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1、1 编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 81041508刘老师 印 刷:北京世纪华彩印务有限责任公司地址: 北京大兴区本期定价 0.8 元。 适用于广东名校名师版高三 高考专版 第 27 期 指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远 (中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳 (教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 刘道义 (人教社英语教材主编)特约主编: 肖鹏(广大附中英语特级教师) 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F) 广告许可证号: 220101010014227网址: 2015 年 12 月 25 日 2015-2016 学年度总第 1119 期 27

2、高三 高考专版 适用于广东名校名师版 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自 苦寒来。 英语测试报 祝愿 广大考生金榜题名! 亲爱的同学们: 高中最后一个学期已悄 然开始,最后冲刺的号角已 经吹响, 大家准备好了吗? 本 学期为大家准备了两轮复习 资料。第一轮为高考题型分 项训练 (27- 39 期) , 以高考 试卷中的题型为顺序,分别 为同学们讲解各种题型的特 点、 解题技巧等, 为你们夺取 高分作准备。第二轮复习为 大家精心准备了 13 套高考 模拟题 (40- 52 期) , 依据课 标, 紧扣考纲, 让同学们身临 其境, 切实体验高考。 具体安 排如下: 2015-2016 学年度下学期 编辑计划

3、 A 听说训练 (60 分) 注:“英语听说” 考试最终计入英语科总成绩的分 值 = 卷面成绩 (满分 60 分) 伊0.25, 四舍五入取整数计 分。 Part A: Reading Aloud 模仿朗读(20 分) In this part, you are required to listen to the tape or watch a video clip, and read after the speaker. Inland, the winter snows have gone, revealing a vast treeless wilderness. The male sno

4、wy owl(雪鸟号) is finding plenty of lemmings(旅鼠) to bring to his mate. But they re not just for her. She is brooding their rather scruffy young. She tears the meal into beak- sized chunks that the owlets can swallow whole. Each of them can eat two lemmings a day. The male has no time to rest. Over the

5、course of the summer, he will have to provide his family with over 1, 000 lemmings. The hungry owlets keep the adults working around the clock. Part B: Role Play 角色扮演(16 分) In this part, you are required to act as a role and completethreecommunicativetasks:listentothe conversation, ask three questio

6、ns and then answer five questions. 角色: 你是丈夫 任务 (1) 向 Woman 询问旅游的情况; (2) 根据对话及所给的问题, 回答问题。 1. Please get ready to ask the following three questions in English. Q1: 我们怎么到海边? _ _ A1: Listen to answer1. Q2: 酒店预定好了吗? _ _ A2: Listen to answer2. Q3: 到达海边后, 你打算做什么? _ _ A3: Listen to answer3. 2. Please get r

7、eady to answer the following five questions in English. Q1: Listen to question1. A1: _ Q2: Listen to question2. A2: _ Q3: Listen to question3. A3: _ Q4: Listen to question4. A4: _ Q5: Listen to question5. A5: _ Part C: Story Retelling 故事复述 (24 分) In this part, you are required to listen to a story i

8、n the tape twice, and then retell the story in your own words. 故事情节 1. 父亲买了一些外表难看的石榴; 2. 父亲切开石榴让我了解其内在的美丽; 3. 不能以外表判断人或物。 关键词 pomegranate 石榴;ugly 丑陋的;seed 种子; ruby 红宝石;inside 内在的 B 听说训练 (60 分) 注:“英语听说” 考试最终计入英语科总成绩的分 值 = 卷面成绩 (满分 60 分) 伊0.25, 四舍五入取整数计 分。 Part A: Reading Aloud 模仿朗读(20 分) In this part

9、, you are required to listen to the tape or watch a video clip, and read after the speaker. Musk oxen are immensely (极端地) powerful and their sharp horns can kill. A heavily- armoured (有装甲 的) bull would be an unwise choice. Even two wolves would find it a struggle to bring it down. A calf. Much easie

10、r. The two wolves work together to split (分裂)the herd and isolate (隔离)their victim. It seems that the wolf cubs will at last eat well. But the herd regroups. The cavalry ride to the rescue. The whole herd encircles the calf with a protective wall of horns. For the musk oxen, it s all for one and one

11、 for all. Part B: Role Play 角色扮演(16 分) In this part, you are required to act as a role and completethreecommunicativetasks:listentothe conversation, ask three questions and then answer five questions. 角色: 你是 Man 的朋友 任务: (1) 向 Man 询问他工作的情况; (2) 根据谈论的内容, 回答相关提问。 1. Please get ready to ask the followin

12、g three questions in English. Q1: 你为什么想成为一名记者? _ _ A1: Listen to answer1. Q2: 你了解这个城市吗? _ _ A2: Listen to answer2. Q3: 你的工作时间会很长吗? _ _ A3: Listen to answer3. 2. Please get ready to answer the following five questions in English. Q1: Listen to question1. A1: _ Q2: Listen to question2. A2: _ Q3: Liste

13、n to question3. A3: _ Q4: Listen to question4. A4: _ Q5: Listen to question5. A5: _ Part C: Story Retelling 故事复述 (24 分) In this part, you are required to listen to a story in the tape twice, and then retell the story in your own words. 故事情节 1. Anne Sullivan 小时候被认为是 “疯子” ; 2. 一名老护士帮助并鼓励 Anne Sullivan; 3. Anne Sullivan 用所得到的爱帮助了 Helen Keller。 关键词 mad 疯的; basement 地下室; elderly nurse 上了年纪的护士; encourage 鼓励; candle light 烛光 本版作者 蒋池 (参考答案见本期; 录音材料见下期) A Part B: Role Play Q1: How will we get there? A1: We will get there by car. Thus, we can have eno


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