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1、河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 渤海鱼类寄生异尖属线虫的分子鉴定和群体遗传结构分析 姓名:史梅青 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:动物学 指导教师:张路平 20100410 摘 要 利用rDNA ITS区的PCR- RFLP(DNA扩增片段长度多态性)结合序列分析,首次对我 国渤海6种鱼体内寄生的612条异尖属线虫幼虫进行分类鉴定。内切酶Hinf 的酶切电泳 图包括两种酶切条带,分别对应于派氏异尖线虫(603条)和Abollo等(2003)所发现的重 组基因型(9条) 。选择3个派氏异尖线虫和全部的重组基因型样品进行ITS- 1和ITS- 2序列 分析,结果表明酶切结果显示为派氏异尖线虫的样品与Genb

2、ank上已登录的派氏异尖线 虫的ITS- 1和ITS- 2区的序列完全相同,再次证明其为派氏异尖线虫,而9条重组基因型在 ITS- 1区出现了2种序列,一种在280bp和296bp处各存在一个C/T双重叠峰(重组基因型 ,Rec1) ,该序列与Abollo等(2003)的结果相一致;另一种只在296bp处存在一个C/T双 重叠峰(重组基因型, Rec2) , 该重组基因型为首次报道。 两种重组基因型mtDNA SSU 基因的序列分析显示Rec1的SSU序列与派氏异尖线虫的完全一致,而Rec2的SSU序列与 派氏异尖线虫仅有1个碱基差异,推测本研究所发现的两种重组基因型有可能是派氏异 尖线虫种内

3、变异的结果。 首次采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)结合序列分析方法对我国渤海鱼类寄生派氏 异尖线虫(603 条线虫)mtDNA cox1 和 nad1 基因的部分序列进行群体遗传结构研究, 结果显示 mtDNA cox1 基因经 DGGE 产生了 10 种不同的带型,定义了 10 种单倍型 (Haplotype1- 10, Hap1- 10) , 10 种单倍型 cox1 基因序列之间存在 10 个多态性位点, nad1 序列之间存在 9 个多态性位点, 单倍型 Hap3、 Hap8 和 Hap10 nad1 基因的序列完全一致。 根据鱼类宿主划分派氏异尖线虫种群,分为 6 个种群,分别是鲐鱼

4、种群(Pn) ,马鮫种 群(Sc) ,鳙鱼种群(Ar) ,梅童棘头鱼种群(Co),吉氏黄鲫种群(Se)和鲬鱼种群(Pl)。分 子方差分析(AMOVA)表明派氏异尖线虫种群内存在很高的遗传变异,占总变异的 99.89%,种群间的遗传变异很小,仅占总变异的 0.11%,说明渤海鱼类寄生派氏异尖线 虫的遗传分化主要发生在种群内,种群间无明显分化。梅童棘头鱼种群与其余 5 个种群 的遗传分化系数(Fst)在 0.00836- 0.04482 之间,说明梅童棘头鱼种群与其余 5 个种群 之间存在较弱的遗传分化;其余 5 个群体之间的 Fst 为负值,说明这 5 个种群无遗传分 化。梅童棘头鱼种群和鳙鱼种

5、群或马鮫种群之间遗传分化系数 Fst 值的 P 检验均出现显 著差异(P0.05) ,说明梅童棘头鱼种群与鳙鱼种群或马鮫种群之间的分化程度相对于 其他种群来说较高。 10 种单倍型的系统树显示出两个分支,但分支与宿主没有明显的相 关性。渤海鱼类寄生派氏异尖线虫 6 个种群间的遗传分化很弱,说明派氏异尖线虫无宿 主特异性。 关键词:渤海 鱼类 线虫 异尖属 分子鉴定 派氏异尖线虫 群体遗传结构 Abstract Molecular identification of 612 samples of Anisakis larvae from 6 marine fishes from the Boha

6、i Sea was made for the first time using PCR- RFLP coupled sequence analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Two electrophoresis patterns were detected by digestion with restriction endonuclease HinfI, one is coincidence with that of Anisakis pegreffii (603 samples), and the other is coincidence with that

7、of a recombinant genotype (9 samples) reported by Abollo et al. (2003). ITS- 1 and ITS- 2 for the selected samples (3 samples of A. pegreffii and all samples of recombinant genotypes) were sequenced. 3 samples of A. pegreffii have same sequences of ITS- 1 and ITS- 2 which coincided with that of repo

8、rted in GenBank previously. Whereas two different sequences of ITS- 1 were found among the recombinant genotypes, one sequence representing recombinant genotype I (Rec 1) has C/T and C/T polymorphism at alignment positions 280 and 296 respectively, which is coincidence with that of recombinant genot

9、ype reported by Abollo et al. (2003); the other sequence representing recombinant genotype II (Rec 2) has only one C/T polymorphism at alignment position 296, which represents a new recombinant genotype. MtDNA SSU sequencing of two types of recombinant genotypes indicated sequence of Rec 1 is as sam

10、e as that of A. pegreffii, whereas sequence of Rec 2 has one nucleotide difference with that of A. pegreffii. It is speculated that the recombinant genotypes possibly result from genetic mutations of A. pegreffii. Population genetic structure of 603 A. pegreffii larvae from marine fishes in the Boha

11、i Sea was analyzed by DGGE- coupled sequence analysis of cox1 and nad1 of mtDNA. Ten patterns of mtDNA cox1 were detected by DGGE, and 10 haplotypes (Hap 1- 10) were defined which have 10 multiloci; whereas nad1 present 9 multiloci, and Hap3, Hap8 and Hap10 with same sequence. 6 populations represen

12、ting A. pegreffii larvae are respectively Pn,Sc,Ar, Co,Se and Pl. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of 6 populations of A. pegreffii indicated high genetic diversity presents within populations of A. pegreffii, with 99.89% of total diversity; less genetic diversity presents among populations, w

13、ith 0.11% of total diversity, indicating genetic diversity mainly occurred within populations. Fst were calculated to be from 0.00836 to 0.04482 between Co population and the 5 other populations, showing less genetic divergence occurred. Fst were negative among 5 populations except for Co, indicatin

14、g no genetic divergence among the 5 populations. Significance (P0.05) was found between Co and Ar or Sc by P examination of Fst, showing relative high genetic divergence presents between Co and Ar or Sc. Phylogentic tree of 10 haplotypes based on cox1 and nad1 divided two groups, however, the group

15、is not related with hosts.Analysis of population genetic structure within and among 6 populations of A. pegreffii larvae from marine fishes in the Bohai Sea showed A. pegreffii have no host specificity. Key words: Bohai Sea, fish, Anisakis, molecular identification, Anisakis pegreffii, population ge

16、netic structure 学位论文原创性声明 本人所提交的学位论文渤海鱼类寄生异尖属线虫的分子鉴定和群体遗传结构分 析 ,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的原创性成果。除文中已经注明引 用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文 的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中标明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 论文作者(签名) : 指导教师确认(签名) : 年 月 日 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解河北师范大学有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学 位论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权河北师范大学可以将学位论 文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保 存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在 年解密后适用本授权书) 论文作者(签名) : 指导教师(签名) : 年 月



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