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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 煤灰中痕量元素非均匀分布特征与煤中矿物质蒸发特性的研究 姓名:田季林 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:化工过程机械 指导教师:舒朝晖 20070124 I 摘 要 燃煤是我国获取能源的最主要的方式, 煤燃烧过程中排放的痕量元素对人体和环 境都会产生巨大的危害, 煤中伴生的矿物质又是影响锅炉积灰结渣的关键因素。 因此, 对煤灰中痕量元素的分布特征及煤中矿物质的蒸发特性进行研究具有十分重要的意 义。 本文用XRF和ICP- MS两种方法对不同粒度和不同密度小龙潭煤飞灰中痕量元素 含量进行了分析,结果表明:随着飞灰密度或粒度的变化,痕量元素的含量显示出不 同的分布规律。随着飞灰

2、密度或粒度的增大,有些元素的含量不断减小;有些元素的 含量呈不断增大的趋势;有些元素的含量是先增大,后减小,在某处存在极大值;有 些元素的含量则是先减小,后增大,在某处存在极小值。表现出显著的非均匀分布特 征。文中对非脱硫灰与脱硫灰进行了对比,发现非脱硫灰中痕量元素的含量均高于脱 硫灰,表明脱硫对痕量元素的排放有一定的抑制作用。飞灰的密度或粒度越小,脱硫 对痕量元素的抑制作用越强。 利用低温灰化仪和热综合分析仪对神府、小龙潭、阳宗海煤及其对应的低温灰进 行热重实验,结果表明:低温灰热重曲线与煤的热重曲线有一定的共性,均表现出比 较明显的 4 个 DTG峰;O2/CO2 气氛与空气气氛燃烧情况相

3、比,着火温度 Ts,最大失 重速率时对应的温度 Tm,燃尽温度 Th都有所降低,但降低的程度很小,都在 10%范 围内,基本可以忽略。低温灰则没有明显的规律;升温速率对热重曲线有较大的影响, 随升温速率的提高, 热失重积分曲线移向高温区, 微分曲线最高峰的位置也向右偏移, 峰高增加,最大失重速率相应提高;在高温区间,煤中的固定碳对矿物质的蒸发过程 没有太大的影响,O2/CO2对矿物质的蒸发有一定的抑制作用。矿物质的蒸发量随升温 速率的提高而增加。 本文的研究成果对于控制痕量元素的排放和促进煤的完全燃烧有着重要的指导 意义。 关键词:煤 燃烧 痕量元素 矿物质 低温灰 热重 . . 本文由国家自

4、然科学基金项目( 4 0 6 7 2 0 9 8 ) , 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 ( 2 0 0 6 C B 2 0 0 3 0 4 ) 资助。 II ABSTRACT Coal combustion is the main way to get energy in China. Great harm has been done to our health and the environment by the trace elements which are released from coal combustion. In the meantime, mineral matter th

5、at is concomitant with the coal is a crucial key to effect the ash aggradations and feculence coagulation. Thus, it is essential to learn the characteristic of distribution of trace elements and the evaporation speciality of mineral matters. In the article, the content of trace elements in different

6、 density distinctions and granularity levels of Xiaolongtan flying ash were measured by means of ICP- MS and XRF, result indicated that: as the flying- ash s consistency or particle size increasing, it shows different rules in the content of trace elements. Some are decreasing, some are increasing.

7、Some are increasing first, and then decreasing, there is a maximum in a point. Some are decreasing first and then increasing, there is a minimum in a point. It behaves a characteristic of none- equality distribution. When the sulfur- removing ash are compared with the non- sulfur- removing ash, the

8、content of trace element of former are lower than the latter. So the sulfur- removing system restrains the releasing of trace elements. What s more, the density and the particle size more small, the more powerful the sulfur- removing system restrains the content of trace elements. Then thermogravime

9、tric experiments of the coal from Shenfu, Xiaolongtan and Yangzonghai and their low temperature ash were compared. It was shown that the thermogravimetric curves of coal and their low temperature ash are common in that both of them have four differential thermogravimetric apices. The combustion char

10、acteristic of coal and its low temperature ash in two different atmospheres were analyzed. As to the coal, the kindling point,temperature of maximum weight loss, burnout temperature in condition of O2/CO2 are all lower when compared to the atmosphere of O2/N2. But the differences are all within 10%,

11、 which can be ignored. There is no obvious rule about the low temperature ash when the atmosphere is changed. The heating rate also has an important influence on the thermogravimetric curve. When the heating rate is promoted, thermogravimetric integral III curve shifts to high temperature area, the

12、location of differential curve peak shifts to the right, and the peak value of weight- loss also enhances accordingly. In high temperature area, carbon in coal has little influence on the evaporation characteristics of mineral matter. O2/CO2 restrains the evaporation of mineral matter. The evaporate

13、d quantity of mineral matter increases with the velocity of heating rate increasing. Results of this article have great sense on trace elements release controlling and hasten the full combustion of coal. Keywords: coal; combustion; trace elements; mineral matter; low temperature ash; thermogravimetr

14、ic. . this paper is financed by Project Supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(40672098) Pb 通过无孔的熔融硅酸盐层的离子扩散力要比多孔的铝硅酸盐层的扩散力更强 (程俊峰,2002)。 当气相的微量元素到达固体反应物层表面且被吸附后,气体分子由原来的空间自 由运动变成表面层上二维运动,运动的自由度减小,气体分子首先会吸附到活性位上 (如果温度足够发生化学反应),当所有的活性位占满后,其余的气体分子会在固体表 面范德华力的吸引下发生物理吸附。 物理吸附与化学吸

15、附发生的条件各不相同, 表 4.8 给出了两种吸附的特点和区别。化学吸附时粒子一定要被吸附在能够形成化学键的吸 附中心上,而物理吸附则没有这种限制,可吸附在表面的任何位置上,所以物理吸附 的覆盖率要比化学吸附的覆盖率大得多。 图 4.14 飞灰吸附痕量元素的两种模型 表 4.8 化学吸附与物理吸附的比较 参数 物理吸附 化学吸附 吸附力 范德华力 化学键 吸附热 较小 较大 选择性 无选择性 有选择性 吸附稳定性 不稳定,容易解吸 比较稳定,不易解吸 分子层 单分子层或多分子层 单分子层 吸附速率 较快,不受温度影响,一般不需要活化能 较慢,受温度影响很大,需要活化能 47 从上面分析可知,飞

16、灰粒径越小,其中微量元素含量越大。进而说明尾部除尘器 效率越高,特别是捕集 1 m左右的飞灰效率越高,就越能有效控制排放到空气中的微 量元素量。 4.4 本章小结 本章通过对不同粒度和不同密度级别飞灰中痕量元素的 XRF 分析和 ICP- MS 检 测,获得如下结论: (1)随着密度的增大,Na 元素的含量不断减小;Mg、Fe 元素的含量呈不断增 大的趋势;Al、Si、S、K、Ti、Mn 等元素的含量是先增大,后减小,在某一密度处 存在极大值;P、Ca 元素的含量则是先减小,后增大在某一密度处存在极小值。随着 粒度的增大,Na 元素的含量不断减小;Mg、Ca、S 元素的含量先增大,后减小,在 某一粒度处存在极大值;Al、Si、K、Ti 等元素的含量则显示出先减小,后增大的规 律,在某一粒度处存在极小值。 痕量元素在密度等级和粒度



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