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1、A2A3 第 27 期 适用于人教版高二新课标 动力版副主编: 顾玉婉责编: 朱冬梅美编: 杨 颖一审: 马天石二审: 张华程外籍编审: William 适用于人教版高二新课标 动力版 第 27 期适用于人教版高二新课标 动力版 第 27 期 Book 7 Unit 1 深入课堂 I. 根据课文内容选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(每 小题 1 分) 1. Which of the following words can best describe Marty? A. Smart and negative. B. Positive and outgoing. C. Clumsy and sill

2、y. D. Positive and impolite. 2. The main reason why some children in Marty s primary school sometimes laugh at him is that _. A. he doesn t look any different from other people but he is too weak B. children don t know what kind of disease Marty has C. he can t write or do computer programming D. ch

3、ildren havedifficultyin communicating with Marty 3. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. Marty always feels sorry for his terrible disease B. Marty gets good marks in his studies though he has disability C. Marty becomes more independent because of his disability D. Marty wrote the story t

4、o tell people how serious his disability is II. 根据课文内容填空。(每空 1.5 分) Marty Fielding was as normal as everyone else until the age of ten, 1._ he suffered from a muscle disease. Due 2._ the disease, Marty is very weak and clumsy. What s worse, doctors don t know neither the name of the disease nor the

5、cures for it. Marty 3._ (make) fun of by other children when he was in primary school. In addition, he felt stupid as a result of his long 4._ (absent) from school. His life is a lot 5._ (easy) at high school because his fellow students have accepted him. In spite of his disease, Marty enjoys writin

6、g and computer programming. His ambition is 6._(work) for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up. As well as 7. _ (go) to the movies and football matches with his friends, Marty spends some time looking after his pets. Therefore, Marty has a very busy life with no time to feel sorry

7、 for 8._. As far as Marty s concerned, his strange disease has helped him grow stronger 9._(psychological) and become more independent in many ways. He wishes we healthy people could accept the 10._(disable), respect them and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as we do. 郑艳萍 (供稿)

8、 (本版参考答案见下期) (Step 6、 Step 7 见 A4 版) 第 27 期 适用于人教版高二新课标 动力版副主编: 顾玉婉责编: 朱冬梅美编: 杨 颖一审: 马天石二审: 张华程外籍编审: William IV.根据本单元所学的语法内容, 用括号中所给单词的 正确形式填空。(每小题 1 分) 1. Theparkwarnedvisitors_ (throw) rubbish everywhere, or they would be punished. 2. DrZhangisconsidered_ (make) great progress in this field. So ma

9、ny people respect him. 3. The boy, standing in the front of the classroom, didn t know what _(talk) about. 4. Having broken the windows, Robert did nothing but _(apologize) to the owner. 5. Lydia s mother often writes e- mails to her _ (encourage) her _(work) hard. 6. Theprogram_( discuss ) tomorrow

10、 is very important to the company. 7. MrWhitearrivedhomeonly_(find) that he had lost the key. 8. The little girl can t help _(do) the housework because she is doing her homework now. V. 根据汉语提示, 用本单元语法完成句子。(每小题 1 分) 1.我女儿的志向是成为一名优秀的音乐家。 Mydaughtersambitionis_an excellent musician. 2.福特研制了一种不增加成本就能造更多

11、的车的方 法。 Ford developed a way _ more of the cars without increasing the cost. 3.到2024年, 中国或许是世界上唯一一个有太空站 的国家。 China may be the only country in the world _ a space station in service in 2024. 4.在那时, 印刷术让几乎任何人买书成为可能。 The printing press made it possible for almost anyone _ a book. 5.苏珊早就应该交上她的作业了,但她现在还没

12、做 完。 Susan is supposed _ her homework, but she hasnt finished it now. I. 用括号内单词的适当形式填空。(每小题 1 分) 1. According to a new study, depression is the second mostcommoncauseof_(ability) worldwide after back pain. 2. One billion teenagers and young adults around the world risk losing their _ (hear) by liste

13、ning to loud music. 3. It s said that an _ (ambition) project to establish a human colony on Mars has attracted applications from tens of thousands of would- be astronauts. 4. It s terribly_ (noise) living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time. 5. Jack and Lucy are clever and have ri

14、ch experience, so they are _(suit) for the project. II. 请用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空。(每小题 1 分 adapt to; cut out; sit around; as well as; make fun of; deal with 1. _ giving a general introduction to computers, the course provides practical experience. 2. It s bad manners _ the disabled. You should respect and he

15、lp them. 3. If they want to survive in such a terrible condition, they must _ the changes. 4. If not _ properly now, the problem will cause more serious ones. 5. They spent the whole afternoon _ in the park and chatting about something unimportant. 6. Mr. Yang _ the picture of his father from the newspaper and put it in the drawer gently. III. 仿照文中画线部分的句子结构将给出的汉语翻译成 英语。(每小题 2 分) 1. She is proud


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