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1、密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090816 历史学硕士学位论文 楼钥研究 学 位 申 请 人:庞桧存 指 导 教 师:王晓龙 副研究员 学 位 类 别:历史学硕士 学 科 专 业:中国古代史 授予单位:河 北 大 学 答辩日期:二一二年六月 Classified Index: CODE:10075 U.D.C: NO:20090816 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. History A Study of Lou Yue Candidate: Pang Huicun Supervisor: Vice-Prof.Wang Xiaolo

2、ng Academic Degree Applied for: Master of History Specialty: Ancient History of China University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 楼钥(11371213)是活动于南宋时期的历史人物。他自隆兴元年(1163)中进 士,从此步入仕途。他的仕宦活动历经宋孝宗、光宗、宁宗三朝。在为政的过程中,楼 钥以行道为己任,恪守士大夫的操守,以积极的姿态活跃于政治舞台。 南宋时期,明州经济文化发达,楼钥所在的楼氏家族是当地

3、著名的士人家族。在良 好环境的熏陶和家庭成员的关爱下,他掌握了比较丰富的文化知识,养成了优秀的道德 品质。这为其入仕为宦,立身行道奠定了坚实的基础。 楼钥初入仕途,担任了温州州学教授的官职。他以培养人才为己任,严于律己,认 真负责,深受学生、士大夫的尊敬。在孝宗淳熙时期,楼钥先后担任详定一司敕令所删 定官、台州通判、太府寺丞、宗正寺丞、温州知州等。淳熙九年(1182) ,郑丙上疏攻 击以朱熹为代表的道学士大夫。楼钥进呈论道学朋党 ,揭露这种行为的实质是排斥 异己,将使朝廷和国家出现动荡的局面。他建议宋孝宗“折中而用之” ,以消弥士大夫 间的裂痕。在主政温州期间,他重视农桑,发展生产;减轻赋税,

4、消除苛敛;清理刑狱, 重视教育。在宋光宗时期和宋宁宗初期,楼钥先后担任了考功司郎中、国子司业、起居 郎、中书舍人、直学士院、给事中、权吏部尚书等。当宋光宗贪图享乐、荒废朝政时, 楼钥上疏劝谏;在“过宫风波”中,楼钥数次苦谏,竟至忧郁成疾。在担任中书舍人和 给事中期间,楼钥秉持原则,不畏权贵,认真行使封驳权,竭力维持国家的纪纲和社会 的正气,展现了宋代优秀士大夫“以天下为己任”的政治抱负。宋宁宗初期,朝廷出现 了以赵汝愚为首的道学士大夫集团和以韩侂胄为首的反道学官僚集团对峙的局面, 楼钥 毅然站在道学士大夫集团的一边,上疏论救朱熹、彭龟年、赵汝愚、吕祖俭等。最后, 他遭到韩侂胄、京镗、刘德秀等打

5、压,被迫出朝。从庆元元年五月(1195)到开禧三年 末(1207) ,楼钥在家乡过着闲居生活。他在尽享天伦之乐的同时,与乡居的士大夫结 成真率会、棋社、莲社组织。另外,他也积极参与到兴办乡曲义庄、恢复乡饮酒礼等公 益活动中。嘉定更化后,楼钥重返庙堂,官至参知政事,达到其政治生涯的巅峰。他从 国家的实际情况出发,力主和议,同时为革除韩侂胄的弊政,减少老百姓的疾苦建言献 策。 摘 要 II 楼钥的政治思想颇有值得重视和借鉴之处。他的民本思想表现在:老百姓是国家的 根本,要保证他们能够安居乐业;要减轻老百姓的负担,救助流民;反对发动轻率的战 争,要以儒家的道德教化老百姓。在处理君臣关系上,楼钥认为君

6、主是封建国家的最高 统治者, 君主要敬天重民, 正确对待灾异等自然现象; 君主要进德修业, 增强自身素质; 君主要善于对各级官吏进行选任和管理,保证官僚系统的协调运转。总之,楼钥的政治 思想是以维护皇权的稳定为目标,带有明显的儒家思想特征,并未超越时代的局限。 楼钥学识渊博,文学、政事、学术俱佳,具备复合型的知识结构。同时长期仕宦在 外,又出身于明州的士人家族,这为其交游提供了重要条件。他的交游对象可以分为三 个领域:朱学、陆学、吕学、永嘉学派的士人;明州的同乡和贤达;官场上的同僚。当 时诸多人望名列楼钥的交游对象之中,如朱熹、陆九渊、吕祖谦、薛季宣、陈傅良、叶 适、史浩、彭龟年、真德秀、徐梦

7、莘、李心传等。他们在做人、为官、学术等方面对楼 钥影响颇深。 总之,楼钥是南宋时期一位优秀的士大夫。 关键词 南宋 楼钥 士人家族 士大夫 政治思想 交游 Abstract III Abstract Lou Yue (1137 - 1213) is active in the Southern Song Dynasty, historical figures. Since the Longxing the first year (1163), he passed Imperial Examination,entered a career. His official activities is

8、after dynasties of Song Xiao Zhong,Guangzong,Ningzong. In the political process, Lou Yue sidewalks for oneself, abide by the literatis ethics, with a positive attitude active in the political arena. Southern Song Dynasty, Minesotas economic and cultural development, Lou Yue where the Lous family is

9、well-known local scholars and their family. In a favorable environment for the nurturing and care of family members at his disposal a wealth of cultural knowledge, to develop good moral character. This is its official position as the official conduct-way street and laid a solid foundation. Lou Yue e

10、arly into the career, served as Wenzhou State professor s office. He is to cultivate talents, be strict with oneself, serious and responsible, well received by students, the literati s respect. In Xiao Zong Chun Xi period, Lou Yue served successively as detailed a division of the decree delete set o

11、fficer, Taizhou Tong Pan, Cheng of Taifusi, Cheng of Zongzhengsi, magistrate of Wenzhou. Chun Xi nine years (1182), Zheng Bing attacked with Zhu Xi as the representative of the tract of the doctor. Lou Yue was into a Taoist clique, revealing the essence of this kind of behavior is exclusivist, will

12、make the court and state of unrest. He suggested that the Song Xiao Zong compromise used” to bridge the rift between the literati. During ruled Wenzhou period, he attached importance to farming, the development of production; tax relief, eliminate harsh convergence; cleaning for punishment, value ed

13、ucation. In the period of Song Guangzong and Song Ningzong early, Lou Yue served as a test function the Secretary doctor, country sub-Secretary for Industry, Qiju Lang, in the book Scheeren, straight Bachelor hospital, Decadence, and the right board of civil chancery, etc.When Song Guangzong pleasur

14、e-seeking, abandoned the political affairs , Lou Yue memorial to remonstrate; in the palace disturbance, Lou Yue several times bitter remonstrance, as blue disease. In the Shu She and Decadence, Lou Yue upholded the principles, without fear of those in power, serious exercise a barge right, to maint

15、ain the national Ji Gang and social justice, showing the great ancient literati to the world as political ambition. Song Ningzong early, the court appeared to Zhao Ruyus tract bachelor Abstract IV doctor group and led by Han Tuozhou against Daoism bureaucratic group confrontation, Lou Yue decided to stand by the road side of the bachelor doctor group, the memorial on the rescue of Zhu Xi, Peng Guinian, Zhao Ruyu, Lv Zujian etc. Finally, he was attacked by Han Tuozhou, Beijing boring, Liu Dexiu was forced to suppress, toward


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