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1、太原理工大学 硕士学位论文 散文写作中连贯性的语用研究 姓名:刘艳艳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业: 指导教师: v 散文写作中连贯性的语用研究 散文写作中连贯性的语用研究 摘摘 要要 篇章连贯是研究者们经常讨论的话题, 已有许多的学者从不同的角度分析文章的连 贯。有的学者分析书面语篇的连贯,但大多研究是从词汇,语法的角度进行的。也有的 学者关注口语语篇的连贯,主要是运用会话分析的方法进行解释,总的来说,他们都不 够全面。 语用学的语篇转向或语篇回归是国际语用学研究的总趋势。功能句法成分、语篇结 构及语篇信息结构的语用溯因,语篇表征与心理表征相结合的意义建构机制,语篇可接 受性的句法和非句法因素,

2、语篇主要交际系统和附属交际系统等理论,充分指出了这一 趋势的发展。 语用学研究的深度和广度需要加深,语用理论要进一步验证其解释力,提高其可操 作性;语用学与语篇分析的互补和相辅相成关系,需进一步发展与充实。语用学研究具 有动态性特征的特殊性质使其分析描述体系也必须充分反映此特征, 既不能照搬传统 的描述体系和研究方法,又必须同时关注认知和社会文化因素、言听者在相互作用中动 态建构语用意义的全过程。因此,本研究力求语篇交际的语用分析,以跨学科的自然语 言交际分析视角,反思语篇-语用的方法和规律。 语篇作为一种交际活动,要达到对其性质的解释需寻找更加贴切、具体的分析角度 和分析描写方法。从社会语言

3、的角度,语篇体现社会交际方法;从语言哲学角度,语篇 体现言语行为和会话含意;从社会符号的角度,Halliday (1976,1985) 的功能语言学强 调语言的人际功能、社会功能和纯理功能。 在本文中,我们将关注书面语篇的连贯问题。提出、采用语用语篇连贯分析法来分 析文章的连贯。文中涉及的语料来自著名作家的经典散文和大学生的英语作文。所选的 语料都具有代表性和真实性,有较强的研究价值。通过对经典散文和英语学习者的写作 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 vi 语篇进行对比分析,本文旨在揭示书面语篇的语用连贯问题,来找到考察语篇连贯的深 层解释的方法。 首先,第一章介绍研究背景,研究目标和研究方法等

4、。第二章回顾篇章连贯的相关 理论及实践研究的文献。在文献回顾中,澄清研究问题的历史、学术渊源和相关概念, 指出需要借助语用学的视角并与篇章分析结合起来研究书面语篇的连贯。 第三章总结有 关理论并指出研究框架和方法,讨论并提出语用语篇连贯分析的框架,旨在更全面更透 彻的认识和理解语篇的连贯问题。涉及语用学中的合作原则,言语行为理论,礼貌原则 和关联理论。第四章对语用连贯进行了实际研究,我们首先讨论了优秀经典散文的连贯 情况,指出文章之所以连贯不仅体现在语法和词汇的连贯上,而且还体现在语义连贯模 式上, 更体现在语用语义连贯上。 通过分析英语学习者的书面语篇中存在的欠连贯问题, 与前述分析比较做以

5、讨论。第五章为结论部分,并指出研究的意义和不足。研究发现, 语篇是社会行动/实践,利用语用视角,以多种方式对语篇进行分析理解,有助于从认 知的高度掌握语篇交际的动态性,只有采用语篇语用交际综观,区分语用学在语篇较多 层面上的功用的解释,才能不仅从语篇浅层而且从语用、篇章深层连贯的解释等给予语 篇连贯性的判断,触及语用的接收效果的解释。 本研究通过扩大对语篇连贯的研究视野, 全面揭示衔接性和连贯性与其他的语篇目 的性、可接受性、信息性、情景性等语篇特性的联系,达到语篇分析的整合语篇语用来 解释其中规律的目的,有助于解决篇章语言学面临的问题,对语言教学,翻译等都有借 鉴作用。 关键词: 关键词:语

6、篇,连贯,语用语篇连贯分析,语用原则 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 i A PRAGMATIC STUDY ON THE COHERENCE OF ESSAY-WRITING ABSTRACT The coherence of texts is a frequently-discussed topic of researchers. Many scholars have studied the language phenomenon. Some analyze coherence in written texts, with most of them emphasizing the gram

7、matical, lexical or the semantic coherence. Some examine the coherence of spoken texts. They interpret the coherence by employing the conversation analysis method. Generally speaking, the studies are not very comprehensive or deep enough. The “turning toward textual study” or “the textual recurrence

8、” of pragmatics is the general tendency of the international pragmatics research. The pragmatic reasoning of the functional syntactic elements, the textual structure and the textual information structure, the meaning constructing mechanism of the text representation and the psychological representat

9、ion, the syntactic and the non-syntactic elements of the textual acceptability, the main textual communicative system and “attached” communicative system abundantly point out the developing tendency. The pragmatic research should be widened and deepened and the explaining force of the pragmatic theo

10、ries should be testified so that the functioning of them can be improved. The complementary relation of pragmatics and the text analysis should be developed and enriched. The unique dynamic feature of pragmatic research requires its analytical descriptive system to reflect this characteristic. The a

11、nalytical description shouldnt just copy the traditional 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 ii system and research methods. At the same time, it must be concerned about the cognitive and social cultural factors and the whole process of mutually constructing the pragmatic meaning in the interaction of the speaker and t

12、he hearers. Therefore, this research tends to analyze the text from the communicative pragmatic perspective. It employs the cross-disciplinary and trans- disciplinary natural language analyzing viewpoint, meanwhile, it also reflects the discourse-pragmatic methods and principles. Text, as a communic

13、ative occurrence, needs more suitable and concrete analysis and interpretational description in order to interpret its nature. From the socio-linguistic point, text reflects the social interactional methods. From the linguistic philosophy, text reflects the speech acts and conversational implicature

14、. From the social semiotics point, Hallidays functional linguistics emphasizes the interpersonal, social and metafunctional functions. In this thesis, we will focus our attention on the coherence of written essays. We will adopt the DPCA (Discourse-Pragmatic Coherence Analysis) framework. The data i

15、n the study are from the classic essays of famous writers and English-learners written essays. All the data are representative and authentic with the research value. The thesis aims at studying the coherence in the selected classic essays and learners essays and comparing them with the further goal

16、to find a method of deeply interpreting the coherence of texts. First, Chapter One introduces the researching background and points out the research topic and goal. Chapter Two is the literature review, in which the related theories and the relevant studies which have been done on coherence are introduced. In the review, it clarifies the history of research and academic origin and its related concepts. Furth



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