2018年高考英语一轮复习 module 6 the tang poems 外研版选修8

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1、Module6 TheTangPoems 第一板块块 重点单词单词 1. prove v. 证证明是; 被发现发现 是 (1)prove sth. to sb. 向某人证证明某事 prove that clause 证证明 prove sb. /sth. (to be)+ adj. /n. 证证明某人/某物 prove(to be)+ adj. /n. 证证明是; 结结果是 It is proved that. . . 据证证明 (2)proofn. 证证据 【误误区点拨拨】 prove作及物动词时动词时 , 可跟名词词、代词词或从句作宾宾 语语; prove作系动词时动词时 , 后接形容词词

2、或名词词作表语语, 意 为为“被证证明是”, 但不能用于被动语态动语态 。例如: What he said proves (to be) true. 【即时训练时训练 】完成句子 Being a part-time lawyer, at48. 98 an hour, would _ the most profitable of the “mum jobs”. 做一名兼职职的律师师, 一小时挣时挣 到48. 98英镑镑, 被发现发现 是 “妈妈职业妈妈职业 ”中最有利可图图的。 prove to be _TV programs of violence have a bad influence o

3、n children. 事实证实证 明, 暴力电视节电视节 目对对儿童(的成长长)有不良影响。 It is proved that 【知识识拓展】常用系动词动词 分类类: 表状态态: be(am, is, are) 表持续续: keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand 表似乎: seem, appear 表感官: feel, smell, sound, taste, look 表变变化: become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run 表终终止: prove 2. share v. 分享; 共享 n. 一份; 份额额;

4、股份 (1)share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物 share in sth. 分享/分摊摊某物 share sth. among/between在之间间分享/分配某物 (2)have/take a share in (doing) sth. 参与(做)某事 (3)sharern. 分享者, 分担者, 参与者 【即时训练时训练 】介词词填空 Its great to share _ other peoples happiness. Many cultures also celebrate birthdays and marriages with cakes that are c

5、ut and shared _ the guests. in among 3. approve v. 同意; 赞赞成; 批准 (1)approve of 赞赞成/同意 (2)approvaln. 赞赞成; 同意 meet with ones approval获获得某人批准 win/earn ones approval取得某人的同意/赞赞成 with/without ones approval经过经过 /未经经某人的批准/同 意 (3)approving adj. 赞赞成的, 满满意的 【即时训练时训练 】单单句语语法填空 It is hardly surprising that part of

6、 their self-respect comes from the _(approve) of others. Though not everyone approved _ the new dance, the dance did find enough supporters to make it popular. approval of 句式升级级 大约约只有10%的学生赞赞同这这个主意。 Only approximately 10% of the students _ the idea. 黄金周应该应该 被取消。 The Golden Week holiday _. approve of

7、 should be abolished 用同位语语从句合并上面两个句子: _ _ _ Only approximately 10% of the students approve of the idea that the Golden Week holiday should be abolished. 4. cater v. 满满足需求; 迎合; 提供饮饮食 cater for 满满足要求; 迎合; 供应应食物 cater to/for 迎合; 投合 【即时训练时训练 】完成句子 The restaurant will continue to _ all the guests during

8、the spring festival. 在春节节期间该间该 餐厅厅将继续为继续为 所有的客人承办办酒席。 cater for To _ different tastes and interests among the audience, TV producers are launching a series of TV programmes. 为为了迎合观观众的不同品位和兴兴趣爱爱好, 电视电视 制片人正 推出一系列的电视节电视节 目。 cater to/for 第二板块块 常考短语语句式 1. correspond with与通信; 和相一致; 相符合 (1)correspond v. 符

9、合, 一致; 相应应; 通信 correspond to 符合; 相当; 相似 (2)correspondencen. 通信; 一致; 符合 in correspondence with 与通信联联系; 与一致 (3)corresponding adj. 相当的, 一致的; 通信的 【即时训练时训练 】写出黑体部分的含义义 The governor of a state has great power, but he or she may not belong to a corresponding economic class. ( ) 相应应的, 对应对应 的 The angrier we

10、are, the more likely we are to move towards the object of our anger. This corresponds to what psychologists refer to as offensive anger. ( ) If students in your country are interested in corresponding with Turkish students in English, please tell them to write to my address. ( ) 符合, 相当, 相似 与某人通信 2.

11、take hold of 抓住 get hold of 抓住, 得到 hold back阻止, 抑制, 隐瞒隐瞒 , 踌躇 hold on坚坚持, 不挂断电话电话 ; 请请稍候 hold onto抓紧紧; 抓住不放; 保持住 hold up举举起; 阻挡挡; 拦拦截 【即时训练时训练 】完成句子 As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can _ concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. 作为为一名草根歌手, 她读读了她能得到的所有有关音乐乐 的东

12、东西, 利用一切机会提高自己。 get/take hold of She struggled to _ her tears while describing what she experienced in the earthquake. 描述在地震中的经历时经历时 , 她努力忍住不让让眼泪流下来。 hold back 【知识识拓展】由“take+n. +of”构成的短语还语还 有: take advantage of利用 take charge of接管, 负责负责 take place of代替 take account of重视视; 考虑虑到 take notice of注意到, 留意 t

13、ake notes of作笔记记; 记录记录 3. _ people could see me inside. 要是人们们能看到我的内心世界就好了。 (1)if only用于表达强烈的愿望, 意为为“但愿, 要是 就好了”, 用来引导导虚拟拟句, 或单单独成句或充当虚拟拟条 件句。 (2)表示与现现在或将来事实实相反时时, if only从句中的谓谓 语动词语动词 用一般过过去时时或could/might/would+动词动词 原形; 表示与过过去事实实相反用过过去完成时时。 If only 【即时训练时训练 】完成句子 If only I _ and reset my goals. 要是我能

14、回到从前重新设设定我的目标标就好了。 _ slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever, then I would be happier. 要是我更苗条些、漂亮些、富有些、聪聪明些, 那么 我会更幸福。 could go back If only I were 【知识识拓展】 only if表示“只要, 只有”, 用于引导导条件状语语从句, 不用于虚拟语拟语 气。当only if位于句首且与主句之间间没 有标标点符号分隔时时, 主句要用部分倒装。例如: *Only if all the countries in the world learn to

15、respect each other can we expect a lasting peace. 只有世界上所 有国家都学会了彼此尊重, 我们们才能期望有永久的和平 。 【要点拾遗遗】 1. caution v. 警告 n. 小心, 谨谨慎; 警告, 告诫诫 (1)caution sb. not to do sth. /caution sb. against doing sth. 警告某人不要做某事 with caution小心地, 慎重, 留心 (2)cautious adj. 小心的, 谨谨慎的 be cautious about sth. 留心; 谨谨防 【即时训练时训练 】单单句语语法


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