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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 家族企业员工领导信任与员工绩效关系的实证研究 姓名:张成林 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:企业管理专业 指导教师:康建中 2010-05 I 摘摘 要要 面对日益激烈的全球化竞争,企业间的竞争将演化为人才的竞争,如何提高 企业员工的工作热情和积极性, 进而提高员工绩效已经成为企业竞争成败的一个 关键因素。 在总结以往研究结论的基础上, 我们发现组织内的信任能有效地提高员工的 工作绩效,促进组织的发展。在我国家族企业中,企业领导对员工来说无疑具有 很强的导向作用,因此对领导的信任程度会影响员工的个人绩效。而现有的文献 资料往往把上级对下级的信任和下级对上级的信任合二为一, 但

2、这两者在华人文 化背景下不是对偶的,同样针对某一类企业的领导信任实证研究也较为少见,因 此本文以我国家族企业为背景,研究员工的领导信任与其个人绩效之间的关系, 旨在为我国家族企业的发展提供一定的借鉴。 本文在对领导信任和个人绩效的相关文献资料进行归纳整理的基础上, 借鉴 了前人的研究成果,总结了领导信任和员工绩效的模型,编制了领导信任和个人 绩效的量表,并通过实地调查的方式采集数据,进行实证分析。通过对数据的处 理分析,验证了相关的模型结构,探讨了家族企业领导信任和员工绩效的各维度 在人口变量上的差异性,研究了领导信任的各维度对员工个人绩效的影响。在文 章的最后,针对实证分析得出的结论,提出了

3、在管理实践中增强领导信任、提高 员工绩效的对策和建议。希望本文得出的相关结论,可以指导家族企业有效增强 员工的领导信任、提高员工绩效,最终促进家族企业的发展。 全文共分为五个部分: 第一部分为绪论,介绍了本文的研究背景、研究目的及意义、研究思路、研 究方法和本文的创新点。 第二部分为文献综述, 回顾了领导信任和员工个人绩效的相关理论及研究成 果。 第三部分主要是根据已有的研究成果建立本文的研究模型, 提出本文的理论 假设,进行领导信任和员工绩效的量表设计,并介绍了本文的数据分析方法。 第四部分为实证分析,通过样本的选取和实地调查得到的数据,具体分析了 家族企业领导信任和员工个人绩效的现状, 探

4、讨了领导信任和员工绩效的各维度 II 在人口控制变量上的差异性, 最后证明了领导信任的各维度均与员工绩效均存在 正相关关系。 第五部分为研究结论及展望,对本文的研究成果进行总结,并有针对性提出 了增强家族企业领导信任的对策,最后对本研究的局限性进行了说明,同时对该 领域未来的研究方向进行了展望。 关键词:关键词:家族企业;领导信任;员工个人绩效 III Abstract In the face of the increasing global competition, the competition between firms will be more and more depend on t

5、he talent, how to improve the employees work enthusiasm and raise employee performance has become a key factor in competition. Based on the conclusions of the previous studies, we find that trust within the organization can improve the staff performance, and promote the organizations development. In

6、 our family enterprise, the enterprise leader will be a guide of the employees, so the trust to the leader will affect the employee individual performance. The existing literature often considers that the trust between lower and higher is the same, but in the Chinese organizations they are not the s

7、ame at the most time. Similarly, the empirical study on subordinates trust in leader (STL) to a type of corporate is relatively rare. In this paper, the author research the relationship between STL and their individual performances under the background of family enterprise, aimed to provide some ref

8、erence to the development of family enterprise. On the basis of summarizing the related literature material, draw on the results of the previous studies, sum up the model of STL and employee individual performance, and establish the measurement system. After gathering the data through questionnaire

9、survey, and do further summarizing and analyzing accordingly. Through the analysis on the data, it proves the correctness of the structure on STL and employee individual performances, and discusses the differences of population statistics on every degree of STL and employee individual performance. A

10、nd simultaneously, this article discusses STL effects on every dimension of employee individual performances. At last, bases on the conclusions of empirical analysis, propose the measures and suggestions to raise the STL and to improve employee performance, hoped the relevant findings can guide the

11、family enterprises to boost the STL and to improve employee performance, ultimately promote the development of family enterprises. The article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces its research background, purposes and meanings, the train of thought, basic methods and innovatio

12、ns. IV The second chapter mainly introduces the related theory and research results of STL and employee individual performance. The third chapter establishes the framework of the research according to the existing results, put forward the supposition of the theory, designs the questionnaire of STL a

13、nd employee individual performance, and introduces the method of analyzing data in this article. The fourth chapter is empirical analysis. This chapter analyses the situation of by the selection of sample and the data from the questionnaire survey, discusses differences of the every degree of STL an

14、d employee individual performance on some population statistics variables, and finally proves that STL has the remarkable positive relations to all dimensions of the employee individual performance. The fifth chapter is the conclusion part. It makes a general conclusion for this study, proposes the

15、countermeasure about how to raise the STL and finally introduce the limitation of the study, and proposes future prospects in this research area. Key words: Family enterprises; Subordinates trust in Leader; Employee Individual Performance 第一章 绪 论 1 第一章第一章 绪绪 论论 一、研究背景一、研究背景 随着经济的发展特别是知识经济时代的来临, 人力资源

16、在企业发展中将发挥 越来越重要的作用, 组织的进一步发展就必然要依赖员工的工作积极性与企业凝 聚力。有研究表明,领导者和员工之间的相互信任将影响到员工工作的积极性与 贡献率,因此有必要研究领导者与员工相互信任的本质、作用机制以及对员工工 作绩效之间的关系,以更好地促进员工对领导者的信任,提高工作绩效,从而推 动企业的发展。 对于家族制企业来说, 由于企业所有权和治理结构的特殊性加上受传统文化 影响较深,家族企业领导人和普通员工之间的关系较为复杂,建立双方信任会面 临更多的问题。 因此探讨家族企业领导信任结构及其与员工绩效之间的关系对我 国家族企业更具现实意义。 从群体活动来看,当组织中的成员缺乏相互信任时,成员之间就会花费更多 的时间和精力来监督对方,以防止不利于自己利益的事情出现,而当组织中成员 信任程度较高时人们往往愿意花费较多的精力来从事有利于组织和



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