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1、适用于人教版高一新课标玉卷 综合版 第 27 期 适用于人教版高一 新课标玉卷 综合版 第 27 期 第 27 期 适用于人教版高一新课标玉卷 综合版副主编:顾玉婉责编:朱冬梅美编: 杨 颖一审: 刘金庚二审:李克访外籍编审:William 1 (上接 A1 版) 几分 钟搞 定全班学生阅 卷, 快速获得成 绩统计分析! 扫 扫有惊喜! 01 A B C D21 A B C D41 A B C D 02 A B C D22 A B C D42 A B C D 03 A B C D23 A B C D43 A B C D 04 A B C D24 A B C D44 A B C D 05 A B

2、 C D25 A B C D45 A B C D 06 A B C D26 A B C D46 A B C D 07 A B C D27 A B C D47 A B C D 08 A B C D28 A B C D48 A B C D 09 A B C D29 A B C D49 A B C D 10 A B C D30 A B C D50 A B C D 11 A B C D31 A B C D51 A B C D 12 A B C D32 A B C D52 A B C D 13 A B C D33 A B C D53 A B C D 14 A B C D34 A B C D54 A B

3、C D 15 A B C D35 A B C D55 A B C D 16 A B C D36 A B C D56 A B C D 17 A B C D37 A B C D57 A B C D 18 A B C D38 A B C D58 A B C D 19 A B C D39 A B C D59 A B C D 20 A B C D40 A B C D60 A B C D 01 A B C D E F G 02 A B C D E F G 03 A B C D E F G 04 A B C D E F G 05 A B C D E F G 姓名: 注意: 1. 请使用黑色中性笔填涂 2.

4、36 题至 40 题请填入左下 角特殊填涂区中 3. 请保持答题卡干净整洁 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 特殊填涂说明: 选项超过四个的题目, 请 按题号顺序依次在特殊填涂区 01-05 题中填涂。 主 观 题 得 分 教 师 填 涂 学 号 必 填

5、 试 卷 编 码 必 填 特 殊 填 涂 () 注意: 以下虚线边框内请勿书写任何文字或涂鸦任何图形, 以免导致识别错误。 C难度: Your morning activities may be like this: have breakfast, brush teeth, shower, then head out to start your day. But there s a hidden step in there you may not realize polluting the ocean and endangering sea life while polluting the f

6、ood chain. Microbeads (微珠) are tiny pieces of plastic in our everyday cosmetics (化妆品) that you may have never paid much attention to up until now. From face creams to shower products, there s no escaping them. But while they may help keep our skin and teeth looking good, many kinds of sea life are m

7、istaking the tiny colorful balls for food, ending up with them in their digestive systems(消 化系统). Researchers find pieces of plastic in seawater they study from round the world. What makes this even more worrying is that plastic is known to be excellent at absorbing toxic pollutants (吸收有毒 污 染 物 ) in

8、 water and it is thought that these toxins could be making their way up the food chain and eventually onto our plates. A plate of shellfish could contain up to 50 plastic pieces. A number of countries have announced they will forbid microbeads, including the UK and the US, but campaigners say that m

9、ore still needs to be done to completely wipe out the tiny grains of plastic for good. There re a lot of products containing microbeads like washing products and other household products which might not be forbidden. That makes no sense to us, Fiona Nicholls of Greenpeace UK writes on its website. A

10、fter all, what does a hungry fish care if the microplastic destroying its digestive system has come from a face cream or a washing product? Therearestillsafewaystodealwith microbead- containing products, and for people who decide they don t want to use them any more, they can use some natural object

11、s. 29. We can know that the microbeads _. A. are widely used in daily cosmetics B. are now very popular among young women C. are helpful in protecting the face and body D. can be clearly seen in the supermarkets 30. According to the passage, many kinds of sea life _. A. are kept in big pools B. eat

12、the microbeads for food by mistake C. are trained for people s entertainment D. have been killed by humans on purpose 31. Why are people worried about the plastic at sea? A. Because it hurts many kinds of shellfishes. B. Because it has endangered the safety of humans ships. C. Because it will absorb

13、 toxins and enter our food chain. D. Because it has seriously polluted our drinking water. 32. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. People should protect the environment B. Protecting the ocean is important C. Microbeads in cosmetics are endangering the sea life D. Thereis a new type of human

14、- ocean relationship D难度: It s a time to celebrate our cats! Every day our cat friend gives us love and today is the day to appreciate having them in our lives. From staying together with us late at night to entertaining us, cats warm our hearts every single day! Well, how did National Cat Day ever come abou



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