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1、太原理工大学 硕士学位论文 跨度6m矢跨比0.1三心圆钢管拱桁架拟动力试验模型的设计与试 验过程模拟分析 姓名:韩宝峰 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:结构工程 指导教师:李海旺 20100601 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 I 跨度 6 m 矢跨比 0 . 1 三心圆钢管拱桁架拟动力试验模型的设计 与试验过程模拟分析 摘 要 在人类文明发展的同时,地震灾害不断造成巨大损失。大震发生后, 伤员抢救和灾民避难场所成为抗灾的重大问题。汶川大地震中九洲体育馆 的巨大作用正好体现了有规划设置地震避难所的重大意义。如将城市中部 分大跨度公共建筑同时设计为地震避难所,将会大幅度提高城乡震后抗灾 恢复能力。本

2、文以提高结构的抗震能力为目标,通过适当提高结构的抗震 设防水平,使设计出的钢管拱桁架具有更高的抗震能力,同时兼有地震避 难所的用途。 本文以拟动力实验( 也称联机实验) 的拱桁架模型为研究对象,设计了 拱桁架模型拟动力试验的试验设备及试验流程,并根据试验流程分析了拱 桁架模型在地震作用下的动力响应、破坏形态和机理,主要工作如下: 一、设计了跨度为 6米,矢跨比为 0 . 1的拟动力试验拱桁架模型,进行了 拱桁架拟动力试验所需的一系列试验设备设计及试验流程设计,并根据相 似理论提出了试验模型对应的原型结构。 二、对试验模型进行屈曲分析和模态分析研究其稳定性和动力特性。 三、对试验模型进行破坏全过

3、程动力分析。本文在第四章对试验模型展开 大规模的动力时程分析计算,并对结构的各项特征响应指标进行跟踪,从 结构的响应指标分析其破坏机理,找出其破坏形态。 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 II 通过本文研究,主要得到以下结论: 一、完成了试验模型、试验装置、测点布置、加载过程的设计; 二、对试验模型进行动力特性分析,结构的第一阶振型均为平面内平动振 型,满足试验要求;同时对试验模型进行非线性屈曲分析,从屈曲模态可 以看出结构主要是在平面内失稳; 三、对试验模型进行三种地震波作用下的动力时程分析,分别得到弹性阶 段的最大加速度峰值和破坏临界加速度峰值,根据分析结果设计试验加载 过程。结构在地震作用

4、下,破坏前均经历了较长的塑性发展过程。同时, 随加速度峰值的增加,结构各项指标响应呈现出较好的一致性。 关键词:空间拱桁架,拟动力实验,相似理论,动力弹塑性分析 国家自然科学基金项目: 强震下大跨度空间拱桁架破坏机理及其性能设计指标研究(编号:50878137) 山西省科技攻关项目: 罕遇地震下基于安全工作性能的大跨度空间钢拱桁架结构体系研制(编号:20080321086) 山西省归国留学基金项目(编号:2009- 26) 地震避难所结构体系及其性能设计指标研究 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 III DESIGN OF 6M- SPAN STEEL THREE CENTERS OF CIRC

5、LESPTIAL ARCH TRUSS PESUDO- DYNAMIC TEST MODEL WITH 0.1 SPAN RATIO AND MODELING OF ITS TEST PROCEDURE ABSTRACT As the development of human civilization, earthquakes often lead to enormous losses. When strong earthquake happened, salvage of casualties and shelters where people could take refuge becom

6、e important problem. Jiuzhou stadium happened to play such a role which shelters were built regularly when Wenchuan earthquake happened. If partial large- span buildings with the function of shelters, and they are proposed to be built in urban and town, which will improve the ability of resisting ea

7、rthquake and recuperation after strong earthquake takes place. In order to improve the seismic capacity of construction, the seismic capacity is enhanced by properly improving seismic fortification level in this paper. So the steel arch truss designed possesses the use of earthquake shelters. In thi

8、s paper, pseudo- dynamic test (Also known as on- line experiment )of the arch truss model was examined, Arch truss model is designed to be dynamic testing of test equipment and test procedures, Based on the test process of the arch truss model in the earthquake dynamic response, failure modes and me

9、chanisms, Main tasks are as follows: 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 IV First, designed for the 6 m span, span ratio of 0.3 in the pseudo- dynamic test arch truss model, designed a series of pseudo- dynamic test requirements and test procedures test equipment. And proposed the experimental model correspondence prot

10、otype structure according to Acacia theory . Second, carry on the flexure analysis and modal analysis to the test model, to study its stability and dynamic property. Fhird, carry on the failure entire process mechanical analysis to the test model. This article launches the large- scale time- history

11、 analysis in the fifth chapter to the test model, and tracks each characteristic response target of the structure. its failure mechanism is analyzed according to the structure response target. its destruction shape is discovered. Through research analysis in this article, the following conclusion an

12、d product are obtained: First, the design of the test model, the test equipment, the measuring point arrangement, the loading process has completed; Second, to characteristics of the dynamic test model, the structure of the first- order modes are plane translation mode to meet the test requirements;

13、 while the test model of the nonlinear buckling analysis, buckling mode can be seen from the structure mainly in the plane instability; Fhird,of the test model under three different seismic waves dynamic analysis, were the biggest stage by elastic peak acceleration and peak acceleration of critical

14、damage, according to test results the design loading. 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 V Structure in the earthquake, the damage experienced long before all the plastic development. Meanwhile, with the peak acceleration increases, the response of the indicators showed good agreement. Key words: spatial arch truss, p

15、seudo- dynamic test, dynamic elastic- plastic analysis, failure model 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 1 第一章 绪论 1 . 1 选题的背景及意义 近年来随着我国经济和社会的发展, 大跨度空间钢结构的建筑正在迅猛增加, 文化、 体育、展览和交通等各个领域的发展需要大量大跨度建筑结构体系的支持,空间结构的 技术水平是一个国家土木建筑业水平的重要衡量标准,也是一个国家综合国力的体现。 因此世界各国对空间结构技术的发展一直给予高度的重视。自改革开放的二十多年来, 随着我国经济和社会的发展,大跨度空间钢结构的建筑正在迅猛增加,我国

16、空间结构的 技术水平也得到了长足的进步,正赶超国际先进水平。大跨度空间结构的社会需求和工 程应用逐年增。其中钢管拱桁架是近年来在建筑工程中广泛应用的一种空间结构形式, 它不仅用于跨度较大的体育建筑和公共建筑,如体育馆、展览馆、会场、候车室等,在 中小跨度建筑中,也时有所见。 图 1 - 1 深圳市市民中心 Fig.(1- 1) Shenzhen citizen center 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 2 图 1 - 2 沈阳奥林匹克体育中心 Fig.(1- 2) Shenyang Olympic sports center 图 1 - 3 深圳市少年宫 图 1 - 4 施工完成后的鸟巢 Fig.(1- 3) Shenzhen childrens palace Fig.(1-



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