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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 湘南农业产业化进程中农村金融研究以郴州为例 姓名:欧阳涛 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:政治经济学 指导教师:肖艳 20090524 I 摘摘 要要 建国以来,我国农村经历了从集体“大锅饭”到土地承包到户的变化过程,这 个过程曾使农业生产力得到了极大的提高,但一段时间后,人们发现这种方式成为 了农村进一步发展的桎梏,变革不可避免。最后一些地区选择了农业产业化经营模 式,这种模式通过专业一化的生产与经营,生产力的又一次得到了解放。农业产业 化经营被证明一种有效的方式,但其在全国的发展不平衡,湘南地区目前处在农业 产业化的初级阶段。湘南地区推广农业产业化有其优势:湘南紧靠经

2、济发达的珠三 角地区,拥有便利的市场;但不利因素是金融发展落后,没有能够有效支持农业产 业化的发展。本文在此背景下对如何促进农业产业化与农村金融同时发展,让两者 实现良性互动进行了分析。 本文先对相关的理论进行了回顾,再结合马克思的“资本第一推动力”理论及 其他理论对农业产业化与农村金融之间的关系进行分析,认为农业产业化与农村金 融是一种相辅相成的关系。本文对农村金融发展较好的国家进行了简单的介绍,结 合湘南地区农业产业化发展状况与在湘南地区的调查材料,再从金融供给与需求两 个方面分析了湘南地区农村金融现状,认为湘南地区的金融需求多为消费性需求, 而生产性需求不足;通过构建 L/R(农业贷款量

3、与第一产业增加值的比重)这样一 个指标,认为金融供给水平与第一产业的发展不相称,而农村获得的借款大部分又 是通过非正规金融渠道获得这样一种结构性问题。因为农业产业化发展水平不高导 致了收入水平不高, 从而对金融的需求停留在消费性需求, 而生产性需求则不旺盛; 在农村金融系统征信成本过高,导致了农村正规金融机构与非正规金融机构金融供 给的结构性问题,农业保险体系的不完善与农村信用合作性的合作性不够导致了金 融供给不足,这些是生产性需求小,供给也小的“平衡”的原因。提出了大力发展 农业产业化来刺激对金融的生产性需求, 激活农村金融的源头; 建立合作性质的 “农 协”作为融资平台,发展农业保险系列性

4、的服务来保障与扩大金融的供给,最后不 同农村金融的需求则要以不同方式来满足。通过这些方式来实现农业产业化与农村 金融的良性互动,达到一个高位的平衡,带动湘南农村经济快速发展。 关键词: 关键词:农业产业化 农村金融 湘南 供求 II Abstract Since the found of our new China, the rural areas have experienced changes from a collective mess to the time of distributing land to single rural family. Productivity has be

5、en greatly improved. After a period of time, people found that the way of independently production by a single farmer became the shackles of further development of rural areas. Reformation became an inevitable choice. The ultimate choice in some areas is the mode of agricultural industrialization. T

6、he rural economy has been further developed though professional production and management. The mode of agricultural industrialization has been proved to be a more effective way. But the development of it in different regions is imbalance. The Southern area of Hunan Province is still in the initial s

7、tage of process of agricultural industrialization. Developing the industrialization of agriculture in The Southern Area of Hunan Province has its advantages: It is the neighbore of the economically developed Pearl River Delta areas, whice will provide a convenient market; but there are also negative

8、 factors: the underdevelopment of rural financial in this area fails to support the development of agricultural industrialization. In this context the article analysed how to promote agricultural industrialization and the development of rural finance at the same time, and forme positive interaction

9、between the two. In my paper, firstly I raised the question, and then analysed the relationship between agricultural industrialization and rural financial combining of Marxs Capital first impetus theory and other theories and concluded that: the agricultural industrialization and rural finance is a

10、kind of complement each other. In the third part, an analysis of supply and demand of the financial in The Southern Area of Huan province was given combining with development of agricultural industrialization, and then concluded that most of the financial needs were consumptive demand and productive

11、 demand was insufficient. On the supply side, the construction of L / R (the proportion of the volume of agricultural loans with the added value of the primary industry) reflected the supply did not reach the national average leval and that the level of supply was not commensurate with the developme

12、nt of primary industry; The supply of rural finance wre implemented by non-formal financial channels rather than formal finance, such of which was a structural problem. In the fourth part the reasons were analysed combining III the status. The development level of the agricultural industrialization

13、has led to low level of the income, which remained the financial needs at the level of consumptive demand, and demand can not be productive; the high cost for the financial system to get credit information in rural areas has led to the structural problems of finance supply. The imperfect system of a

14、gricultural insurance and lack the nature of co-operation of Rural Credit Cooperatives lead to a sufficicent financial supply. In the last two parts, suggestions are proposed to develop the industrialization of agriculture to stimulate the productive needs of finance conbining the experience of deve

15、loped countries and activate the source of rural finance ,and to establish the cooperate-natured agricultural association as a financing platform for the development of agricultural insurance services to protect and expand the financial supply, and finally put forward in different ways to meet the d

16、ifferent needs of rural finance. We may achieve the positive interaction between agricultural industrialization and rural finance and ultimately promote the rapid development of rural economy in Southern Area of Hunan Province through these means. Keywords: Agricultural Industrialization; Rural Finance; Southern Area of Hunan Province; Supply and Demand 独创性声明独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的



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