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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 天线小型化用Co2Z铁氧体材料的制备及特性研究 姓名:向程程 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:微电子学与固体电子学 指导教师:聂彦;冯则坤 2011-01 I 摘摘 要要 随着通信向高频方向发展以及近年来高速数字集成电路的快速发展,各种电子 设备的工作频率越来越高,尺寸越来越小,因此如何实现器件的高频化和小型化已 成为相关科技工作者们的重要研究课题。天线作为通信系统中信号的出口与入口, 无疑是该系统中至关重要的器件之一,因此在器件高频化和小型化的发展背景下, 研制能与小型化设备相适应的小型化天线的要求日益强烈。 Co2Z 六角铁氧体具有起 始磁导率高、品质因数高、热稳定性

2、好等优良的软磁性能,成为一种具有较好应用 前景的微波频段介质天线用软磁铁氧体材料。 本文以 Co2Z 六角晶系铁氧体为研究对象,分别研究了缺铁配方、制备工艺参 数、Sr 掺杂等因素对材料物相结构、微观形貌、电磁性能的影响规律。研究表明, 在一磨时间 2.5h,预烧温度 1240/2.5h,二磨时间 3h,烧结温度 1050/3.5h 的优 化工艺条件下, Co2Z 六角晶系铁氧体的电磁性能有明显的提高; 随着缺铁量的增加, 样品的磁导率先升高后下降,缺铁量 y=10.4 时,在 1GHz 处相对磁导率有最大值约 等于 7,饱和磁化强度 Ms 随着缺铁量的增加而减小,而矫顽力随着缺铁量的增加 先

3、减小再略微增大;随着 Sr 取代量的增加,样品的磁导率先增大后减小,Sr 掺杂 量 x=0.3 的样品,在频率为 1GHz 时,r达到 7.5,r低于 0.4;饱和磁化强度 Ms 随着取代量的增加而增大,而矫顽力随着取代量的增加先略微减小再增大,取代量 x=0.4 与 x=0.8 时,矫顽力分别达到最小值为 68.11Oe 与最大值为 176.59Oe。 将该材料应用于 1GHz 微带贴片天线的基板材料,经过仿真分析发现,制备的 缺铁配方和 Sr 取代的 Co2Z 六角晶系铁氧体电磁性能符合介质贴片天线应用要求。 与常规电介质贴片天线相比,磁性材料天线不仅在尺寸上有较大程度的缩减,而且 具有更

4、好的阻抗匹配特性,即能够展宽工作频带。前期研究表明,Co2Z 铁氧体材料 是一种很好的备选基板材料,能有效实现微带天线的小型化和高频化。 关键词:关键词:Co2Z 缺铁配方 Sr 掺杂 微波贴片天线 电磁性能 II Abstract With the development of high-frequency communication and high-speed digital integrated-circuits in recent years, the frequency of various electrical devices becomes higher and the siz

5、es get smaller. So how to enhance the working frequency and achieve reduce miniaturization has become an important research topic for related scientific researchers. As the exports and imports of signals in communication system, antenna is undoubtedly one of the critical components in the system. Th

6、erefore, the requirements of developing small antennas for small devices are getting increasingly strong. Co2Z hexaferrite with high initial permeability, high quality factor and excellent thermal stability is a ferrite material illustrating a good application prospect for microwave patch antennas.

7、In this paper preparation of iron deficiency formulation, Co2Z hexagonal ferrite preparation technology parameters and Sr-doped Co2Z hexagonal ferrite have been investigated. The effects of different factors, such as iron formulation, process parameters, on the material phase structure, microstructu

8、re and electromagnetic properties are investigated. Studies have shown that under the optimum conditions with a grinding time of 2.5h, calcining temperature of 1240/2.5h, the second milling time of 3h, sintering temperature of 1050/3.5h, Co 2Z hexagonal ferrite magnetic properties are significantly

9、improved. With the increase of iron deficiency, the relative permeability values of samples firstly increase and then decrease. When the iron content y=10.4, the relative permeability achieves the maximum at 1GHz and is approximately equal to 7. With the amount of iron deficiency increases, the satu

10、ration magnetizations decrease and the coercivity forces decrease firstly and then slightly increase. In terms of Sr doping, with the substitution increase the permeabilities of the samples firstly increase and then decrease. For the sample with Sr doping content x = 0.3, r is equal to 7.5 and r is

11、less than 0.4 at 1GHz; the saturation magnetizations increase with the increasing substitution III content and the coercive forces firstly decrease slightly and then increase. When x=0.4 and x=0.8, the minimum and the maximum of the coercivity force is 68.11Oe and 176.59Oe, respectively. Then the ma

12、terials are used as 1GHz microstrip patch antenna substrate material. Through simulation and analysis with simulation software, we have found that the electromagnetic properties of Co2Z hexagonal ferrite prepared by iron deficient formulation and Sr substitution meet the application requirements of

13、dielectric patch antennas. Magnetic antenna not only has a higher degree of reduction in size but also has better impedance matching characteristics, that is, to achieve greater bandwidth, compareing to conventional dielectric patch antenna. From the simulation results, our previous study of magneti

14、c materials proves that Co2Z magnetic ferrite material is a good alternative substrate material for microstrip antennas and will have a profound influence on the realization of antennas miniaturization and high frequency. Keywords: Co2Z Iron Deficiency Formulations Sr-doping Microstrip Patch Antenna

15、 Electromagnetic Properties 独创性声明独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的 研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人 或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已 在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到,本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借 阅。本人授

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