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1、中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 林徽因诗歌论 姓名:白晓丽 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:文艺学 指导教师:罗漫 20050525 中中 南南 民民 族族 大大 学学 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 I 摘摘 要要 林徽因作为新月诗派的后期成员,并没有停留在对新月诗风的传承上, 而是将不懈的艺术探索与之融合在一起,形成了自己独特的创作风格。本文 主要借鉴文艺学、语言学、和现代诗学等相关理论,从文本着手,试图从林 徽因丰富的情感生成、 其诗歌的创作渊源和她诗歌的艺术特征及其与创作实 践的关系等方面入手,以期对林徽因的诗歌作一整体观照,并尽力挖掘出其 内在的理论闪光点,以确立其在现代诗歌史的文学史意义

2、和地位。 首先,绪论部分阐述当前林徽因的研究概况、本文的写作动因、研究思 路和方法,及其研究意义。 全文分 3 章进行论述,第 1 章主要从林徽因所处时代环境入手,涉及她 的小说、建筑、绘画来分析其诗歌的情感生成,认为其主要包含三个方面的 内容:第一点,从时代的选择和情感的释然两方面来说明其个性的解放。五 四“新文化”运动不仅是欧美化充彻、传统赤诚坦白的特殊的时期,更是一 个“人的发现”和“人的自觉”的时代,人的思想感情大解放的时代。第二 点,从其小说作品中来发掘她特有的女性意识:女性的情愫和沉思的低唱。 林徽因以艺术家的全部气质捕捉灵感,从自我的女性经验出发,运用手中的 笔向封建的男权社会发

3、出叛逆的呼喊。林徽因作为一位现代知识女性,以女 性的性别情感特征以及她自己在现实生活中的切身感受使得她的作品也抹 上了一层“女性性别意识”色彩。林以女性独特的视角,观察社会,思索人 生,在那些男性作家的笔墨无暇或不屑于顾及的生活边缘处,展示出一个也 许并不辉煌,却令人灵魂悸动的世界。第三点,从其诗歌、建筑以及绘画作 品中来阐述林徽因情感的张扬。 林把诗意盎然的精神生活和时代情绪熔铸成 美的艺术形象,创造了独特的文化世界,塑造了一个个丰满的人物形象。揭 示出了五四作家们面对时代大潮多重心理情绪, 使其作品成为时代情绪的折 射。 其次,第 2 章从其诗歌中所表现出来的对传统文化的继承和对西方现代

4、诗歌神韵的汲取两方面来追溯林诗创作的源头。林徽因在传统与现代、历史 与现实之间走出了一条属于自己的诗歌创作道路。 林徽因在诗歌创作中汲取 了中国古典诗歌的神韵,又借助西诗的自由体制,造成诗歌语言的陌生化效 果,增强了诗歌阅读理解的延展性,创造了与中国语言文字特点相结合的传 林林 徽徽 因因 诗诗 歌歌 论论 II 统化的艺术美。 林从非常驳杂的传统文化中摄取了个人意志性和情绪性十分 强烈的思想营养,又敏锐的抓住西方文学与东方文学的契合之处。从她的作 品中可以充分认识到个人的价值,也可验证出传统哲学精神的价值。同时也 体现了林个人对人类的爱心和对社会的责任。 再次,在第 3 章中运用文艺学、形态

5、学的相关理论,对林徽因诗歌的意 象形态、语言形态和诗体形态进行探讨,来分析林徽因诗歌的艺术特点。林 徽因作为一个具有独特气质的语言作家, 她对诗歌中的意象和语言有着一种 特别的感悟和把握。作为一个出色的建筑学家,把对古建筑的鉴赏和理解运 用在诗歌中,大胆尝试诗的多种韵式,讲究诗歌的音乐美与建筑美,使诗既 有对新月派“三美”的主张呼应的一面,更有突破和创新的一面。 最后, 在结论部分中总结了林徽因作为一名女性诗人和新月派诗人其诗 歌的现代艺术精神,以确立林在现代文学史的地位和其诗歌作品的价值。 本文对林徽因诗歌情感的生成、诗歌渊源的论述、以及对其诗歌艺术特 征的探讨,对与中国现代诗学体系的建立和

6、中国诗歌艺术的发展,应当具有 重要的意义。林徽因无论在建筑学方面,还是在诗歌创作上,都融会了西方 现代文化的灵性和中国传统文化的神韵, 本文从林融会并承继传统民族文化 的自然人生观、人格理想、文艺美学观等方面的联系,来透视林诗歌的创作 世界,增加了当前研究的新视角。 关键词:林徽因,情感生成,诗歌渊源,艺术特征关键词:林徽因,情感生成,诗歌渊源,艺术特征 中中 南南 民民 族族 大大 学学 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 III ABSTRACT Please input text Lin Huiyin as crescent later stage member that poem se

7、nd,stay in to crescent passing on, poem of wind, but explore untiring art that stays with its integration, form ones own unique style of creating. This text draws lessons from literature and art, linguistics, and such relevant theorieses as the modern poem is studied mainly,set about from text, atte

8、mpt from Lin Huiyin abundant emotion turn into,creation origin of poem their, artistic characteristic of poem and with create the relation of practices start with, expect to do one to take to Lin Huiyins poem into consideration wholly, do the best to excavate out its inherent theory shining point,in

9、 order to establish its literature history meaning and position in the history of modern poem. Firstly, Full text at divide into four chapter is it describe to go on, chapter one introduction part sum up present study on Lin Huiyin overview. Secondly, it is writing reason which thinking of research

10、and method of this text,and study the meaning. Live in from Lin Huiyin era environment start with, related to her novel, building, painting is it analyse poem their emotion turn into to come mainly, think it includes the content of three respects mainly: First, from choice and to feel relieved two r

11、espect is it prove liberation of individual character their to come emotion of times. The May Fourth Movement new culture sport whether America and Europe fill thorough, tradition sincere honest special period not merely, one discovery of person and era on people conscientious even more, thoughts an

12、d feelings heavy era of liberation of people. Second, come to explore her peculiar womens consciousness from its novel works:Persistent with the personal integrity and resisting and surmounting. Lin Huiyin catches the inspiration with all the artists makings , proceeds from ones own experiences of w

13、omen , use the pen in the hand to send out the rebellious cry to the feudal man right society. She describes and resists the traditional arranged marriage, happiness striving for the freedom love, extol sincere and touching childlike innocence and mother love. Forest with women unique visual angle,

14、observe society, consider life, have no time or not consider 林林 徽徽 因因 诗诗 歌歌 论论 IV worth doing on the life edge that is taken into account in those male writers pen and ink, it is not brilliant to show one, make peoples soul throb with fear in the world moved. Forest with women unique visual angle, o

15、bserve society, consider life, have no time or not consider worth doing on the life edge that is taken into account in those male writers pen and ink, it is not brilliant to show one, make peoples soul throb with fear in the world moved. Lin Huiyin is regarded as the modern professional women of one

16、, make works of her spread one womans sex consciousness color too with sex emotion characteristic and she oneself personal feeling among actual life of women.Third,come to explain the publicizing of Lin Huiyins emotion from its poem in the building and painting works.Reveal the May Fourth Movement writers in the face of the multiple psychological mood of the spring tide of era. Foundin



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