2019版高考英语大一轮复习 第一部分 module 4 great scientists 外研版必修4

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1、 .重点单词识记联想运用 会书写 一、核心单词 1_ vt. 支持 2_ n. 数量 3_ vi. 逃跑;逃避 4_ vi. (烟雾)消散 5_ vt. 取代;以代替 support quantity escape clear replace 6_ n. 人物 7_ vt. 出版 8_ n. 质量 9_ adj. 直的 二、阅读单词 1breakthrough n. _ 2convert vt. _ 3diagnose vt. _ 4victim n. _ figure publish quality straight 突破 改变;转 换诊断 受害者 5brilliant adj. _ 6ca

2、reer n. _ 7species n. _ 聪颖的;才华横溢的 生涯;经历 物种 三、拓展单词 1_ adj.主要的_ vt.领导;引导_ n领导;领袖 2_ adj.身体的;物理的_ adv.身体上;身体上地 3_ adj.简短的;简洁的_ adv.简短地;简洁地 4_ vi.毕业 n毕业生_ n毕业 5_ adj.个人的_ adv.就个人来说_ n个性;人格 6_ vi.爆炸_ n爆炸;爆炸声 leading leadleader physicalphysically brief briefly graduategraduation personalpersonallypersonal

3、ity explodeexplosion 7_ n生产者_ vt.&vi.生产_ n产量;生产 _ n产品 8_ vt.教育_ n教育_ n教育工作者 9_ n农业_ adj.农业的 10_ adj.原来的;最初的_ n起源_ vi.起源 11_ vt.出口_ vt.进口 producerproduceproduction product educateeducationeducator agricultureagricultural originaloriginoriginate exportimport 会积累 1“支持,拥护”家族 advocate vt. 提倡;拥护 back vt.

4、支持 support vt. 支持,帮助 stand by/for 支持 in favour of 支持,赞同 vote for 投票支持 2“数量”名词全接触 quantity 数量 amount 数量 number 数量 mass 大量 plenty 大量 3合成名词(v.adv.)荟萃 breakthrough n. 突破 breakdown n. 故障,破损 warm-up n. 热身运动 get-together n. 联欢会;聚会 takeaway n. 外带的食物 4单复数同形名词 species n. 物种 series n. 系列 means n. 方法 remains n.

5、 剩余物 works n. 工厂 5由“进出口”联想到的名词 import 进口 export 出口 trade 贸易 customs 海关 tariff 关税 opening-up policy 对外开放政策 会应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 1Though she explained the topic _, we still learned a lot from her _ words.(brief) 2It is _ thought to be a plant of Africa, but no one knows exactly the _ of this plant, because

6、 we dont have any _ material about it.(origin) 3My brother is a _ in physics and he _ from Beijing University.He has been working in a famous company after _(graduate) 4This factory _ computers.Its _ is very optimistic about the _ and sale.(produce) brieflybrief originallyorigin original graduategra

7、duated graduation producesproducerproduction 5The government is attaching more importance to _ the younger generation.In a sense, it is the duty of every _ to do what they can for the cause of _ of China.(educate) 6Two bombs _ in the centre of our city and the _ caused seven deaths.(explode) educati

8、ng educatoreducation explodedexplosion .核心短语识记联想运用 会书写 1_培养;养育 2_ 对进行实验 3_ 引进 4_ 由于的结果 5_ 实施;履行 bring up experiment with bring in as a result of carry out 6be known for _ 7be diagnosed with _ 8earn ones living _ 9come to/into power _ 10convert.into. _ 11the/a key to (doing) sth _ 因而出名/闻名 被诊断患有疾病 谋生

9、掌权 把转化为 (做)某事的关键 会积累 1come ton. come to power 掌权 come to a conclusion 得出结论 come to life 活跃起来 come to an agreement 达成协议 come to the point 谈正题 2由the key to想到的 the approach to 的方法 the access to 的通道 the answer to 的答案 the entrance to 的入口 会应用 选用上表左栏短语填空 1After he _,he took a series of measures to improve

10、peoples life. 2After his wife _ breast cancer, he spent all of his time looking after her. 3Henry was _ by his grandmother, so he was very grateful to her for what she had done. 4The basketball match has been cancelled _ the heavy rain. 5As is known to all, Hangzhou _ the West Lake and other local p

11、laces of interest. 6The young man made a promise to his parents that he would try to _ after graduation. came to/into power was diagnosed with brought up as a result of is known for earn his living .经典句式分析背诵仿写 句型公式1:It is/was过去分词that从句。 教材原句 In Stephen Hawkings case it was discovered that he was a b

12、rilliant scientist. 就史蒂芬霍金的情况来说,人们发现 他是一个卓越的科学家。 句型仿写 _ yoga is very beneficial to human health. 据说瑜伽对人体健康有很大益处。 It is said that 句型公式2:keep宾语宾语补足语。 教材原句 The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction. 这些管子被绑在一根长木棍上,这根木棍能使火箭直线前进。 句型仿写 I am sorry for having _ for three hours. 很抱歉让你等了三个小时。 kept you waiting 句型公式3:现在分词短语作结果状语。 教材原句 Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the worlds first astronaut? 或者他被带到了太空中数英里的地方,成为了世界上第一个宇航员? 句型仿写 The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, _(2017天津卷单选) 这家医院最近得到一批新的医疗设备 ,这使更多的病人能够得到治疗。


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