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1、 I 摘摘 要要 晚清政府政治腐败,国力衰弱,又不能从根本上改革,因此在外交上只能 采取宁可妥协让步也要维持和局的方针。面对列强侵凌心内先自怯馁,只是一 方面寄希望于国际公法,一面从其他列强中寻求支持,而此国必怀有私心并乘 机勒索。清政府的这种外交美其名曰“以敌制敌” 李鸿章语 ,实则在士大夫 眼中是中国古代“以夷制夷”政策的翻版,连日本人也这样指责中国。在对日 外交中,清政府忽而联东制西,忽而联俄拒日,其实都是这种政策。但这种政策 是近代版的“以夷制夷” ,这里的“夷”也指的是近代意义上的资本主义国家。 “以夷制夷”策略,包括区别对待各国、利用各国矛盾以相牵制等方面。晚清 政府在对日外交中运

2、用“以夷制夷”策略,最初是想“联东洋以制泰西” ;随着 日本侵略野心的不断暴露,清政府转变策略为“以西制东”,意欲利用欧美诸国 抵制日本对朝鲜和中国的侵略;到甲午战争后,这一策略达到高潮,与俄国结 盟,实行“联俄制日” ;戊戌维新时期,光绪君臣又欲“联日结英以制俄” 。 晚 清政府在这一时期对日外交实行这一策略的过程中,前后两个“夷”字在不同 时期指代不同的国家。 “以”字的涵义应理解为“利用” 、 “依靠” ,即利用或依 靠某一列强的力量,来增强自己的实力。 从1871年1881年,清政府按照李鸿章“联日以制泰西”的意见,采取 “以东制西”的策略,企图通过笼络日本,利用日本共同对付西方列强的

3、侵略。 这既与清政府“外须和戎”的外交方针有关,也是因为此时清政府把英、法、 俄作为主要外敌。 “以东制西”策略受到“日本侵台事件”和“琉球事件”的 两次冲击,清政府发生了动摇。随着对日本的野心逐渐认识清楚,和中俄关系 的缓和,清政府最后放弃了这一策略。清政府“以东制西“之策的失败,主要 是清政府不能实现自强,却一厢情愿的只想通过妥协来笼络对方,结果适得其 反,使日本窥见其虚弱,近而步步进逼。 甲午战争之前(1881年1894年7月) ,中日之间的主要矛盾与交涉集中在 朝鲜问题上。从十九世纪八十世纪初,清政府对日外交实行与七十年代不同的 “以西制东”策略。 1881年,清政府对琉案专约的搁置处

4、理,表明其对日 II 外交策略的这种重大变化。从此时起至甲午战争爆发前的十几年间,清政府在 朝鲜问题上,提出“以敌制敌” , 采用了“联美制日” 、 “以俄制日” 、 “联英 制日”等策略,目的是引入更多的列强进入朝鲜与日本互相争夺利权,使他们 互相制衡,借以保全朝鲜。由于中朝两国政府的腐败衰弱,只是寄望于合约与 公法,对于列强的本质与勾结缺乏真正的认识,加上日本对朝鲜志在必得,并 使用纵横捭阖的外交手段,清政府不仅保全朝鲜的愿望落空,也把自己摆在了 与日本正面交锋的前台。清政府希望借助英、俄等国调停,以避免战争的外交 努力同样没能成功。 甲午战争爆发后,清政府仍寄情于“以西制东” 。战争期间

5、,清政府的外交 始终是围绕着怎样鼓动和利用西方各国去制止战争的继续。战争开始后,先是 有诱使俄国“兴兵逐倭”的幻想,后又鼓动英国进行两次联合调停。去日本议 和前,在日本谈判期间,清政府还在求助于西方各国(特别是英国) ,进行“联 西制日”的外交努力。清政府对战争的消极态度和日本的外交策略、外交手段 的灵活运用,使清政府的“以西制东”归于失败。 马关条约签订后, “三国 干涉还辽”再度勾起了清政府对列强的幻想,一部分官员提出“结外援以制日” , 希望借此废约,后又企图借用英法等国的力量保台。这些策略实际上是一种幻 想,因为列强没有哪个不是为自己考虑的。 马关之辱使清政府既愤且羞, “三国干涉还辽

6、”使清政府误认俄国为强大的 友邦。在俄国“同力拒日”的诱惑下,1896年与之签订中俄密约 ,期望结盟 俄国,共拒日本。1898年,俄国强占的旅顺、大连,事实上表明“联俄制 日”的失败。尽管把持清政府政权的慈禧,奕,李鸿章等人依然没有完全放 弃这一政策。但光绪帝在康有为等人的影响下,既愤于联俄的误国,又想借联 日以争取变法成功,尝试实行“联日结英以制俄” 。戊戌政变使光绪帝的这种尝 试很快夭折。 关键词关键词:晚清政府晚清政府 对日外交对日外交 “以夷制夷”“以夷制夷” III Abstract For its political corruption, weak strength, unfun

7、damental reform, The late Qing government had to compromise in diplomacy to maintain a peaceful situation. Facing humiliation from foreign powers,she was discouraged and resorted to the international law ,meanwhile sought supports from the other powers, which had a selfish motive and took the opport

8、unity to blackmail. The Qing government called this kind of diplomacy YI-DI-ZHI-DI( play off one enemy against another ) (by Li Hung-Chang), but in the eyes of the literati,it was the copy of an ancient Chinese policy YI-YI-ZHI-YI( play both ends against the middle ), and even Japanese also accused

9、China to do so. In Sino-Japanese diplomatcy,the Qing government sometimes united East to contend against West, sometimes in conjunction with Russian against Japan. However, this policy is the modern version of play both ends against the middle, where Yi(barbarian) also refers to modern capitalist co

10、untries. YI-YI-ZHI-YI strategy, including the differential treatment of Big Powers, made use of the contradictions of those countries to play off. The objectives of the diplomatic strategy of YI-YI-ZHI-YI in Sino-Japanese diplomacy, is“to unite the Oriental to the resist the West .With the constant

11、exposure of ambitions of Japanese aggression,the Qing government madechanges in strategy to unite the West to resist the Oriental, desire to use powers of Europe and the United States etc.to resist Japans aggression against Korea and China. During the first Sino-Japanese War, this strategy culminate

12、d such as alliance with Russia to resist Japan.During Reform Movement of 1898 led by Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, Emperor Guangxu and his men planned to united Britain and Japan to risist Russian. During this period,the late Qing governments diplomacy towards Japan, the two YI(barbarian) former and

13、 latter refered to different countries according to different occasions.The meaning of the word YI(depend on) should be interpreted as use, rely on, that is, using or relying on the strength of a certain big powers, to enhance the strength of its own. From 1871 - 1881, in accordance with Lis united

14、Japan to resist the West, the Qing government , trying to win over Japan, made use of Japan against aggression of the Western powers. The reason of the failure of Qing governments unite east to IV resist the West, was that the Qing government was not by way of self-improvement, but just want to comp

15、romise to win over Japan ,so that the Japanese see though her weakness,resulting in just the opposite results. Before the First Sino-Japanese War (1881 - July 1894), the main contradiction and negotiation between China and Japan was Korea Issue. From the beginning of 1880s, the Qing governments impl

16、ementation of to unite the West to resist the Oriental in Sino-Japanese diplomacy was different from that in the 1870s, and the efforts of the Qing government to make use of Britain, Russia and other countriess mediation,to avoid war with Japan also failed. After the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War, the Qing government had high hopes in the st


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