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1、浙江大学MBA学位论文 LX水电站冲突管理探析 I 摘摘 要要 中国经济的突飞猛进,归功于中国的基本国策“改革开放”,有改革就有冲 突,有冲突就有可能出现影响企业存亡的危机。冲突的两面性性质,决定了探究 冲突产生的原因及控制和管理是企业管理中一个十分重要的课题。 本文从 LX 水电站因改制所爆发的“3 月冲突事件”出发,对如何进行冲突 分析和冲突管理进行了大量的调查分析,初步构建了冲突分析模型:先从哲学出 发,阐述冲突的定义和发生冲突的必然性;接着分析冲突的主体、成因、周期、 特征和两面性性质;再从力学出发,对冲突所产生的作用力进行静态、瞬态和动 态分析,并根据作用力的性质进行冲突类型分类,归

2、纳出对组织运动产生较大影 响的四种基本冲突类型:组织对个体的引力与个体对组织的斥力的冲突、组织规 范对个体的约束力与个体对组织规范的约束反力的冲突、摩擦性冲突、危机性冲 突;最后,提出组织动力学的观点。 以冲突分析模型为依据,进一步创建了冲突管理理论模型。冲突管理理论模 型, 就是要坚持超前研究、 合作双赢和实事求是的原则, 早日制定冲突处理计划、 实时监控冲突的动态、搭建良好的沟通渠道、建立双赢的共同愿景,引导冲突朝 着有利于组织发展的方向运作既要将冲突所产生的负面影响减少到最低限 度,又要充分利用和开发冲突潜在的正面价值,使改革得以顺利进行。冲突管理 的关键是将组织目标与个人目标结合,满足

3、个人自我实现的需要,进行学习型团 队和企业文化建设,实现冲突管理的最高目标合作双赢。 本文自始至终紧扣 LX 水电站的各种冲突事件管理实践。一是,采用调查和 分析具体的冲突管理实践,来验证和完善冲突分析模型和冲突管理模型的构建; 二是,利用已构建的冲突管理理论为工具,指导 LX 水电站的冲突管理实践,解 决实际问题。但愿能以 LX 水电站的冲突管理实践经验,给其他面临改制、正在 改制的企业、或内外部冲突重重的企业提供参考和借鉴,并从中获益。 主题词:冲突 冲突力学 组织动力学 冲突管理 合作双赢 浙江大学MBA学位论文 LX水电站冲突管理探析 II Abstract China has bee

4、n one of the fastest growing economy countries in the world since its basic national policy-“the reform and opening-door policy”. Conflict is unavoidable in the process of reform and might become a crisis that would affect the survival of enterprises. Due to the duality of the conflict, the research

5、 on the cause of conflict and on conflict control and supervising becomes a very important topic in management theory and practice. The dissertation begins with the March conflict event” in LX hydroelectric power station which was caused by the economic structural reform of the company, takes effort

6、s to carry on the massive diagnosis on how to analyze and manage the conflicts, and conceives the theoretical model of conflict analysis initially. Firstly, the dissertation brings out the definition of conflict and the inevitability of occurrence of conflict in the perspective of philosophy, follow

7、ed by analyses on subject, cause, cycle, features and duality of conflict. And then through static, transient and dynamic analyses on forces generated by conflict, in terms of mechanics, four fundamental types of conflict with great influence on organizational dynamics: conflict between gravitation

8、of an organization on individuals and repulsion of individuals to the organization, conflict between organizational norms constraints on individuals and forces of individuals against organizational norms constraints, organizational “friction” conflict and emergency conflict are identified. Moreover,

9、 theoretical model of conflict management is proposed on the basis of organization dynamism theory. Furthermore, the conflict management theoretical model is founded on the basis of the conflict analysis model. The conflict management theoretical model based on the three principles of the studies in

10、 advance, double-win mechanism of cooperation and being practical and realistic, is used to make conflict develop toward the benefit of organizations in purpose of smooth progress of reform, by both minimizing the negative effect of conflict and utilizing the potential positive value of conflict, th

11、rough pre-scheduling the plan of conflicts management, real-time monitoring of conflict dynamics, building up the communication channel and establishing the prospect of Double-Win. The key of the conflict management is uniting the goal of the organization with the individual goal, to full-fill the n

12、eed of the individual self-development and to construct the studying team-work and the enterprises culture. According to that, the highest goal of conflict management-Cooperative Double-Win will be realized. The dissertation lays emphasis on the management practice of the conflict events of the LX h

13、ydroelectric power station. At first, to confirm and consummate the conflict analysis model and the constructing of the conflict management theoretical model by the investigating and analyzing the concrete conflict management practice of the power-station; then, to solve the real problem in the mana

14、gement and instruct the management practice of the power station by the constructed conflict management theoretical model. The article takes the LX hydroelectric power station conflict management experience as an example, hope to provide the reference or give the guide to other enterprises which are facing up the reform, carrying on the reform, or meeting with external & internal conflicts. Key words:Conflict Forces Generated by Conflict Organization DynamismTheory. Conflicts Management Cooperative Double-Win 浙江大学MBA学位论文 LX水电站冲突管理探析 III 目目 录录 摘 要 . I Abstract.II 目 录 .



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