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1、三峡大学 硕士学位论文 马戏团之夜中狂欢化特征的蕴涵 姓名:王晓玲 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:田祥斌 20090401 II 内 容 摘 要 内 容 摘 要 安吉拉卡特是英国二十世纪颇具影响力的女性主义作家。杰夫范德米尔曾称 赞卡特是二十世纪当之无愧的,最具创造性的作家,她的独特风格无人可比。魔幻现 实主义、荒诞派小说、科幻小说、哥特小说、女性主义、后现代主义都可指涉其作品, 但皆不足以涵盖其全部,除了超现实主义,没有任何一种文体始终贯穿于她的整个创 作体系。她在 1992 年辞世时,留给了后人一笔颇为可观的文学遗产:九部长篇小说, 三部短篇小说集,四部童话集,两卷报刊

2、撰文和一本极具争议的文论集萨德般的女 人 。 小说马戏团之夜是卡特的经典著作之一。此书一经出版即引起国内外评论界 的关注。许多研究者和评论家从女性主义,魔幻现实主义,小说复杂的主题思想等多 种角度对这本书进行了详细的解读。批评方法的多样性,切入角度的多元化体现了小 说自身的包容性。然而,很少有人把安吉拉卡特的小说马戏团之夜与巴赫金的 狂欢化特征联系起来,并且从这个角度进行分析。 巴赫金是 20 世纪俄国最具创造性同时也是最具争议性的思想家,他的狂欢化理 论曾经引起广泛争论,将其应用于文学文本的批评和解读的努力也不鲜见。本文利用 巴赫金的狂欢化理论对马戏团之夜进行了重新解读,试图向人们揭示蕴涵在

3、作品 中的深刻的狂欢化特征。 该文分为五个章节。第一章为引言,包括对作家及其主要作品的介绍,对马戏 团之夜相关评论的总结。 第二章简要介绍了巴赫金的生活经历和他的狂欢化理论的三个重要概念:狂欢, 狂欢式,狂欢化。狂欢既是一种对世界的感受,又是一种语言和具体的文学样式。而 狂欢式意指一切狂欢节的庆贺、仪礼等形式的总和。它包括身体的亲昵接触,插科打 浑,俯就和粗鄙。狂欢式转为文学的语言,这就是我们所谓的狂欢化。狂欢节文化在 整个官方世界的彼岸建立了第二世界和第二生活,以此作为一种反叛的姿态,与官方 生活形成对峙。狂欢化了的文学作品同样具有挑战传统的刻板的文学样式的功能。 第三章是本文的主要章节,解

4、读了小说中充溢着的狂欢精神。即:颠覆精神,平 等精神和乌托邦精神。 第四章探讨了小说中的狂欢大众。这些狂欢大众由成对的形象、小丑形象以及狂 欢广场组成。 最后一章是本文结论部分,作者对全文进行了综述,充分肯定了马戏团之夜 中渗透的狂欢成分。巴赫金的狂欢化理论和卡特的马戏团之夜之间存在一种无意 III 识的理论和实践的关系。狂欢化理论为马戏团之夜提供了理论基础,而马戏团 之夜反之证实了狂欢化理论在文学创作中的存在性。毫无疑问,卡特是一位女性主 义作家,她对于狂欢化的运用仅仅局限于女性主义的批判范围以内,但正是因为在小 说马戏团之夜中狂欢化的运用,才使得她的女性主义思想有了更积极的含义。 关键词:

5、狂欢化理论关键词:狂欢化理论 狂欢化特征狂欢化特征 巴赫金巴赫金 安吉拉卡特安吉拉卡特 马戏团之夜马戏团之夜 IV ABSTRACT Angela Carter (1940-92) is a famous feminist novelist of last century. Jeff VanderMeer concludes that Angela Carter, undoubtedly, is a 20th Century original. No matter what one thinks of her writing, no one can argue that she is ever

6、 less than unique. Magic realism, Surrealism, Fantasy, Science fiction, Gothic, Feminism, Post-modernismall of these categories apply, and yet all are one-dimensional in their application to Carter; none of them, with the possible exception of surrealism, encompass the full spectrum of her accomplis

7、hments. Angela Carter left behind an impressive literary legacy when she died in 1992: nine novels, three collections of short stories, four collections of childrens stories, two collections of journalism and one controversial critical essayThe Sadeian Womanthe most relevant to an appreciation of he

8、r novels. Nights at the circus is one of Carters masterpiece. The publication of the novel quickly catches the critical attentions at home and abroad. A lot of researchers and critics have made the detailed analysis of this book from the perspective of feminism, magical realism, its complex themes,

9、etc. The diverse approaches and pluralistic perspectives of criticism reflect the inclusive nature of the novel itself. However, few have ever proposed theoretical connections between Angela Carters Nights at the Circus and carnival features and given critical analysis in this line. Bakhtin is argua

10、bly the most original and yet the most misunderstood Russian thinker of the 20th century. His carnival theory, though greatly controversial,has been applied to the analysis of varied literary texts ever since its creation. The thesis tries a new interpretation with Bakhtins carnival theory to uncove

11、r the profound carnival features in the novel. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is a brief introduction to the author and her main works, and a review of critics studies on the book Nights at the Circus. Chapter 2 briefly introduces Bakhtins life and the three key terms of his car

12、nival theory: carnival, carnivalesque and carnivalization. Carnival is both a general sense of the world and of language and a specific literary form. Carnivalesque is the carnivalizing of normal life. It includes familiar contact with people, parody, degradation and debasing, and so on. Carnivaliza

13、tion refers to the process of transforming carnivalesque into literary forms. Meant by its broadest sense, it is essentially a rebellious form of literature. Chapter 3 is the main part of this thesis; it approaches Nights at the Circus from the V angle of carnivalesque spirit of the world: the spiri

14、t of subversion, equality and utopia. Chapter 4 is the study of the carnival collective alive in the novel, including the paired-images, the carnival clowns and the carnival square . The last chapter is the conclusion, the writer sums up the major points of the whole thesis and affirms that Nights a

15、t the Circus is a carnivalized novel and Bakhtins theory and Carters practice on carnival is in a corresponding relationship. Carters Nights at the Circus presents for Bakhtins theory an exemplification, while Bakhtin in turn lends Carter a theoretical basis for fiction. Without question, Carter is a feminist writer that she frames her use of the carnivalesque within a feminist critique of it, but the use of the carnivalesque in Nights at the Circus somehow lends her feminism a more positive note. Key Words: carnival theory, carnival features, Bakhtin, Angela Ca


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