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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 战略环境评价对象中的涌现性与环境承载力的研究 姓名:邵小刚 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:环境工程 指导教师:周敬宣 20090525 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I 摘摘 要要 战略环境评价的目标是在决策的初级阶段, 同时关注其环境、 经济和社会影响, 将环境问题纳入综合决策中,实现环境、经济和社会子系统的和谐统一。为达到此 目标,本文拟从两方面进行研究:一,鉴于 SEA 的对象即环境经济社会系统具有涌 现性的性质,而涌现性能够弥补传统 SEA 还原论方法的不足,促使 SEA 健康发展, 本文将首先从

2、涌现性角度将环境经济社会系统视为一个复杂系统进行分析;二,为 实现 SEA 的目标,决策者应使三个子系统协调发展,发展过程中不超出任何一者的 界限,考虑到两型社会建设的需要,当前首要目标是不超出环境承载力的界限,因 此本文选用环境承载力不确定型多目标规划模型计算武汉市的环境承载力,得出上 述界限,为 SEA 的研究服务。 本文首先分析了环境经济社会系统具有复杂适应性系统的四个要素和四个特 征,并满足涌现性的四个判据,判断该系统是复杂适应性系统且具有涌现性,得出 从涌现性角度研究环境经济社会系统是可行的。 随后本文通过对环境经济社会系统涌现性的发生条件、特征和规律的分析,得 出了该系统涌现性发生

3、的三个条件和三个特征,总结出系统的涌现性具有随着系统 及其子系统的复杂程度增强而增强的规律。在上述研究的基础上,本文提出并分析 了几个主要的涌现性问题, 揭示了传统 SEA 将系统还原为单独的子系统进行评价而 不能涌现出整体新特性的缺陷,指导 SEA 的正确研究方向。 最后本文使用环境承载力不确定型多目标规划模型计算了武汉市环境承载力并 进行了误差分析。结果表明:在环境承载力的约束下,到 2010 年武汉市要实现“十 一五”规划的目标有一定的难度,最大人口规模为 928.233 万人,最大经济规模为 3965.500 亿元,如果超过此规模就会破坏环境承载力,造成环境的恶化;在武汉市 城市总体规

4、划(1996-2020)的基础上,由于单位产值的污染物排放量和资源消耗量 大幅降低(见表 4-2)造成环境承载力约束的松弛,到 2020 年武汉市能承载的最大 人口规模达到 1232.439 万人, 最大经济规模达到 8561.291 亿元, 可以实现规划目标。 最后本文给出了武汉市未来城市发展的几点建议。 关键词关键词:战略环境评价 环境经济社会系统 复杂系统 涌现性 环境承载力 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract The target of SEA is the harmony and unity of e

5、nvironment, economy and society by attention to the social ,economic, environmental impact while beginning decision-making and brought environmental impact into the comprehensive decision-making. In order to realize the target, the paper will study from two aspects: firstly, in view of the emergence

6、 of environmental-economic-social system and the emergence theory can supply particular new perspective and new method for studying complex system to spur the strategic environmental assessment to the correct direction, the paper will analyze the system as a complex system from an emergent perspecti

7、ve. Secondly, it is necessary to ensure the harmonious development and fair competition of the three subsystem.,not overstep the limit of any one, and the limit is need to counted. Considering the need of building Two Types of Society, currently the chiefly target is not to overstep the limit of env

8、ironment, so the paper selects the inexact-fuzzy approach for multi-objective planning of environmental carrying capacity to account the most population and economic scale under the restriction of environmental carrying capacity. This job can work for the SEA. The paper firstly analyzes the environm

9、ental-economic-social system that it has four elements and four characters, so environmental economic social system is a complexly adaptive system. After the research on Environmental-economic-social system, we can know that the system satisfies four criterions following: emergent rules can be repea

10、ted, it has hierarchy organization and two-way influence, global propertiesexceed the summation of part. Because the system is a complexly adaptive system and has emergent property, it is feasible to research on the system from the emergent perspective. By means of analyzing the system from the emer

11、gent perspective, the paper concludes three qualifications and three characters of the systems emergence, and the system has the rule that the emergence will enhance with enhan-cement of the system and its subsystems complex degree. Based on the research above, the paper puts forward several primary

12、 emergent issues, and then gives analyses about them. 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III Finally the paper calculates the environmental carrying capacity of Wuhan based on the inexact-fuzzy approach for multi-objective planning of environmental carrying capacity and analyzes its err

13、or. The main conclusions are as follows:in 2010, the most population scale is 9,282,330, the most economic scale is ¥396,550,000,000, it is hard to realize the programming goal of 2010. In 2020, the most population scale is 12,324,390, the most economic scale is ¥ 856,129,100,000, it can realize the

14、 programming goal of 2020. In the end, the paper gives several recommendations on the future development of Wuhan. Keywords: strategic environmental assessment;environmental-economic-social system;complex system;emergence;environmental carrying capacity; 独创性声明独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研

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