ziiaaa2016年秋八年级英语上册 module 8 accidents主题写作外研版

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1、整 体 感 知 实 例 分 析 本模块块以“事故”为话题为话题 ,涉及交通事故、毒蛇咬伤伤人等内 容。通过过本模块块的学习习,学生能够够意识识到安全的重要性,并能 掌握一些基本的急救措施,有助于提高学生应对应对 突发发事件的能 力。 模块主题写作八 整 体 感 知 话题分析 1I was waiting to cross the road. 2The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee. 3Dont listen to music or talk on a mobile phone

2、when you ride a bike or drive. 4Pay attention, stop at the red lights. 5Dont ride side by side with your friends. 6Luckily, he didnt break an arm or a leg. 常用表达 实 例 分 析 上周日在秦淮河边发边发 生了张张明救落水小男孩的事情。请请你 根据以下四幅画所描述的事情经过经过 ,为为校刊的英语语园地写一 篇题为题为 “A Brave Young Man”的英文短文。 典型例题 注意:词词数:80词词左右,开头头已给给出,不计计入总词总词

3、数。 A Brave Young Man It was a nice day last Sunday._ _ 思路点拨 A Brave Young Boy It was a nice day last Sunday. Zhang Ming was fishing by the Qinhuai River when a little boy went to play nearby. Suddenly, Zhang Ming heard someone shouting for help. He looked around and found that the little boy was fal

4、ling into the water. It was very dangerous. Zhang Ming jumped into the river at once. He tried his best to pull the boy out of the river. At that time other people came to offer help. Finally, Zhang Ming saved the boys life, and the boy was very grateful. People all said Zhang Ming was very brave an

5、d helpful. We should learn from him. 连句成篇 作为为一名中学生,假如有一天你所在的地方突然发发生地震 ,你认为认为 你能做些什么和不能做什么?请请你以“How to keep safe when an earthquake happens?”为题为题 写一篇短文。 内容包括: 1. 保持镇镇定,迅速躲躲到安全的地方(move to a safe location)去 ,如坚坚固的桌子下面。 2. 可以用手或软软的东东西保护护(protect)脸脸和头头。 3. 当确定震动动停止时时尽快跑到户户外,若已在户户外,就要远远离 高的建筑物。 4. 不要乘坐电电梯

6、。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现现学校的真实实名称和学生 的真实实姓名。 2. 语语句连贯连贯 ,词词数80词词左右。 自我展示 How to keep safe when an earthquake happens? One possible version: Its important for us to keep safe when an earthquake happens. We should pay attention to the following: Firstly, we must keep quiet, and then move to a safe l

7、ocation quickly, such as under the hard table. Secondly, we should protect our faces and heads with hands or other soft things. Thirdly, when the shake stops surely, we should run out as soon as possible and try to be far away from buildings. If you are outside, remember to keep away from tall build

8、ings. Last but not the least, dont take the elevator at this moment. 语 法 点 击 实 战 演 练 过去进行时(二) 由上一模块块我们们已经经知道,过过去进进行时时表示过过去某一时时 刻或阶阶段正在进进行或持续续的动动作。过过去进进行时还时还 可以和 when,while 或as引导导的过过去时间时间 状语语从句连连用构成复合句 。 模块语法聚焦八 语 法 点 击 1when引导导的时间时间 状语语从句既可以指时间时间 点,也可以指 时间时间 段;while引导导的时间时间 状语语只指时间时间 段。因此,在when 引导导的

9、时间时间 状语语从句中,动词动词 可以是终终止性动词动词 ,也可以是 延续续性动词动词 ;而在while引导导的从句中,动词动词 必须须是延续续性 动词动词 。 They arrived while we were having dinner. They arrived when we were having dinner. 我们们吃晚饭时饭时 他们们到了。 2由when引导导的时间时间 状语语从句,如果主句用过过去进进行时时 ,从句应该应该 用一般过过去时时,表示一个动动作正在进进行的时时候, 另一个动动作(突然)发发生了,强调调后一动动作发发生的突然性。 We were talking w

10、hen the teacher came in. 我们们正在说话时说话时 ,(突然)老师进师进 来了。 While we were talking, the teacher came in. 当我们们正在说话说话 的时时候,老师进师进 来了。(该该句只表示老师进师进 来的事实实,不强调调突然性) 3当从句和主句的动动作都是延续续性的或同时发时发 生时时, 即 主从句都用过过去进进行时时的时时候多用while引导导。 They were singing while we were dancing. 他们们在唱歌,我们们在跳舞。 .单项单项 填空 ( )1.I didnt hear what Al

11、ice said because I _ the news about Shenzhou X on the radio. Aam listening to Blisten to Cwas listening to Dlistened to ( )2.2013徐州Millie _ a picture when Mr Green came in. A. draw B. will draw C. drew D. was drawing C 实 战 演 练 D ( )3.What_ you _ when I rang you up? I was having a bath at that time.

12、Awere; doing Bare; doing Cdid; do Ddo; do ( )4.I phoned you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered me. Sorry. I _ the flowers in the garden at that time. A. was watering B. am watering C. water D. will water ( )5.2014凉山It seems that you are happy. Why? I met an old friend of mine while I _

13、 on the street. A. walks B. walk C. was walking D. am walking A A C .用when或 while填空 1_ Li Ming finished his homework, he took a short rest. 2_ I got to the airport, the guests had left. 3Sorry, I was out _ you called me. 4They were running to move the bag of rice _ they heard the sound of a motorbik

14、e. 5He is strong _ his sister is weak(弱的) while When When when when .按要求完成下列各题题 1He was playing computer games at_six last night.(改为为 否定句、一般疑问问句并对对画线线部分提问问) He_ playing computer games at six last night. _ he _ computer games at six last night? _ _ _ he _computer games last night? playing wasnt Was playing What time was 2Betty was reading books when_her_mum_came_back. ( 对对画线线部分提问问) _ _ Betty _ books? 3I was watching_TV at 8:00 yesterday.(对对画线线部分提 问问) _ _ you _ at 8:00 yesterday? 4Tom ran at school yesterday.(用at that time 改写句子) Tom _ _ at school at that time. When wasreading What



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