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1、密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090641 文学硕士学位论文 我国都市类报纸食品安全报道的框架研 究 以京华时报 南方都市报 大河报双汇“瘦肉 精”报道为例 学位申请人:吴云欢 指 导 教 师:彭焕萍 教授 学 位 类 别:文学硕士 学 科 专 业:新闻学 授 予 单 位:河北大学 答 辩 日 期:二 一二 年五月 Classified Index: CODE:10075 U.D.C.: NO.:20090641 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts Frame Research of Food Safety Reports

2、of Chinas Metropolis Daily “Beijing Times” “Southern Metropolis Daily” “Dahe” Shuanghui lean Reported Candidate: Wu yunhuan Supervisor: Prof. Peng huanping Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Speciality: Journalism University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May,2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 近几年

3、我国食品安全问题频发, 使得食品安全越来越成为公众急切关注的重点民生 问题之一,也越来越成为媒体报道的一个焦点题材。尤其今年以来,影响全国的食品安 全事件更是被频频爆出,动摇了消费者对于食品安全的信心,媒体对食品安全问题的报 道热度一度呈上升的态势,也使得公众对食品安全的不安及负面情绪在更大范围弥漫。 这种现象一方面是由于市场环境下,不少无良企业罔顾道德法律,致使社会食品安全问 题频发,另一方面,媒体对食品安全问题粗放的报道方式也一定程度造成了风险的放大 与悲观情绪的过度传播, 其中以贴近民生为口号的我国都市报媒体的报道更容易影响公 众对这一问题态势的感官,影响人们的行为。 面对纷繁复杂的外部

4、事物, 人们总是依据一定的准则去选择认识的对象和对事物进 行理解,这些准则就像框架一样将我们注意的的事实收入其中,媒体对食品安全问题的 报道也不例外的遵循着一定的框架准则, 而人们就根据媒体报道框架中的内容来认识外 界事物并决定自己的行为。 那么都市报媒体在食品安全这一议题上通常为公众建构了怎 样的报道框架,而这样的报道框架是否能够准确的让公众理解我们的食品安全环境,如 果不能,媒体应该从哪些方面改进食品安全报道的框架,从而使媒体的报道能够让我们 更准确的认识食品安全问题,进而能够更好的应对社会上频发的食品安全问题,这是本 文想要研究的问题。 本文一共包括五大部分。第一章绪言交代了本文的选题来

5、源与研究意义,并这类主 题在我国研究的一些现状。同时阐释了本文研究的研究方法,并对运用到的理论框 架理论做了总体的阐释。 第二章以京华时报 、 南方都市报 、 大河报这三大都市报为样本对我国都市 媒体在食品安全报道中形成的报道框架做了统计分析, 总结出现今我国都市报食品安全 报道所采用的框架特点。 第三章分析我国都市报食品安全报道采用的框架在议题架构与文本建构方面存在 哪些问题。 第四章就我国都市报食品安全报道框架中存在的问题, 提出建构合理的食品安全报 摘 要 II 道框架。 最后结尾认为优化我国都市报媒体在食品安全问题报道中的框架, 能够有助于公众 更好的认识与应对社会上频发的食品安全事件

6、。 关键字 框架研究 食品安全报道 都市报 Abstract III Abstract Frequent in recent years, our food safety has increasingly become one of the key livelihood issues of urgent public concern. Its increasing also becomes a focus of the theme of media reports. In particular, this year, affecting the countrys food safety inc

7、idents more frequently burst, shaken consumer confidence in food safety, the media reports on food safety issues, heat once was an upward trend, also makes the anxiety of the public on food safety and diffuse negative emotions in a larger range. On one hand, this phenomenon is due to the market envi

8、ronment. A lot of unscrupulous companies ignore the moral law, resulting in social food safety issues frequent media reported extensive food safety issues. On the other hand, a certain extent, causing the risk of amplification and the excessive spread of pessimism, of which close to peoples liveliho

9、od as a slogan in China Metropolis Daily media reports more easily affect the senses of the public awareness of the problem situation, influence peoples behavior. Faced with a complex of external things, people are always based on certain criteria to select the object of knowledge and understanding

10、of things. These guidelines, which we call the framework of the media coverage of food safety issues, are no exception to follow the framework of criteria according to media reports in the framework of the content to understand the external things and to determine their own behavior. Metropolis medi

11、a on the issue of food safety is usually the public construction of what kind of coverage framework, this report framework is able to accurately make the public understand our food safety environment, if not ,we can from which to improve the framework of food safety reports, so that media coverage w

12、ill allow us to more accurate perception of food safety issues, and thus be able to better respond to society on the frequency of food safety issues. This is the article wants to research. This article is including a total of five parts: Chapter 1 introduces the account of the source and significanc

13、e of the topics and some of the status quo of such subjects in our study. Illustrates this studys research methods, and applied to the framework of the theory - the theory overall interpretation. Chapter 2 makes Beijing Times, Southern Metropolis Daily, Dahe three Metropolis for the samples reported

14、 the formation of our urban media in the coverage of food Abstract IV safety framework for statistical analysis, summed up the Urban Newspapers of The food safety reports framework characteristics. Chapter 3 analyzes the weaknesses in our Metropolis food safety reports used in the framework, the def

15、iciencies in these frameworks and the negative effects in public. According to the problems exist in framework of food safety reports; chapter 4 gives a reasonable framework of food safety reports. Finally the end to optimize the framework of the Urban Newspapers media coverage of food safety issues can contribute to better public understanding of and response to social frequent food safety incidents. Key words frame research reports of food safety Metropolis Daily 目 录 V 目 录 第 1 章 绪论



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