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1、南京航空航天大学 硕士学位论文 基于混合渠道的贴牌生产供应链决策优化研究 姓名:李琳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:管理科学与工程 指导教师:李帮义 2011-03 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 i 摘 要 根据经济发展要求,以快速市场需求响应、整体绩效最优、高市场渗透和覆盖率为显著特 征的混合渠道贴牌生产供应链已经成为时下的一种市场常态。 本文在充分借鉴前人有关研究成果的基础上,以定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,借助 文献综述、博弈分析、数值算例仿真等具体手段,研究了混合渠道贴牌生产供应链的运作机理 和优化机制。首先,文章阐述了当前国内外关于混合渠道、贴牌生产、决策优化及委托代理相 关的研究现状

2、及发展趋势,给出了文章的研究思路及框架。再次,构建三种渠道结构模式 单一直销渠道、单一贴牌渠道和混合渠道,解析渠道转移作用下品牌溢价和成本优势这两个决 策参数对制造商与品牌商渠道模式的影响,求解混合渠道贴牌生产供应链的成立条件及优化机 理。通过混合渠道贴牌生产供应链分散决策方式与集中决策方式所得的博弈结果对比,讨论决 策方式优化的可能性,揭示混合渠道贴牌生产供应链决策优化方案 决策参数优化及决策方 式优化。接着,讨论私有信息分散形成的信息不对称情形,基于选定的最优化目标,分析潜在 的机会主义额外收益及客观的信息分布优势所引致的道德风险问题,再以同背景假设中的算例 量化求解得到混合渠道贴牌生产供

3、应链道德风险的防范机制,以促成混合渠道贴牌生产供应链 参与双方合作的稳定持久。然后,阐述操作层面的管理重点及具体实施过程中的注意事项及指 导建议。最后,结论部分总结了本文所做的研究工作,提出有待进一步研究的问题。 关键词:混合渠道,贴牌生产,供应链管理,决策优化,道德风险 基于混合渠道的贴牌生产供应链决策优化 ii Abstract As required by economic development, the Original Equipment Manufacturing supply chains based on hybird Channels nowadays have becom

4、e a popular pattern, featured with quick response to market demand, the best overall systematic performance, high marketing penetration and coverage. Drawing on previous research, with both qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, like literature review, game analysis, numerical simulation and

5、 other specific means, this paper focus its task on the operation and optimization mechanism of Original Equipment Manufacturing supply chain based on hybrid channel. Firstly, the existing literatures home and abroad about the referred focus were analyzed. The structure and layout of this thesis wer

6、e described. Secondly, three channel structure models, namely, single direct sales channel, single Original Equipment Manufacturing channel and hybird- channel channel was established. With the discussion regarding impact of the two decision parameters, brand premium, cost advantage on channel decis

7、ion- making of manufacturers and branders under influence of channel transfer, we work out the feasible condition and optimization mechanism for Original Equipment Manufacturing supply chain based on hybrid channel. After that, two decision- making patterns, centralized one and decentralized one, ar

8、e compared in the feasible condition, to discover the possibility of optimization way, optimization by decision parameter or decision pattern. Under the asymmetry information circumstance, given the optimization objectives, the extra revenue leaded by potential opportunism and separate allocated pri

9、vate information will give birth to moral hazards. So in the following step, the thesis discussed the problems aroused by moral hazards in such background, to give some avoidance mechanism for lasting and steady co- operation in supply chain system. Then, some management guidelines are brought forwa

10、rds for practice use. Finally, main achievement gained in the thesis and the problems pending further research were reviewed. Keywords: hybird channel, Original Equipment Manufacturing, supply chain management, decision optimization, moral hazard 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 v 图 表 清 单 表 1.1 市场竞争要素与企业运作模式的演变过程.1 表

11、 2.1 产品层次对应效用及代表因子.12 表 2.2 供应链的形成原因.16 表 2.3 贴牌生产参与方的分工协作.23 表 3.1 参数说明.26 表 3.2 制造商的渠道模式对比.31 表 3.3 制造商混合渠道业绩改进增量情况.34 表 3.4 制造商单一直销渠道与混合渠道直销渠道的业绩比较.35 表 3.5 品牌商的渠道模式状态.38 表 3.6 品牌商单一贴牌渠道与混合渠道的贴牌渠道业绩比较.39 表 4.1 混合渠道决策参数对参与利润的影响.44 表 4.2 混合渠道集中决策与分散决策的业绩比较.47 表 4.3 算例- 品牌商品牌溢价对混合渠道决策利润的影响.50 表 4.4 算例- 制造商生产成本c对混合渠道决策利润的影响.52 表 4.5 混合渠道决策参数对利润的作用与影响.54 表 5.1 代理问题模型.57 表 5.2 品牌商谎报品牌溢价参数.60 表 5.3 制造商谎报生产成本参数.61 表 5.4 决策参数谎报的博弈矩阵.62 表 5.5 贴牌渠道定价与对应的制造商系统优化利润再分配比率.66 表 5.6 品牌商缺乏耐心谎报溢价防范对策的分析.67 表 5.7 贴牌渠道销量与其对应的品牌商系统优化利润再分配比率.69 表 5.8 制造商缺乏耐心谎报成本防范对策的



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