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1、unit3 Cruisin Cross the country Mexico The Pacific Ocean The Atlantic Ocean 1.Location and size 2. Topography (地形,地质) Major mountains and rivers three geographical divisions 3.Climate 4. Natural resources 5.Population 6.Geograpical regions 7.Major cities II. American Geography 1. The United States i

2、s made up of District of Columbia and_ states. A. 48 B. 49 C. 50 D. 51 2. What are the names of the two states of the United States which are noncontiguous? A. Alaska and Hawaii B. Alaska and Ohio C. Ohio and Kansas D. Hawaii and Kansas 48 contiguous states + 2 noncontiguous states + D.C Grand Canyo

3、n (美国亚利桑那州北部科罗拉多河的)大 峡谷 科罗拉多大峡谷位于美国亚利 桑那州西北部的凯巴布高原上 ,是地球上最为壮丽的景色之 一。科罗拉多河在科罗拉多高 原上共切割出19条主要峡谷, 总面积2724.7平方公里其中最 深、最宽、最长的一个就是科 罗拉多大峡谷。它全长446公 里,是世界上最长的峡谷之一 。 Yellowstone National Park 老忠实喷泉(Old Faithful)1 老忠实喷泉虽然不 是黄石国家公园里 最大的间歇喷泉, 但却是喷发时间最 有规律的一个。每 35至120分钟之内喷 1次,每1次平均喷 1.55分钟,一开 始先喷56公尺的 水然后突然向上直 喷

4、可高达40公尺以 上的水柱,壮观无 比。 Yellowstone National Park 黄石湖(Yellowstone Lake)2 黃石湖是北美最大 的山区湖泊,湖岸 线总长110英里。黃 石湖区是众多鸟类 及野生动物的主要 栖息地,湖区整個 被原始林所环绕, 清澈的湖水倒映出 树影及蓝天,格外 清秀雅致。 Yellowstone National Park 黄石温泉(Yellowstone Hot Spring)3 黄石公园有数以千 计的温泉,这些温 泉碧波荡漾,水雾 缭绕。而在这些温 泉中最漂亮的要数 Morning Glory Pool温泉,它最大 的特点是:它们的 颜色随着水温

5、的变 化而不同。 Can you name the presidents carved on Mount Rushmore? George Washington 乔治华盛顿 Thomas Jefferson 汤玛斯杰佛逊 Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕林肯 Theodore Roosevelt 西奥多罗斯福 Crash for crash for the night: 口语:睡觉(通常指 在别人家留宿) Can I crash at your place for the night? 我可以在 你家过夜么? spring for请客的意思,后加名词。表示为什么什么东西 付钱的意思。

6、let me spring for dinner.让我请客吃饭。 1. Location and Size 1. Continental United States lies in central North America with Canada to its north, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its south, the Atlantic Ocean to its east and the Pacific Ocean to its west. 2. The 2 newest states: Alaska and Hawaii separated

7、 from continental United States Alaska borders on northwestern Canada, Hawaii lies in the central Pacific. 3. the advantages of the location of the US The US has an ideal location for its development. -Its Atlantic coast faces the developed countries of Western Europe, and its Pacific coast and Hawa

8、ii give the nation an approach to the Far East and Australasia - In the past the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans served as natural barriers between the US and the rest of the world. This allowed the US to grow and become strong with little outside interference. - And today the development of means of co

9、mmunication and transportation makes the U.S. well connected to the rest of the world. Size of the US -a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. - stretches 2,575 kilometers from north to south and 4,500 kilometers from east to west. - the 4th largest country in the world in size after Russia, C

10、anada and China. -All together there are 50 states in the US. -Of all the states Alaska is the largest in area and Rhode Island the smallest. -on the mainland Texas is the largest. 2. topography: Mountains in U. S. A. Appalachian Mountains 阿巴拉契亚山脉 Rocky Mountains 落基山脉 The Appalachian Mountains -run

11、slightly from the northeast to southwest -old (have been worn out over millions of years) and low (the highest peak is only a little over 2,000 metres) -noted for virgin forests and mines -served as a natural barrier for westward movement during the early settlement. The Appalachian Mountains the gr

12、eat mountain system of eastern North America; one sixth of the national territory on the continent; From province of Quebec in Canada to Northern Alabama. The Rocky Mountains - run slightly from the northwest to southeast -younger (are considered as young as Chinas Himalayas) and high (with the high

13、er peak Elbert of about 4,500 metres) - the backbone of the North American continent and is known as the Continental Divide. -famous for lots of natural national parks -It is also known as the Continental Divide (大 陆分水岭), because it separates the major river systems of the United States. Rocky Mount

14、ains-great backbone of North America the great mountain system of western North America; 5000kms from New Mexico to Canada; average altitude: more than 3000ms above sea level. Appalachian Mountains VS Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains Direction From the northeast to southwest Fro

15、m the northwest to southeast AgeOlderYounger HeightLower (2037 m)Higher (4500 m) 2.Topography: Rivers in the USA The rivers in the country are mainly lying between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. 1. The Mississippi -3,782 kilometres long -The Mississippi and its tributaries drain one of the richest farm areas in the world -They form a 19,000-kilometre system of waterways and serve as important means of transportation. -called “father of waters” and the “old man river” Rivers in U.S.A. Mississippi River Father of all Waters 2. The M



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