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1、华中科技大学 博士学位论文 我国高等学校与大学法律关系研究 姓名:朱孟强 申请学位级别:博士 专业:高等教育学 指导教师:文辅相 20061101 I 摘摘 要要 近年来,随着我国高等教育法治进程的加快以及大学生权利意识的觉醒,我国 的高等学校与大学生之间的法律纠纷呈上升趋势,学子们将母校告上法庭已不是什 么新鲜事了。面对两者之间的权益之争,从浅层意义上,人们需要知道如何审理, 审理的依据是什么;从深层意义上,人们需要知道如何衡平高校和大学生之间的权 利和义务。这都将涉及到一个无法回避的关键性问题,即高校与大学生之间的法律 关系是什么,过去怎么样,现在应该怎么样。正是对法理的追问以及现实的司法

2、窘 境和学生的呼声,高校和大学生的法律关系问题被推到了当代教育法学理论研究的 前沿。 任何法律关系的产生、变更以及消灭,归根结蒂取决于社会关系和社会物质条 件的发展变化。长期以来,受社会体制和模式的影响,以及国家主义教育观和特别 权力关系理论的制约,我国高校与大学生间的关系就是管理者与被管理者的单一关 系,大学生作为社会成员应当享有的权利或者被忽视,或者没有给予应有的尊重。 对此,人们习以为常,学界也缺乏这方面的理论研究,加上国家有关法律规制滞后, 致使双方法律关系模糊,权利义务失衡,当纠纷产生后便出现审理难以断案的现实 局面。随着时代的发展,这种关系必然为合理的法律关系所取代。 从法理上讲,

3、高等学校法律地位以及大学生法律地位的恰当确立是高校与大学 生之间的法律关系研究的基石。由于我国法律制度并没有明确高等学校和大学生的 法律地位,因此,在高等学校法律地位确认问题上,国内学者观点纷呈,争论激烈, 大致有单纯的民事主体资格、民事主体资格与行政主体资格兼具、独立法人身份、 公务法人身份、法律法规授权组织以及具有多重性等多种不同的学术观点。人们尚 存在疑惑:大学生是特殊的社会公民,抑或一个人的两种不同身份和法律地位?我 国高校与大学生法律地位的如此不确定状况很大程度上导致了高校与大学生之间的 法律关系难以准确把握和认定。 本文在综合分析国内外学术界对高等学校法律地位的研究和比较西方主要国

4、家 高等学校法律地位现状的基础上,提出:高等学校以教育教学组织的角色出现时, 其法律上的定位只能是独立的民事主体;当其以法律法规授权组织的角色参与法律 活动时,就成为行政主体;而当其以学校公共秩序、公共利益的代表的角色出现时, II 其法律上的定位则是集体法人。在研判大学生的法律地位时,不能仅仅着眼其单纯 作为学生的法律身份,还应考虑其作为社会人所应享有的权利和义务,亦即应通过 区分大学生参与法律活动的角色来恰当确定其应有的法律地位。在对高等学校和大 学生法律地位确立与把握的基础上,我们便可对高等学校与大学生之间的法律关系 作如下判定:两者之间因教育教学活动而缔结成的法律关系,符合民事法律关系

5、的 特征,具备民事法律关系的构成要素,这类法律关系应为民事法律关系;当高等学 校获得国家授权,对大学生行使国家行政权力,此时,高等学校与大学生则缔结成 行政法律关系,亦即我国行政法学上所讲的外部行政法律关系;当高等学校作为校 生共同体的利益和秩序的代言人时,与大学生发生的法律关系则为特别权力关系, 亦即我国行政法学上所讲的内部行政法律关系。 构建和谐的高校与大学生之间的法律关系,乃本研究的要务,其核心就是要平 衡双方之间的权利和义务,制约两者的权利扩张,缓和它们之间的冲突。然而如何 衡平?如何制约?又如何缓和呢?本文本着法治的精神和以学生为本的理念,结合 我国高等学校与大学生冲突的焦点、双方权

6、益保护和义务履行的实际情况以及司法 倾向,提出、概括了高校与大学生法律关系平衡的主要原则和调节的基本手段,这 就是以法制衡、权限法定、依照章程自主管理、权力与权利协调、对高校进行有限 度的限制、对大学生个人权利诉求进行必要的约束、合法与合理衡平、司法审查与 救济等,并逐一地进行了论述。 关键词:关键词:高等学校 大学生 法律地位 法律关系 III Abstract In the recent years, the conflicts and disputes have been happening more and more sharply between the universities,

7、colleges and the students with the rapid pace of legal proceedings of national institutions of the higher learning, and with the wake of powerful consciousness from those students. It is not the news that the students bring a suit against their mother school. However, the legal relationship between

8、the universities, colleges and the students has become the forwarded and theoretical issue to the researched as for puzzling of the legal theory, lawful embarrassment as well as students inquiring and the colleges passivity. The production, changing and the eliminating of any lawful relationship sho

9、uld depend on the development and changing of the social relationships and social conditions. By affecting of the social system and the model for a long term and the restraining of the nationalistic educational view and the theory of the special powerful relationship, the relationship has been very

10、simple and unitary which is the relationship between the administers and the persons to be administrated. The justified rights for the college students as social members are neglected or are not to be respected which resulting in that the different lawful relationships are not clear and the balance

11、can not be kept by both sides for the rights and liabilities. The proper establishing of legal position for the institutions of legal higher learning is the fundamental stone to research and study the lawful relationship between the universities, colleges, and the students. On the present essay, the

12、 comprehensive analysis of academy both at home and abroad to the legal position of the institutions of higher learning has been conducted, and the comparison of the existing status of the lawful position of colleges and universities in the western countries has been performed. on the above describe

13、d, it is proposed that the definite lawful position is the independent civil subject as the universities and colleges being present as the roles and organizer for education, teaching and learning ; and it is the administrative subject as the universities and college being present as the roles and or

14、ganizers authorized by laws and regulations and participating lawful activities; and it is the definite collective legal person as they being present as the roles of the representatives for the public orders and public benefits. The legal relationships between the institutions of higher learning and

15、 the college students could be asserted as followings: IV It is the civil legal relationship which is to be concluded by the activities of education, teaching, and learning; and its the administrative legal relationship if the institutions of higher learning have been authorized to use the national

16、administrative power; and a special powerful relationship could be concluded between the universities and colleges and the students if the institutions of higher learning are to be speakers for the benefits and orders of the common subjects. In order to constitute and set up a harmonious legal relationship, it is important to keep the balance of the rights and liabilities between the two sides, to restrict the power expe



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