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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 论股东分红权 姓名:陈国涛 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:法律硕士 指导教师:张文楚 2010-05-15 I 摘摘 要要 股东分红权是公司股东众多权利的核心,同时也是股东投资公司的根本目的。 股东分红权又称股东盈余分配请求权或股利分配请求权,可分为抽象的股东分红权 和具体股东分红权。实现股东分红权应当具备实质性要件和形式要件。实质要件是 指公司分配利润必须要有盈利,体现的是“无盈则不分”的原则;公司存在盈利并不 意味着就可以分配红利,还要通过法定程序,由公司有权机关作出分红决定之后才 可以分红。这即是形式要件。我国公司法规定,董事会有提出分配红利的权利,股 东会是分红

2、的决议机关,使得董事会和股东会构成相互制约的机制,体现了我国公 司法所具备的优点。 在我国,无论国有公司、上市公司还是一般有限责任公司都不同程度的存在不 分红或少分红的现象,从而侵害了股东分红权。国有企业还在改革阶段,经过改制 的大多数国有企业多年未向国家分红,大量的资金留在国有公司,从而产生了一系 列问题,如内部人控制、贪污腐败等现象的发生,不利于公司的发展、致使国家和 人民的财产流失、侵害债权人的利益。上市公司也存在长年不分红的情况,控股股 东控制公司,损害中小股东的权利,在分红方式上现金股利分配数量和采取分配现 金红利所占上市公司的比例与发育成熟的证券市场存在很大差距。对有限责任公司 而

3、言,则是大股东长期欺压中小股东,利用资本多数决原则控制公司,侵害中小股 东的分红权。通过对我国公司分红现状的分析,本文认为侵害股东分红权的原因在 立法层面、司法保护层面以及股东权利认识层面都存在一些问题,这些问题包括“资 本多数决”原则的缺陷,持异议股东退股权实现困难,股东权利意识不强等。当股东 分红权受到侵害的时候不能有效的通过司法途径进行保护股东的权利,法院碍于司 法谨慎干预的原则,难以作出公正合理的裁判,甚或根本不受理股东申请强制分红 之诉。 本文在分析侵害股东分红权原因的基础上提出一系列法律建议。建议修改现行 公司法相关立法,完善股东退股权的股价确定机制,借鉴美国司法判例中综合运用 I

4、I 市场价值、财产价值和收益价值的方法,从而合理公正地确定退股股价。建议将我 国公司法第 75 条规定的退股年限由五年改为三年,或是仅仅规定最高年限,强 制将退股条件写进公司章程,充分保护股东分红权。保护股东知情权,完善信息披 露制度,是保护股东分红权的前提。我们应该重视公司会计制度,加大违反公司会 计制度的处罚力度,加强股东的知情权保护和公司决议不分红时的信息披露义务。 本文建议建立股东申请强制分红诉讼制度,分析了强制分红之诉的合理、合法 性和必要性。但是申请强制分红之诉不是没有条件的,本文认为成就股东申请强制 分红之诉必须同时符合穷尽公司内部救济原则、异议股东明确表示反对分红决议以 及必须

5、是公司在符合分红的条件下,而做出不分配红利或少分配红利的决议。若公 司已经做出分配红利,而怠于行使分配的时候,可以视为申请强制分红之诉的条件 已经成熟,股东可以选择提出债的诉讼或是强制分红之诉。 针对国有公司在我国特殊的法律地位,本文提出了要完善出资人股权直接诉讼 制度和国有资本经营预算制度。至于具体的制度设计,本文没有展开讨论,是本文 研究的不到之处,也是今后应当研究的一个重点。另外,结合刘俊海教授的观点还 提出在国有参股公司中国有股应当界定为无表决权的优先股。国有股界定为优先股 更有利于公司在分配红利决议时实现公司长期和短期利益的平衡,与现行公司法 相接轨,并可节约国家行使股东权的成本。

6、保护股东分红权,必须强化违反分红制度的责任。股东违法取得红利必须返还, 但是也要保护善意股东取得的红利。判断股东是否善意取得红利,必须要符合主体 和主观方面两个条件。主体必须是中小股东,而主观方面必须是基于善意取得。要 建立大股东损害赔偿责任机制。大股东以及控股股东利用“资本多数决”原则、故意 规避退股条件或是违法分红的,应当承担相应的赔偿责任。 关键词:股东分红权 国有公司 上市公司 强制分红之诉 III Abstract Shareholders rights to receive dividends are large shareholders, but also the core fu

7、ndamental purpose of shareholders investment company. Shareholders to receive dividends and distribution of shareholders claim or claims, dividend distribution can be abstract and concrete shareholders to receive dividends receive dividends shareholders. Shareholders shall have the right to receive

8、dividends realize substantial requirements and formal requirements. Substantial requirements refers to the distribution of profits must have profit, earnings is no is the principle of all, Company profits doesnt mean we can dividends, through legal procedures, and the company shall have the right to

9、 make decision after authorities bonus can share out bonus. Our company, the board of directors has proposed regulations, the shareholders right of dividend distribution of dividends resolution is, board of directors and shareholders authority constitutes inter-constraint mechanism, reflected in our

10、 company law has the advantage. In our country, regardless of state-owned companies and listed companies is generally limited liability company have varying degrees of existence of dividends or less dividend, thereby infringing shareholders phenomenon receive dividends. In the reform of state-owned

11、enterprises, after the reform stage for most of the state-owned enterprise to countries to share out bonus, a lot of money in state-owned company, which produces a series of problems, such as internal control, the phenomenon such as corruption, against the development of the company, the state and t

12、he peoples property loss, the interest of creditor. There is perennial not listed company shareholder of share out bonus, control, the right way, in cash dividend distribution of dividends on quantity and distribution of cash dividend accounts to the proportion of listed companies with mature securi

13、ties market has the very big disparity. For a limited liability company, the shareholders are oppressed minority shareholders, use long-term capital control, the majority of small and medium shareholders infringed receive dividends. Based on an analysis of the present situation of our company divide

14、nds receive dividends shareholder, this paper considers infringements of reason in legislation and judicial protection level of knowledge and the shareholders IV rights problems, these problems include capital principle of the majority shareholder back equity dissent, realize difficulties, sharehold

15、ers rights consciousness is not strong, etc. When the shareholders cant receive dividends are infringed upon by judicial effectively protect rights of shareholders, the court for judicial intervention of caution principle, to make a fair judge, even didnt accept shareholders for compulsory dividends

16、 lawsuit. Based on the analysis of the infringement on the basis of the reasons to receive dividends shareholders put forward a series of legal advice. Recommends modifying existing law legislation, perfecting shareholders equity prices back from America, determine the mechanism of judicial precedents comprehensive use of market value, revenue and the value of the property value, fair and reasonable met



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