A D III. 1. 去年开始,5000多家每况愈下的银行发生了骇人的挤 兑,已提空了乡村地区银行的资金,现正来势汹汹地 威胁美国的城市地区。 2. 罗斯福在楼上为他讲稿中的此举做最后的润色。 3. 相反,那些计算去银行取钱的人则被温柔地扣上了不 道德的头衔。 Business English:

16、 A Reading Course TEXT A TEXT B I. F T T T F II. B A D C D III. 1. 最近在今日美国上刊登的一篇文章述说了一 个关于西南航空公司的有创新精神的机械师的故 事。他乐意做份外事来帮助别人,显示了为顾客 服务的奉献精神。 2. 尽管很容易看到成就,其他感人的故事也可能来 自侥幸脱险,让人们明白风险也有回报。 3. 当从中能学到经验教训时,甚至一次失败的经历 也可以是一个好故事。 Business English: A Reading Course KEYS TO EXERCISES 1. Try to remember new words and expressions in Unit 9; 2. Make a summary for Part IV Supplementary Reading with no more than 50 words; 3. Finish Par



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