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1、河南大学 硕士学位论文 娱乐明星隐私权法律保护研究 姓名:李薇 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:民商法 指导教师:袁绍义;陈锐杰 2011-05 IV 摘 要 娱乐明星隐私权是娱乐明星的一项重要人格权利。 我国现行法律虽然在隐私权立法 上取得了重大进步,但仍存在着隐私权立法体系不完整和具有滞后性、缺乏娱乐明星隐 私权保护的专门法律等一些问题。在司法实践中,法官在审理娱乐明星隐私权案件时缺 乏协调隐私权与知情权冲突的统一标准, 并且对娱乐明星隐私权保护的核心内容认识不 一。随着社会的发展和传媒技术的进步,娱乐明星隐私备受媒体和社会公众的关注,娱 乐明星隐私权也因此面临着更多被侵害的可能。由于娱乐明星隐

2、私权具有吸引公众关 注、与公共利益联系密切、与知情权和自身利益存在冲突的特殊性,统一适用公民隐私 权保护的法律,不仅不利于对娱乐明星隐私权进行更好的保护,而且会严重削弱法律对 公民隐私权保护的初衷,甚至不利于社会主义人权事业的建设。 本文共分为四个部分,围绕娱乐明星隐私权的法律保护,从定义和特征、保护的必 要性和特殊性、立法和司法实践中存在的问题、立法和司法实践的完善四个角度,对娱 乐明星隐私权的法律保护进行初步研究。 第一部分,娱乐明星隐私权的界定和特征。从隐私的起源和隐私权的概念入手,在 界定娱乐明星概念的基础之上,结合公众人物隐私权的有关学说,把娱乐明星隐私权界 定为,获得奖项或取得成就

3、、并以国内外大量主流媒体为传播手段、通过表现喜怒哀乐 和技巧、使公众获得喜悦的人,对私人空间信息、私人秘密信息和对前两种信息的自主 决定权的隐瞒、利用、支配、维护和救济的权利,受到公共利益和公众合理兴趣的限制。 娱乐明星隐私权具有吸引公众关注、与公共利益联系密切、与知情权和个人利益存在冲 突的特征。 第二部分,娱乐明星隐私权保护的必要性和特殊性。出于尊重娱乐明星人格尊严、 满足娱乐明星人类自决的需要,法律对娱乐明星隐私权进行保护是必要的。同时,由于 保护娱乐明星隐私权有利于实现法律实质平等、有利于维护社会公共利益、有利于满足 社会公众知情权,法律对娱乐明星隐私权进行特殊保护也是必要的。 第三部

4、分,我国娱乐明星隐私权法律保护存在的问题。我国立法对娱乐明星隐私权 的保护,主要存在着法律制度不完整、立法水平滞后、专门法律缺乏的问题;我国司法 V 实践中对娱乐明星隐私权的保护,主要存在着娱乐明星隐私权与知情权冲突、娱乐明星 隐私权保护内容不明确的问题。 第四部分,我国娱乐明星隐私权法律保护的完善。针对我国娱乐明星隐私权立法保 护存在的问题,结合娱乐明星隐私权的特征,完善娱乐明星隐私权保护的举措应从健全 隐私权保护法律体系、 提高立法前瞻性、 制定娱乐明星隐私权保护专门法律等方面进行; 针对我国娱乐明星隐私权法律保护司法实践存在的问题,结合娱乐明星隐私权的特征, 一方面要用公共利益优先、满足

5、公共合理兴趣、尊重人格尊严、事前权利人同意免责、 与娱乐明星事业相关、 娱乐明星隐私在公共场所受限和利益平横的方法解决娱乐明星隐 私权与知情权的冲突,另一方面,要明确娱乐明星隐私权保护的基本范围,包括身体隐 私、正常的婚恋生活和夫妻生活、合法的通讯自由和通讯秘密、个人住宅的信息受法律 保护,包括正常的家庭生活和私生活不受非法监视和监听,还包括其他与公共利益、众 合理兴趣无关、有损人格尊严的生活秘密和私人领域信息。 本文创新之处在于,通过分别对隐私权和娱乐明星的概念进行界定,结合公众人物 隐私权的相关理论,对娱乐明星隐私权的概念进行了界定。 关键词:娱乐明星,隐私权,知情权 VI ABSTRAC

6、T Entertainment stars privacy is an important moral rights. While Chinas existing laws on privacy legislation has made significant progress, but there are still privacy legislation system is not complete, lack of entertainment stars and other special laws protecting privacy issues. With the developm

7、ent of society and the media, technology, media and entertainment stars much privacy concerns of the public, entertainers, and therefore facing more privacy has been infringed possible. As entertainers, privacy has attracted public attention, in close contact with the public interest, and self-inter

8、est with the Right to Know the special nature of conflict,the uniform application of laws protecting citizen privacy, is not conducive to the better entertainment stars Privacy protection and the law would seriously undermine the original purpose of privacy protection of citizens, or even detrimenta

9、l to the socialist Construction of the human rights cause. This article is divided into four parts, focusing on the legal protection of privacy of entertainment stars, from the definition and characteristics of the necessity and specificity of protection, legislative and judicial protection of exist

10、ing problems, improve the legislative and judicial protection of the four perspectives on legal protection of entertainment stars privacy. The first part, entertainers, and features of the definition of privacy. And privacy from the privacy of the origin of the concept, the concept of defining the b

11、asis of entertainment stars, combined with the concept of privacy of public figures, defined as the privacy of entertainment stars, won awards or achievements, and a lot of mainstream media at home and abroad as means of communication, emotions and skills through the performance, so that public acce

12、ss to the joy of the people, private space information, private information and confidential information of the first two independent discretion to conceal, use, VII disposal, maintenance and relief of right reasonable by the public interest and public interest limitations. Privacy entertainment sta

13、rs have attracted public attention, in close contact with the public interest, and personal interests with the right to know the characteristics of conflict. The second part, the need for special privacy protection. Entertainment stars out of respect for human dignity, self-determination to meet the

14、 needs of the human stars of the law to protect the privacy of entertainment stars is necessary. Meanwhile, the protection of privacy with entertainment stars are conducive to achieving substantive equality laws, is conducive to safeguarding the public interest, is conducive to meet the publics righ

15、t to know the particularity of the law to specifically protect the privacy of entertainment stars are also necessary. The third part, the legal protection of privacy of entertainers problems. Entertainment star in Chinas legislation on the protection of privacy, mainly in the legal system is incompl

16、ete, lagging behind the level of legislation, lack of specialized legal issues; level of judicial protection of privacy on the entertainment stars, mainly the existence of conflict of entertainment stars privacy and right to Know , entertainers, the content is not clear privacy issues. The fourth part, our entertainment stars improve the legal protection of privacy. Privacy legislation for the protection of our entertainers,



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