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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 J县共青团组织绩效管理研究 姓名:李泱泱 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:工商管理 指导教师:张金隆 20090427 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I 摘 要 摘 要 公共组织谋求公共管理的高效率和对公众负责是经济全球化、市场化与政治民 主化发展趋势的必然结果, 也是东西方国家新公共管理运动 (new public management movement)的共同目标。实践表明,在党政部门中推行绩效管理、实施绩效考核是 实现流程再造、构建绩效型部门的有效途径。 共青团作为群团组织,团干部参照公务员管理,其管

2、理模式既与其他身份公务 员有共同之处,又具有其本身的特殊性。研究符合共青团工作特点的管理方法,为 更好的服务青年,发挥党与青年之间的桥梁作用具有现实意义。本文在系统阐述绩 效管理理论和方法的基础上,以 J 县团组织为例分析了基层团组织目前管理现状, 并深入分析了不足和原因;针对管理中出现的问题,提出了建立 J 县共青团绩效管 理系统的实施方案,寻求建立导入目标管理法的绩效管理系统,包括树立组织目标、 建立绩效指标、布置绩效计划,并结合运用层次分析法(AHP)确立绩效指标权重模 型,对绩效结果的应用提出可供参考的办法;最后在对团组织推行新型绩效管理方 法的过程中可能遇到的障碍进行分析并提出实施对

3、策,使本文提出的共青团组织绩 效管理方法更加切实可行。通过深入研究我国地方团组织绩效管理的实践经验,探 索构建一套适合我国国情的地方团组织绩效管理体系的操作方法,对于深化党政部 门绩效管理理论研究、拓展党政部门管理创新理论等具有重要的理论价值,同时, 对于树立和落实科学发展观和正确政绩观、由共青团组织实践绩效管理从而提升地 方党政部门管理绩效、推进党政部门管理创新具有重要的理论和实践意义。 关键词:关键词:绩效管理 共青团组织 群团组织管理 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract It had become the

4、 development trend for the public organization to pursue the management high efficient and perform the social responsibilities as the inevitable result of the economic globalization, commercialization and the political democratization, and it is also the common objectives of the new public managemen

5、t movement. Practice shows that to carry out performance management and implement performance evaluation in the government departments is the effective way in process reengineering and effective department construction. The Communist Youth League is a communist organization, which refers to the mana

6、gement mode of civil officers. The management mode is applies has some common characters with other identities, and it also has its own particularity. There is practical significance to research on the management method satisfied with the communist youth leagues working characteristics, in order to

7、provide better service and construct the communication bridge between the youth and Community Party. Based on the systematic explanation of the performance management theories and methods, by taking the example of the communist youth league of J district, this paper analyze its present management si

8、tuation, and further explored its disadvantages and the reasons; Towards the problems existed in the management process, it suggested the practical plan for constructing the communist Youth Leagues performance management system, seek to establish the performance management system that applying the O

9、bjective Management Approach, including the establishment of organizational goal, the construction of performance index, the arrangement of performance plan, and ensure the performance index weight model by applying the AHP approach, that also provide a reference method for the performance evaluatio

10、n results application, and finally it analyzes the probable obstacles in the new process of implementing the new performance management method and put forward the 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III countermeasures in this paper, which makes the communist youth league organizations p

11、erformance management method proposed in this paper become more feasible.Through the in-depth study of the local paper performance management experience, established a set of suitable for Chinas national conditions of local enhance performance management system for deepening the operating methods, p

12、erformance management theory research and development department of government management innovation theory is of important theoretical value, and at the same time, to establish and implement the scientific development concept and the norm, the communist youth league organizations practical performa

13、nce management so as to enhance the local party and government departments, and performance management department management innovation has important theoretical and practical significance. It has a significant theoretical significance for deepening the government departments performance management

14、research, enhancing the management innovation to conduct the in-depth study the practical experience of the local communist organization and construct a suit of performance management system that is suitable for our country, meanwhile, it also has importance practical significant for the establishme

15、nt of scientific concept of development and correct political performance value, and promotion of the local governments performance management effectiveness to enhance the department management innovation. Keywords: Performance management Communist youth league Public organization management 独创性声明独创

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